Ž. Pavilionis admitted that he was not careful, but did not hurt Lithuania.


Although Ž. The pavilion has repeatedly pointed out that the search in public space should not be taken seriously, that it is only an informational provocation initiated by the Kremlin’s special services;

“I am sorry if my words, even if they are false, offended someone,” the URK president told Seimas members.

“I admit, I wasn’t careful enough, which is a good, if painful, lesson for me. I hope we all learn from this and, just like me, it won’t happen to anyone in Lithuania anymore, ”Ž said. Pavilionis, emphasizing that everything he said during the attack called “deep fake” is not authentic and that all available content was installed in accordance with the wishes of the authors who provoked it.

“In a state governed by the rule of law, those false conversations recorded without my consent should not be taken seriously, that the official comments on their content, whether he has spoken well or badly,” he said.

In the fake conversation, Ž., Who received the most criticism for his comments against the president. The flag also justified the fact that in a democratic state it is not appropriate to condemn opinions. Apparently requesting the opposition, which is seeking his resignation as president of the CEC, Ž. The pavilion asked to be judged on their works, not their beliefs.

“In a democratic state, each of us has the right to have his own views, as well as the right to criticism, including criticism from the highest Lithuanian officials. I hope that I will not be exempted here and will not be censored or punished for my political opinions. I would like to leave to the voters the decision on my convictions as a politician and a member of the Seimas and the evaluation of my activities, “said the politician, who until recently accused G. Nausėda of usurping the functions of representation of Lithuania in the European Council.

He does not believe that he has harmed Lithuanian foreign policy: he intends to prepare for further attacks

Ž. According to Pavilionis, he does not believe that it has hurt Lithuanian foreign policy:

“I am convinced that I, as the president of the CEC, have not done any harm to the interests of Lithuania, much less, as some say, have underestimated Lithuania. All my efforts are aimed at strengthening Lithuania’s foreign policy. The unity of Lithuania’s foreign policy should not be based on pre-agreed preparations, but on acting in one direction, perhaps with slightly different attitudes and temperaments, ”he said.

“I hope we learn from this story – I will gain more caution, and all of us – we will be no less democratic and attentive to possible provocations, and if they are successful, we will react strongly.” To this end, we will organize a meeting of the Seimas members who work on foreign policy and security and defense issues with our intelligence representatives in order to prepare for future attacks, which I believe will continue to attack us, “he added.

ELTA remembers that Ž. The pavilion was criticized after Russian provocateurs, known by the nicknames Vovan and Lexus, released a video in which Kremlin opposition activist L. Volkov spoke about foreign policy. Pavilion. At the end of the edited record, Ž. Pavilionis urges the interlocutor not to pay attention to President G. Nausėdas on foreign policy issues, which is only “symbolic”. It is Ž. Pavilionis’ statements received the most attention in the Lithuanian public space.

“You don’t pay attention (…). The prime minister thinks like me. The Foreign Minister thinks like me, we are the largest party, we have a parliamentary republic and the president is just a symbol, “said Ž. In a conversation about the search for democracy in Russia. Pavilion.

The Seimas opposition “collected censorship signatures in Ž. Pavilion

At the initiative of the faction of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants (LVŽS), signatures were collected on mistrust towards the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas Ž. Pavilion. According to the farmers of the Seimas, the collection of signatures began after Ž. Pavilionis gave a scandalous interview to Russian propagandists, in which he was not even convinced with whom he was communicating, revealed the strategic principles and objectives of Lithuanian diplomacy to these individuals, and sought to minimize the role of the head of state in foreign policy.

The opposition faction of the Seimas Labor Party also believes that Ž. The flag can no longer chair the Foreign Affairs Committee.

For Ž. Pavilionis actions – appeal to the Seimas Board

On Tuesday, the Social Democrats addressed the Seimas Board of Directors and the Seimas Conference of Elders “about Ž. Repeated actions of the flag causing damage to Lithuania ”.

Social Democrats have many questions about Ž. The professionalism of the pavilion’s behavior and its suitability to serve as president of the CEC.

„Permanent Ž. Pavilionis’ public comments during the country and during overseas diplomatic visits on Lithuanian President G. Nausėda and his constitutional powers raise many questions about Ž. Intentions of the flag. The regularity of such actions gives the impression of a well thought out strategy, ”Algirdas Sysas, the leader of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) faction in the Seimas, said on Tuesday.

The presidency of Ž. Pavilion’s statements were disappointing

The presidency says that despite the fact that the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas Ž. The flag has fallen into the trap of Russian provocateurs, and its theses on the president do not appear to have been cut.

This in no way excludes the content of the conversation, which has probably not been distorted, as it is very similar to the dictionary of the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately, that content is a bit disappointing, ”Asta Skaisgirytė, the president’s foreign policy adviser, told LRT Radio last week.

The CEC president’s statements were evaluated by I. Šimonytė and G. Landsbergis

According to Chancellor Gabrielius Landsbergis, this conversation can only be seen as a provocation.

“The content of this conversation can only be unequivocally evaluated: it is a manipulative provocation, the victim of which can become any Lithuanian politician. I trust Žygimantas Pavilionis, and the fact that he has been targeted for provocation seems to show that his work and initiatives are annoying, unfavorable for the Kremlin, and the voice of Lithuania is heard in the world and extremely irritates the eastern regimes. ” G. said in a comment sent to Elta on Wednesday. Landsbergis.

Meanwhile, the head of government Ingrida Šimonytė said on Wednesday that this is a good lesson for all politicians. According to her, at considerable risk of provocation, Lithuanian politicians must be sure who they are talking to.

“I think the lesson for all politicians is that when you talk to interlocutors, you have to be sure who you are talking to. Especially considering that there is a risk of provocations due to the strict position of the Republic of Lithuania and individual authorities and politicians. , for example, regarding the Kremlin regime or the Lukashenko regime, ”said I. Šimonytė.

I. Šimonytė did not strictly evaluate Ž. Pavilionis’ remarks in a secretly recorded and extracted conversation about President Gitan Nauseda.

“There are all kinds of comments from politicians, among themselves and on situations. I do not want to comment on the text, which I did not have the opportunity to hear,” said the Prime Minister.

After a week urging Žygimantas Pavilionis to resign as chairman of the Seimas Foreign Affairs Commission (URK), the Social Democrats addressed the Seimas Board of Directors and the Seimas Conference of Elders on Tuesday “regarding Ž . Repeated actions of the flag causing damage to Lithuania ”. The appeal asks for an assessment of the whole series of actions by the Spokesperson of Seimas URK: during his visit to Sakartvele, who “possibly opposed the local political forces and, therefore, did not help but damaged the mediation in the political conflict” ; his comments on the president’s status, “which damage Lithuania’s international image”; he is also asked to assess “the possible confusion between public and private interests when, during a mission to Berlin, Mr. Pavilionis participated in his wedding ceremony.”

Social Democrats have many questions about Ž. The professionalism of the pavilion’s behavior and its suitability to serve as president of the CEC.

„Permanent Ž. Pavilionis’ public comments at home and during overseas diplomatic visits about Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda and his constitutional powers raise many questions about Ž. Intentions of the flag. The regularity of such actions gives the impression of a well thought out strategy, ”says Algirdas Sysas, the senior of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) faction in the Seimas.

The Social Democrats asked the president of the Seimas URK to resign as early as February this year, when he went on a diplomatic mission to Sakartvele Ž. The pavilion signified personal positions, supporting one of the opposite sides. According to the Social Democrats, Ž. Pavilionis’ behavior damaged relations between Lithuania and Sakartvelas.

“Please evaluate if the listed actions are compatible with Ž. Pavilion is the current president of the URK, therefore if Ž. The pavilion can continue to occupy these positions of responsibility, which are very important for the international prestige of Lithuania ”, said the Social Democrats in their appeal to the leadership of the Seimas.

ELTA has already announced that the peasants and “workers” of the Seimas are collecting signatures out of mistrust towards Ž. Pavilion.

According to Agnė Širinskienė, vice president of the Seimas, according to the Statute of the Seimas, a statement signed by 1/5 of the members of the Seimas and presented to the president of the Seimas initiates the procedure of dismissal of the chairman of the committee due to lack of trust. “This procedure is always the last resort in politics when other measures are exhausted. Both the president of LVŽS Ramūnas Karbauskis and the presidents of other opposition parties called Ž. He takes advantage of the pavilion to assume responsibility and withdraw from the commission chaired by him Instead of taking responsibility, we have seen other actions by our colleague, albeit with inappropriate statements about President Gitan Nauseda. This shows that arrogance and the desire to blame everyone, rather than a sense of diplomacy, are already there. promoting Ž. Pavilion decisions. And this, while in office, makes it impossible to continue working, “says A. Širinskienė.

The opposition faction of the Seimas Labor Party also believes that Ž. The flag can no longer chair the Foreign Affairs Committee.
