Your doctor has warned you which mistakes it is best not to make if you want to shed the pounds you have gained during the winter.


Both winter and quarantine have forced many of us to break a lot of healthy lifestyle habits, so as the weather warms up, our goal is to get them back and shed the “fighting” pounds.

Unfortunately, when we do this relying on our knowledge or information online, we do not avoid errors that do not result in results or are of short duration. Dalia Vaitkevičiūtė, a nutritionist at CaloryCare Obesity Treatment Center, talks about the most common mistakes of spring thinning and healthy weight loss.

Searches for miracle diets and “bad” products

According to the doctor, in the spring you can notice a trend that more people visit nutritionists than usual. Unfortunately, most do not want to take care of their health, but rather to beautify their body lines. By doing it on their own, people tend to repeat common weight loss mistakes. One of them is the desire to achieve quick results.

When they decide to lose weight, people first look to the Internet for a new and “really effective” method, which nutritionists say often leads to poor diets, those that consume significantly fewer calories, but only maintain the results. until we return to a normal diet. These diets are based on the “one size fits all” principle and the division of foods or food groups into “good” and “bad”.

“People often give up products that are supposed to be bad, even though they may be perfectly suitable for them. Since each of us is an individual, we should definitely not blindly abandon gluten, lactose, potatoes, sweets and other products demonized by popular diets, if we do not need them due to a certain health condition, “says D Vaitkevičiūtė.

According to the doctor, giving up favorite products only causes a lot of stress to a person, while in the meantime it would be much more beneficial to focus on what healthy products we could complement our diet.

Body detox: is it worth it to “cleanse” the body?

The second popular mistake, named by a dietitian, is detoxifying the body with various juice cocktails, lemon drinks, and purportedly cleansing mixes. While one side of healthy lifestyle enthusiasts praises these methods, the other disagrees, arguing that the best way to cleanse the body is to have a well-functioning kidney and liver.

“Detoxification is a process that takes place in our body at the cellular and organ level. It ensures the elimination of substances that are formed during the various chemical reactions that take place in our body. Not only the kidneys and liver, but also the skin, lungs and digestive tract are involved in this process ”, says D. Vaitkevičiūtė.

The doctor emphasizes that if the activity of our organs is not modified, we cannot intervene in any way and help our body to detoxify with one or another product or preparation.

“The techniques that help keep the body healthy are very simple and well known. They are, have been and will be: adherence to the principles of healthy nutrition, application of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle (active lifestyle, quality sleep), sufficient water and control of harmful habits and stress ” reveals the dietitian.

Can we lose weight without sweating?

While an active lifestyle is one of the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, we often hear that 80 percent. weight loss takes place in the kitchen, 20 percent. – during sports. For many people, this relationship raises the question of whether exercise is necessary to lose weight.

D.Vaitkevičiūtė says that although a large part of the result in the weight loss process is really nutrition, the importance of sports should not be underestimated.

“By doing sports, we help our health a lot. Sport helps to normalize metabolism, burn calories faster, reduce the risk of various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases or type 2 diabetes ”, says the nutritionist.

However, it is important to remember that if we start and improve our eating habits and exercise vigorously at the same time, we can get the opposite results: increased appetite and extra pounds.

According to D.Vaitkevičiūtė, we must first understand the principles of proper nutrition, and after seeing the initial result, connect a small amount of physical activity. Walking, running, biking, etc., are perfect to start with.

It is important to learn to love your body

D.Vaitkevičiūtė cautions that people who turn to nutritionists to lose weight often have a completely normal body weight. Keep in mind that over time, and especially after forty, we gain weight naturally.

“It is a physiologically normal process, but people take it very seriously and do everything possible to regain their ‘old body’.” They are not even convinced of the good results of the organ and blood function tests and the normal ratio of fat to muscle mass ”, the doctor shares.

Social media also helps raise extremely high standards, tempting us to compare ourselves to role models or opinion leaders.

“It is important to remember that each of us has our own standard body weight that can be inherited. It is also interesting that the number of our fat cells is determined by genes and does not change, only the volume of these cells changes. The amount of fat cells that a person inherits can also determine their weight ”, emphasizes the doctor.

Therefore, according to her, the job of a nutritionist is closely related to a psychotherapist: a big part is helping a person accept themselves, love their body, appreciate their uniqueness and good health.

It is also important to remember that weight is certainly not the part by which we must define our self-esteem. We can give the world much more than the number of “dreams” on the scale.
