With the spread of the virus, the parliamentarians themselves exploded in the Seimas: what example are we setting the nation


Kęstutis Glaveckas, representative of the Liberal Movement, seems irresponsible in the current conditions to organize a session of the Seimas.

“We just realized that the whole nation should watch it and then watch it. It is also a psychological harm to people who have closed cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, it is inhuman, ugly, unfair.

After all, the Seimas is the institution that makes laws and sets the rules, at least in part. If you don’t follow the rules yourself, why are you demanding of others and then surprised that thousands are infected? ”Said K. Glaveckas.

According to the parliamentarian, it is necessary to find safer ways to organize the work of the Seimas in the conditions of a pandemic. Some of the behavior of his colleagues bothered him.

“The members of the Seimas walk in groups of ten to fifteen, hug and kiss, it is natural that the risks are very high,” said K. Glaveckas angrily.

Ready to work with suits though

The Social Democrat Algirdas Sysas, despite the risks, advocated that the Seimas elect the session. According to him, especially now, during the transitional period, it is important to ensure that the parliament has the basis for further smooth work.

“I think we would not really choose if the situation were different. It is still necessary to ensure the transfer of power, to elect the authorities of the Seimas. All decisions are made by the Seimas. The elimination of the Seimas could cause even more chaos.

Doctors work with him and with the “cowardly” patients, day and night. Put on your robes, if someone doesn’t protect himself normally with masks, gloves, doesn’t wash his hands, put on a space suit, but we still have to make decisions, ”said A. Sysas.

According to him, after making the initial decisions, one could speak of a partially remote tar from the Seimas.

“You can talk about telecommuting, and only through deliberations, presentations, but by no means through votes,” Sys said.

The MP also agreed that not all Seimas members behave responsibly during a pandemic.

“We have flat farmers in Lithuania, and there are in the Seimas, only maybe they pretend to put on masks so as not to be criticized, but they also stick out their nose and mouth. Everyone needs to work hard, ”Sys said.

Expect those in contact to isolate themselves

Agnė Širinskienė, the representative of the green peasants in the Seimas, hopes that the people who have contacted the liberal Jonas Varkalis, who has contracted the coronavirus, will be isolated.

“I understand that it will be the majority, if not all members of the Liberal Group. They both sat in the faction session and in the plenary session of the Seimas,” said A. Širinskienė.

According to her, it would be time for the new governors to at least think about the measures that were already in place at the beginning of the year, and at least allow the discussions to be monitored in the cabinets.

The Seimas member also warns that not all of her fellow Seimas wear masks correctly and avoid unnecessary contact.

“Statistically, morbidity in the Seimas will soon exceed the morbidity of society. But here is the responsibility of each member of the Seimas and the perception of the gravity of the situation ”, said A. Širinskienė.

Don’t cancel the meeting

According to BNS, after Jonas Varkalis, a member of the Seimas Liberal Movement faction, established COVID-19, it was decided not to cancel the Seimas session on Tuesday.

“I think it has to happen, because this is not the first case at the Seimas. In previous cases, we have also found ways in which the Seimas can guarantee work,” conservative elder Gabrielius Landsbergis told reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday after a meeting with the president of the Seimas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“We are obviously walking quite close to the dangerous line,” he added.

Eugenijus Gentvilas, the largest of the Liberal Movement faction, told BNS on Tuesday that the Seimas president still intends to consult with the elders of all factions on the organization of the work of parliament.

“Jonas Varkalys sat with the conservative Jonas Gudauskas for several hours, J. Gudauskas – with something, etc. Chain. Isolating one faction alone may not be enough to stop the spread of the disease,” said the elder. the faction of the Liberal Movement.

“I can confirm that I spoke with J. Varkalis last night. He was found (COVID-19 – ELTA), but the National Center for Public Health had not yet questioned him about his contacts, but we know for himself that he was sworn in. We, the faction We ate the cake after the oath, “E. Gentvilas told Eltai.

According to G. Landsbergis, the two conservatives who sit closest to J. Varkalis were asked not to go to the Seimas on Tuesday, although they have not received official instructions to isolate themselves.

E. Gentvilas BNS claimed that J. Varkalys informed it on Monday evening that it had received a positive response to the COVID-19 test, but that it had received it informally thus far.

J. Varkalys participated in the first session of the Seimas on Friday, he felt bad on Saturday.

“There are no airways or odors. In Plungė, a survey was conducted yesterday morning and in the evening we received an informal response, so to speak,” said E. Gentvilas.

On Tuesday, the Seimas is holding a plenary session, planning to approve four vice-presidents of parliament and the number of committee members of the Seimas.

According to G. Landsbergis, additional protective measures will be taken during the secret ballot election of the vice-presidents of the Seimas.

“We discussed with the president of the Seimas that additional security measures would be taken during the secret ballot, in other words, vote in factions and keep your distance,” he said.

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