You solve health problems, perhaps its cause is unexpected: what can be done here?


“In fact, everything else in your posture depends on your posture,” said dentist R. Zykutė-Želvė.

“Are you saying that we stand firm and that our posture does not depend on our feet and that everything depends on our mouth?” Asked family doctor V. Morozov.

“It just came to our attention then. Just as our joint and our bite” stop, “so do our legs,” R. Zykutė-Želvė replied.

I had to read that alone, at best, every fifth of us has a regular bite, and everyone else should take one action or another. It is true? Are we all so hurt?

In fact, it is true. There are very few of those ideal bites. Talking about the ideal bite is perhaps utopian, perhaps it is better to talk about the almost ideal; about 2 to 5 percent. The bite of the human world is ideal or almost ideal. All the others, more or less pathological.

Rūta Zykutė

Rūta Zykutė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

As for aesthetics, everything is clear: if the teeth are ugly or even uncomfortable to chew, consult a specialist. But there are actually more clinical signs, right? What is the danger of an irregular bite?

First, an irregular bite is dangerous because it distorts the balance of the entire body. We are created as organisms to be harmonious. And if we lose a tooth on one side, then the body’s compensatory mechanism adjusts so that we chew on the other side. In the long term, 10-15 years, we can already have consequences, such as neck pain, even the displacement of the first cervical vertebra, can begin to suffer headaches, sleep apnea.

Shortness of breath, percussion, sweating. Could it be all because we are not chewing on the one hand?


I also had to face headaches at work, no specialist can say anything: an otolaryngologist sees nothing of his specialty, a neurologist, of himself. Then we go to the dentists, they put a dental plaque and the pain disappears, although, in principle, the teeth are not damaged. Can these pains bother you too?

Of course, our unique combined maxillary joint is affected through the teeth. It starts to wear down, it acts irregularly, then we start to feel headaches, it can grow in the ears, sometimes it is difficult to pass, it does not go out to chew food, it hurts to chew, etc. t.

And how do bite or tooth positions affect snoring and how is it related to sleep apnea when breathing stops at night?

If you have been chewing irregularly, breathing irregularly all your life, if the position of your tongue is irregular, then a person has the consequences just mentioned: snoring and sleep apnea. When the tongue is not in the correct position, i. and. on the palate, and after relaxing and falling into the lower jaw and clenching the windpipe, a man cannot breathe.

Does it mean that a regular bite is not only the right position for your teeth, but also for your tongue?

Of course, what matters is not just the position of the teeth. Proper bite is also determined by muscles, teeth, soft and hard tissues, joints, tendons, nerves, and blood circulation. It is a huge system in our body that allows us to chew food, perform phonetic function, and smile. If it interrupts, it interrupts endless functions: we can no longer smile, chew, and we can no longer sleep peacefully.

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene

And breath

Yes, and breathe.

Let’s talk about the reasons. Very often we tend to blame someone. So, I often ask the interlocutors whose fault it is, who can we “dismiss” these reasons? Maybe genetics is to blame for all those bite problems and we won’t do anything?

This is usually what patients do. The reason for geneticists to “cancel” is very simple. “That’s my genetics, that’s part of it.” Which is the reason? It all begins at birth. How a child is born, how and with what it is fed. In principle, the child should be breastfed (breastfeeding) and thus help him form a normal jaw.

But it is done that way. Up to 6 months: Breastfeeding is strongly recommended and recommended to continue for at least one year.

According to the latest data, it should be fed up to 2 years with priming and stimulate the growth of the jaw. Also, encourage the child from mid-age to start chewing solid food, rather than crushed purees, because the child will not understand what to do with the jaws. It is advisable to give boiled carrots in slices, potatoes, so that they are crushed with latent alveolar growths. This will help you form a chewing reflex. Then a swallowing reflex forms, so this sequence should not be confused. And it usually happens like this: for a child (6 months, he is fed), we boil porridge, puree and food with spoons. The child does not understand what he is eating.

Security is first and foremost to prevent you from getting stuck.

Of course, safety is first and foremost, but the child has reflexes so as not to drown. Of course, care must be taken that the food is not very hard, so that it does not come out to be chewed or crushed with alveolar growths.

Everything is logical: until you chew and chew, it is not something to eat.

So is. Babies do the same. We begin to get him used to the normal stage of chewing and swallowing reflex formation, which, in principle, is about 1m. and 8 months. Until then, the boy is still learning.

The longer you breastfeed, the better for your jaw and future teeth.

Of course. We must consider how our jaws should grow, in which direction. The lower jaw should grow horizontally: forward; To grow forward, you need to make a movement and pull: take a bone with the meat for the child to bite, pull and point the jaw horizontally. If you don’t do that and you still breathe through your mouth (one of the most harmful habits), how does a child’s jaw grow, in which direction?

Valery Morozov

Valery Morozov

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas


Yes vertically. The child exhales when he needs to breathe through the mouth and the jaw begins to grow vertically.

We found two culprits in this. The first is mothers who are malnourished, and the second is a runny nose, preventing them from breathing through the nose.

In fact, it is not the fault of the runny nose because the runny nose comes and goes. Guilty of a harmful habit and it is wrong not to notice. Every effort should be made to keep that airway clear and try to close the mouth. The first mistake for breastfeeding mothers is to put them to bed after they have met the baby and he is upset. The mouth must be taken and closed. Then the child closes, swallows the saliva, and the tongue naturally falls to the correct position: the palate.

And what about pacifiers?

It is an aid to raising children or a harmful factor. Anyway, it is recommended to give up the pacifier if there is such a possibility. If the option is not available, you need to know exactly which pacifier to choose. It should be as close as possible to the shape of the breast nipple and as wide as possible on the palate. To prevent the pacifier from squeezing the child tightly, press your tongue against the palate as far as possible so that a wide palate is formed. My recommendation is to give up the pacifier for up to a year. Insurance.

Summer: Outside the window, many young people carry some kind of plate and suck something through the straw. Good or bad?

Very bad. Sucking, pulling on a straw or a hole is not a good way to drink. Even the baby had been heard from a cup before.

And how is it different if an older child is sucked through a straw and an infant is breastfeeding?

Our task is to move the jaw horizontally forward. Suck through the straw and pull in.

When deciduous teeth fall out, they grow permanently. And those permanent pacifiers were not affected.

When a child falls out of his baby teeth, he is about 6 years old. I sincerely hope that there are no children in Lithuania who use a pacifier before the age of 6. By the way, children are cunning: when they remove a pacifier, they think of what else to suck, say, thumb, tongue, cheek, lip. All these harmful habits also lead to the formation of an irregular jaw in the child, which will cause great problems in the future. Our job as doctors is to report, see, notice, and remove that harmful habit, to make it harmless.

In other words, overloading mom’s life with another concern.

Basically yes.

Another harmful habit is tooth extraction. It is often “ruled out” by parasites, and GPs often refer to it as stress. And how do dentists view surgery if we talk specifically about occlusal problems?

What makes it dangerous? We grind our teeth too fast. Tooth wear is a very natural physiological process. From germination to respectable old age, we need to use a certain range of teeth. Sometimes the teeth of a 30-year-old wear out like they should on an 80-year-old, which is already a disease.

Another detrimental or perhaps saving thing is chewing gum. Chewing gum constantly: if we talk about a bite, is it good or bad?

In no advertisement you will see the need to constantly chew. The ad says: chew after a meal, about 1-2 minutes. Everything. And just to be able to adjust the pH of the mouth. Chewing gum secretes saliva. When we chew the gum for a long time, it acquires a certain texture, structure, viscosity, the muscles also begin to deceive themselves: they begin to pump, train. When you put normal food in your mouth, you can no longer recognize what its consistency is and what strength it takes to chew it. You are likely to start chewing soft foods with very strong and harmful movements.

Everything should be eaten slowly, savored, not rushed, then there will be no injury or other consequences.

As I understand it, should everyone consult a specialist for a bite, at least prophylactically? Even if you are happy with your aesthetics and function?

My wish would be to start from the beginning. Don’t just apply when there are already consequences, when it’s already bad, but do everything you can to avoid those consequences, start with the reasons, know them and also know what to do to keep our children healthy. We really have the knowledge of what to do to make a healthy, beautiful and regular face.

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