Writer Kristina Sabaliauskaitė: “It may be my last book” Culture


“Many of my books have been written here in Pažaislis. When, after a long break, we started planning a series of meetings with the readers, in Kaunas we chose Pažaislis for that, ”said K.Sabaliauskaitė.

K.Sabaliauskaitė came to write to Pažaislis when he wanted to shut up and distance himself from everything, because such stages are: “The fourth Silva rerum is finished here, the first and second parts of Peter’s Empress are written here.”

K.Sabaliauskaitė remembered how the bell rang until the last point of the book after the fourth part of “Silva rerum”. “It just came to our knowledge then. It was herbal and people began to choose to worship. There was mass outside, and the old woman of the monastery at that time, Sister Lydia, saw me and said, ‘What about you? Because I was everything. off the face. I said I had done a great job. She hugged me and it was a very moving moment ”, shared K.Sabaliauskaitė in her memory.

“I was discouraged for a long time, looking for reasons not to write.”

Speaking of whether the Lithuanians lack some ambition, and answering R. Zemkauskas’s question, the writer recalled how he handled his feature during the Soviet era when managing the library archive, in which it was written that he stands out for erudition, but that sadly is ambitious.

“Ambition is good, it is the desire to discover America. If Columbus had not been ambitious, the New World would not have been discovered, because all discoveries are born from ambition, from the desire to see what will happen, to surpass oneself .

We have a lot of ambition and cartridge. What Lithuanians have done in the last five years in the field of world culture is incomprehensible: how such a small nation can have such enormous potential ”, said K. Sabaliauskaitė, also emphasizing that it also surprises our Polish neighbors, which are not several. and 30 million.

“When you wrote to Emperor Peter, what was your main ambition, what did you want to do with this book?” R. Zemkauskas asked the interlocutors.

“To tell a story that seemed very relevant to me. When I had this idea, I was discouraged for a long time, looking for reasons not to write. Television series have been created on this subject, articles have been written to disseminate science.

It seemed to me that he was saying it through his lips.

At the same time, I saw it from a completely different angle, and it seemed very important, relevant to me: telling the story through the lips of a woman who witnessed the whole great story. A woman who knew a man very closely and intimately, who had changed the fate of Russia in a new direction and had a great impact on European affairs. That woman next to him is of Lithuanian origin. It seemed to me that he needed to be told with his lips, ”said K.Sabaliauskaitė.

According to the writer, she hoped that “Empress Peter” would shake off some established stereotypes, but she had no idea that people who attributed themselves to the field of culture would not have read the elementary works: “But at the same time, I, who spent 10 Years with that material, you will feel capable of writing notes. ”I was surprised.

It caught my attention that having such a direct experience of Russia through divisions, occupations, restoration of independence, we are not so interested in this country and we do not know what is being investigated, they are allowed, ”said the writer.

Photo by Alius Koroliov Meeting with the writer Kristina Sabaliauskaitė in Kaunas, Pažaislis Monastery

Photo by Alius Koroliov Meeting with the writer Kristina Sabaliauskaitė in Kaunas, Pažaislis Monastery

“It seemed tragic to me”

K.Sabaliauskaitė said that he wrote “Emperor Peter” based on footage, and when asked if there were situations where there was no source, so he had to rely on intuition and intuition, he mentioned that it was a little different.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I’ve been the complete opposite of writing some books. Kirba has a hunch that maybe it was, because when you try to put on the hero’s coat, when you see his situations, the constellation of people around him. Sometimes a hunch suddenly visits you. And it happened to me that after that I found sources that confirmed my intuition, “said K. Sabaliauskaitė.

While leafing through and reading the archives, the author was surprised by the cruelty of the emperor, his great craving for alcohol: “All his life. The witnesses who found him, even our nobles, who accepted him in Vilnius and elsewhere, without being sober themselves, managed all affairs only with banquets and drinks; they even emphasized that it was incomprehensible to absorb such amounts. “

While leafing through and reading the archives, the author was surprised by the emperor’s cruelty, his great craving for alcohol.

While writing the book, K. Sabaliauskaitė spoke a lot with women who live with alcoholic men.

Speaking about the heroine of her own book and her presence alongside such a man, K. Sabaliauskaitė noted that this woman got into a meat grinder, in extreme situations and inevitably changed: “She was forged in circumstances by a completely new person who He did not even physically remember the original version. Her hair color has changed: there are several portraits of her, in which she is still blonde and then has dark hair. Very interesting things. But at the same time, it seems to me that her heart is still a Lithuanian girl: the correct one, who does not tolerate violence, is not afraid when she tries to crush someone. “

Another archival event shocked the author: “And everything is about documents. When his daughter died, a dance was held the next day. His son was tortured to death, and he allowed new boats with fireworks and drunks. It seemed tragic to me, ”said the author.

In the novel, the author does not shy away from direct and rude language and, according to R. Zemkauskas, conveys the mood of the time as a surgeon.

“It seemed to me that all those words, curses and uses were in place and in time to create character and atmosphere, as they were. Especially since everything is documented ”, said K.Sabaliauskaitė.

Photo by Alius Koroliov Meeting with the writer Kristina Sabaliauskaitė in Kaunas, Pažaislis Monastery

Photo by Alius Koroliov Meeting with the writer Kristina Sabaliauskaitė in Kaunas, Pažaislis Monastery

“I have several interesting plans”

The author also recalled the beginning of her writing career, when an editor intended to edit her text and make six of a long sentence.

“They told me: don’t be afraid, we will order the text. Let’s clarify, make six of a sentence, add points. Let’s do normal text. Of course, I did not work with that editor.

Then he evaluated that it is a kind of focus, a wavy text that imitates language, and that everything is conscious, ”said the writer.

When asked if he would continue with the historical novel genre, he said he hadn’t thought about it yet: “This may be my last book. Why? Why not? I have several interesting plans, ”said K.Sabaliauskaitė.
