Žalgiris to receive new shareholder: IT / News giant to invest


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Kaunas “Žalgiris” should admit a new member to its organization in the near future. 24sek.lt journalists Donatas Urbonas and Rokas Pakėnas announce that Tomas Okmanas should be one of the co-owners and founders of the company Tesonet.

Triples released this season

It is reported that Paulius Motiejūnas, the main shareholder of Žalgiris, intends to sell about 25 percent. own actions.

Motiejūnas will continue to be the main shareholder of the Kaunas club, with 50 percent. team actions. The remaining 25 percent. part of the team belongs to Arvydas Sabonis.

Tesonet is the largest information technology company in the Baltic countries and employs more than 1,400 people. workers.

Tesonet, which has opened 12 offices in Vilnius and one in Kaunas, London and Amsterdam, focuses on the international market and covers more than 80 countries around the world.

This year, the 33-year-old Okman was voted Best General Manager of the Year by Verslo žinios, and Žalgiris signed a cooperation agreement with Tesonet for the 2019-2020 season.

Žalgiris’ planned budget for the 2020-2021 season was 9.7 million. but the second wave of the pandemic opened more than 2 million euros. euro hole. It was planned to collect this amount from ticket sales.

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And where is the participation of the municipality because I remember how much the municipality had to have the shares and did you know that they did not sell all the shares badly?


here’s news) looks long and the ruff fell off the shabans. Oh, and Pauliukas may inadvertently get awkward spec questions, which the pocket director of that time throws away managed to buy Volody’s Žalgiris with the right to manage the arena)


Whatever the information on this, so is its transparency, zero. An information failure. It’s fun to share not yours where an unclear mystic was created how value can be valued Just the opium people. Your property is zero, the guarantors provide the city, you can earn money. It’s terrible for Timothy when all his deals are made.


No one will change the name from Žalgiris to Tesonet, BUT I wouldn’t be surprised if Žalgiris Arena changed its name to Tesonet Arena 🙂


Go to smelinuk you are niralized


What types of investments are you talking about here? An investment is when you receive money and after a year there is a profit. Basketball, as it was less, will be. There will be a couple million for free, buy some better players and so on. There will be at least something wrong, debt again and cheaper players next year. Come, rich man, play basket keeper and so on.


Here I see that most of them don’t get caught up in business. Full of current entrepreneurs, they bought litas / euro companies that had many debts and did millions of business with them … What prohibits you from buying companies with debts and remembering responsibility? Motiejūnas saved Žalgiris with Sabonis, and are you still surprised that he owns 3/4 of the shares? Do not catch him in business, hide him under the leaves .. Also, the sand is not his, but Žalgiris … And the new shareholder is not among the richest people, because Tesonet does not officially publish his value. your companies and contacts … A CRUEL GOOD STEP DM!


very good news in that case!


12 offices in Vilnius, but will be one of the shareholders of Žalgiris. It only shows that Žalgiris can attract people from the capital with his work and that they are more interested in supporting the best Lithuanian team. , here is a great investment for both parties.


a couple of lemons. super

Dick cock

Neskleisk heresy, rugpieni you


Actually, Motiejun handles zalgiris well, and if the damn virus hadn’t been sold again, everything was fine here.


Since when did Motiejun become a Z shareholder? and why can he sell kazka when he got kazkodel for free? and Motiejunas has already become the owner of the Zalgiris Arena, is it unrealistically revolving, a municipality that is the biggest supporter in the distribution of the money of all the residents of Kaunas who are no longer shareholders or gave part to Motiejunas?


What is sapalia? Where did you find out that Zalgiris was received in vain? More domekis than vomk and ether.

Opapapa is here a person rich in good news on a very special topic, especially in such a difficult time


Is Motiejūnas the owner of Žalgiris?

I go

Can you tell me how Motiejun has a 50 percent stake in the club without investing his money?


You needed the Zalgiri at the time you were 10 million in debt to take it and you would get it (75 percent).


A great Christmas gift for all fans. Motiejun works fabulously. It is no coincidence that he has been called one of the best coaches in Europe in recent years.


It is important not to name the Kaunas team “Tesonet”, as some Spanish teams like to change their names every other season due to sponsors or shareholders.


Seip del motiejuno is really strange. Bo and communicates everywhere that there is a DIRECTOR and not the owner (go to zalgiris.lt) Motiejunas is probably the second in Brazauskiene, only instead of the hotel the sand was obtained


He is a director and administrator of shares.


Sure, the silly question … but does Sabonis invest at least a little bit in zalgiri because a person with 25% of the shares … according to everything I must contribute or silly and I don’t understand anything?


Yes, you are stupid … You can have a stake but not invest anything in the team if you find a sponsor.


For me this is the biggest impact … that Motiejun was gifted by Zalgiri and the arena … that somehow sold the donated shares, no wonder, because if it is a more difficult time for the club like now he has no money to invest in the club … there were quite a few options, but they all kept most of his shares which is the fact that he didn’t want it … he chose this option … he just danced for me. ..


Nobody took more. And Motiejūnas (provided there are no Romanovs left) took over and organized it.


There is nothing serious about the hole being created after the absence of spectators.


The fact that those stakeholders don’t bring in millions. He is, for example, owned by Paleičikas of 200 million, and he wanted to invest several hundred thousand in the morning.

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