With the spread of the coronavirus, important information for parents: who can receive a child care newsletter and when?


According to the Ministry, sickness benefits can be paid when distance learning is announced in quarantine and when quarantine is not announced in a particular municipality, but a regime is enacted that restricts the spread of infections in individual institutions or throughout the town. In both cases, however, municipal administrations must take all necessary measures to ensure that their decisions are valid and that working parents, guardians, guardians or grandparents receive the benefits.

How are benefits paid if quarantine is announced in the municipality?

Representatives of the ministry emphasize that when a quarantine is announced in a municipality, it does not in itself mean distance or mixed learning. However, the government has decided that after the student withdraws from November 3-6 inclusive, a contact education break will be announced and students in grades 5-12 will study remotely at that time. Sickness benefits are not paid for the care of students of this age.

Children of preschool, preschool and primary age are educated as usual during this period and can go to school or kindergarten, but the municipal administration may make a different decision and announce distance education for children up to fourth grade, according to a press release.

The sickness benefit for the care of a child under the fourth grade by one of the parents, guardians, guardians or working grandparents amounts to 65.94%. of salary “on paper” and is paid from the decision of the director of the municipal administration on the entry into force of distance education only if said decision is made by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) and formalized by the same way as quarantine.

The Administrative Director’s decision will be published in the Legislation Registry and will enter into force the day following its publication, unless a later date of entry into force is foreseen therein.

How does the isolation of a person who has come into contact with the patient work?

When a person infected with COVID-19 is identified at school (a child or an adult), the NVSC isolates those identified by having close contact. This is not considered a way to limit the spread of infection.

If necessary, isolate a child under the fourth grade inclusive and a child with a disability under the age of 21 if he or she is studying under a general or special education program, working parents, guardians, guardians, or grandparents can obtain a certificate of disability and claim Sodra sickness benefit. However, the NVSC provides the isolation for which sickness benefit is paid.

If an adult needs to be isolated, Sodra sickness benefit can also be paid, but the NVSC also provides mandatory isolation.

Key steps:

1. The person infected with COVID-19 must be identified in the educational establishment.
2. The NVSC will provide mandatory isolation for children and adults in close contact.
3. The NVSC must, within 3 business days, issue a certificate to the health institution regarding the mandatory isolation applied to the person.
4. A close contact adult or the working parents, guardians, caregivers and grandparents of a close contact of a child under the fourth grade and a disabled child under the age of 21 may request a certificate of inability to work remotely from their health care institution.
5. If the health institution is unable to answer calls due to workload, the certificate of incapacity for work for the care of a small child or disabled child can still be issued retroactively, but for a period not exceeding 5 working days .
6. The sickness benefit for an adult for his own compulsory isolation will amount to 62.06%. of salary “on paper” and for childcare – 65.94 percent. of salary “on paper”. It is paid for the period of isolation, but not more than 14 calendar days.

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