Yelena Malysheva: Putin’s helpful doctor, for whom the coronavirus in Russia seemed ridiculous


J. Malysheva’s program “Nice to live!” (A play with words could also be understood as “Healthy live!” – ed. Past.), It airs on state television and has been the subject of several scandals on many occasions over the years. in hot tubs. For example, the presenter of the show was very outraged by the mothers of children with intellectual disabilities who called their descendants “kretinas” on the show, which she herself called “My son – Idiot”. He also angered millions of women when he decided to offer to increase the retirement age for them from 55 to 67 years.

Today, when the coronavirus is diagnosed, almost 180 thousand. Russians, and official statistics report 1,600 deaths, Mr. Malysheva has become a symbol of disinformation, corruption and hypocrisy, the article says. She is not just a former doctor who runs a health program; He is also a member of the headquarters of the Russian People’s Front. This public organization is loyal to Putin. The television show features the best pediatricians, gynecologists, and cardiologists in the country. Like millions of housewives watching the show, the Russian president trusts him, says Anna Nemcova.

On February 12, Malysheva told the entire country that there was no pandemic, that there were no coronavirus patients in Russia, and that the infection had not spread outside of China. The Russian population relaxed and decided that the danger had disappeared. However, only a few weeks passed and the coronavirus spread across the country, and Mr. Malysheva’s comment began to seem not even as an attempt to lift the spirits of his compatriots, but as intentional disinformation.

“From its external signs, the flu seems like a much more complex infection,” Malysheva told viewers on March 13.

Yelena Malysheva: Putin benefits from a doctor who found the coronavirus amusing in Russia

Yelena Malysheva: Putin benefits from a doctor who found the coronavirus amusing in Russia

The 59-year-old doctor’s smiling face to the Russians is well known, as is that of everyone else seen at the best time on state television broadcasts. It turns virtually any medical problem into a fun show with actors rearranged into various human organs to dramatically explain and demonstrate the functions performed by parts of the human body. Her son Yuri, who currently works as a doctor in New York, became famous in Russia a few years ago for his strange appearance on his mother’s show, disguised as a testicle that produces sperm, according to the publication.

Malysheva smiled and joked even when people started dying in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and the regions. On March 19, she simply waved her hand: “The coronavirus will eventually become a common seasonal infection. The entire outbreak is now largely unrelated to the fact that it is an extremely deadly infection or plague. ”

In mid-April, almost 90 percent. of the newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 in Moscow were individuals younger than 65 years, 5 percent. of which children. Hospitals that treated men with coronavirus also became ill. Doctor No one, not even in the Kremlin, dared to say that it was not horrible. Even the Malysheva fan on Instagram started asking why his favorite doctor was trying to minimize the development of the coronavirus.

However, even then, Malysheva did not change her mind. April 17, when more than 4,000 were detected in one day. new cases of coronavirus, Malysheva in an ironic post on her Instagram account of more than 1 million followers said: “(…) I still think that this virus is a miracle of miracles. Children do not die, they do not know they get sick, they don’t fall into the resuscitation until they are 20. There are people between 70 and 80-90 years, you want to see your doctor, that’s all. ”

Malysheva’s chosen pandemic coronavirus communication line was in line with the Kremlin’s key message: Our country is successfully fighting the virus, while Europe and the United States are making chaotic and stupid mistakes that lead to many deaths. “The situation in our country … is calm and controlled …” the television star said on her March 26 program, literally repeating what Putin had said a few days earlier.

However, this opinion is categorically at odds with ordinary Russian doctors who fight the virus in Russian hospitals. The virus has already killed more than a hundred of his colleagues who became infected while providing relief. The tragic list of medical victims of the coronavirus is succinctly named: “We Remember.” At a time when Malysheva was trying to minimize the threat of the coronavirus on television, doctors in major Russian cities and regions were simply calling for protective measures. But his show didn’t talk about it. Patients were rushing to hospitals one after another at the time, and ambulances were patiently waiting for hours, as all wards were occupied and doctors were unable to accept whoever they wanted, according to the article.

There is a big gap between the elite of the Kremlin and ordinary Russians. Most Russian doctors or nurses are forced to exist simply for surprisingly low wages; very few can afford to travel to at least the United States. However, Malysheva cannot complain about the lack of money. Last week, anti-corruption and opposition leader Alexei Navaln revealed that the prominent television star, who often speaks in blue directions in a direction beneficial to the Kremlin, has two giant apartments in Manhattan.

Documents received by Russian activists show that two children of J. Malysheva live, the same doctor Yuri, who participated in his program, and Vasily. A study by Navaln shows that the television doctor, who also owns the real estate business in Russia and the United States, owns it for more than $ 10 million. USD

On May 7, there were already almost 180 thousand people with coronavirus in Russia, and in the last week for at least 4 days, the number of new cases reached 10 thousand psychologically significant. Limit The Russian authorities have already announced that the quarantine measures will last until May 31, and Moscow has taken steps to further strengthen its self-containment measures.
