With the relaxation of the quarantine, life in Italy has fundamentally changed: some rules are difficult to understand


The rules raise many questions

On the show, he told more about what can and cannot be done in Italy at the moment. It is true that the line between these things is extremely narrow.

“The great joy is that the phase in which nothing could be done finally ended. And what can be done is difficult and understandable, for example, you can go to the park, but we cannot sit on a bench in the park, at least in Rome. It is possible to drive to the city center without completing the movement declarations recommended by the Interior Ministry, but you cannot drive to the sea, you cannot drive if you have a second house, villa or farm.

With the relaxation of the quarantine, life in Italy has fundamentally changed: some rules are difficult to understand

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You can drive but you cannot stay overnight. But one of the most important prohibitions still in force is not to travel far, for example, from one region to another, only within your own region. If you live in Tuscany, you can only drive through Tuscany, if you live in Sicily, you can only travel through Sicily. Trade restrictions also remain: restaurants, bars remain closed, beauty centers are also closed, “said the journalist.

Confusing interpretations of the regime

Many in Italy feel insecure, so the new streak of freedom is causing not only joy but also anxiety.

“We already noticed on Sunday that there is a bit of that breath of freedom, but the most important news is that the patrols, the cavalry and the crews will not run after you.” A little more freedom, less fear of being fined for stepping home. There is such a minimal sense of freedom, but many unknowns have arisen, because it is easy to act when almost everything is prohibited, and now that the list of allowed things has been expanded a little, people are very uncertain: what is really possible? For example, whether or not it is possible to go to the sixth level of relatives. Can you visit a friend or not? The interpretations are quite confusing, “says P. Jurkevičius.

With the relaxation of the quarantine, life in Italy has fundamentally changed: some rules are difficult to understand

According to him, questions also arise for students and lovers.

“The main debate with us is, for example, whether students who study in Milan or Rome but live in remote areas could return to their parents. Or with unsigned couples, if they can meet or not, “says the journalist.

“It just came to our notice then possible ar it’s not possible it is becoming a great challenge for the country ”, he added.

Problems in public transport.

There is also a lot of confusion on public transportation. The interviewee predicts that many problems can arise in the summer.

“Public transportation has always been a big problem in the capital. Today, a total of approximately four million people have started working in Italy, much of it in Rome. Unfortunately, public transportation is severely restricted. It should be noted that Rome is a city where moving your own car is practically nowhere in the old town, people attack the trams, the subway. We tried to take the bus and saw that half the bus had intercepted the seats and it is written that it is not possible to sit .

With the relaxation of the quarantine, life in Italy has fundamentally changed: some rules are difficult to understand

In other words, if a bus can accommodate 100 people, it can now have 25 people seated and the same number standing. Some buses have a technological device that is technically a photographic eye that sees how many people there are. If you see too many people, just don’t stop and have to wait for other buses. In a word, this will be a big problem and tourists will also have to adapt to it, “says P. Jurkevičius.

Italy will definitely change

It is clear that Italy will certainly change, and everyone will have to adapt to the changes.

“The idea that the coronavirus has become so widespread in Italy because Italians like physical contact is very overwhelmed. Now the situation is completely different: people try to walk as far as possible. I have to admit, at least from what I have to see now, that people are very disciplined. They were already a little tired from the long period of strict quarantine, but the instructions were strictly followed and there is nothing to think about any contact, handshake. There are predictions that Italy will change, perhaps there will be less contact. I don’t even doubt it, “said a journalist living in Italy.

In Italy, the number of deaths, infections and new cases of coronavirus continues to decrease.

In Italy, the daily rate of new cases of coronavirus infection continues to decline, reaching 1,221 on the last day, compared to 1,389 on Sunday.

According to the Department of Civil Protection published on Monday, the total number of infected people in the country has increased to 211,938 since the start of the pandemic.

195 people have died in the last day from the effects of coronavirus disease. Therefore, the total number of pandemic victims in the country reached 29,079.

With the relaxation of the quarantine, life in Italy has fundamentally changed: some rules are difficult to understand

According to the department, the number of patients recovered per day increased to 1,225 and increased to 82,879. The number of patients fell to 99,980, of whom less than 1,500 were treated in intensive care units.

More than 80,000 Italians are being treated in isolation.

As noted in the departmental summary, only four regions in Italy, Umbria, Molise and Basilicata, as well as the island of Sardinia, have zero virus transmission rates. In six other new cases, the daily increase does not exceed 10.

The first started in Italy on Monday, March 10. The relaxation phase of existing quarantine measures. 4.5 million people have returned to work in companies and construction sites. Residents can walk and exercise in parks and gardens, and restaurants can sell takeout.

The outbreak of a new coronavirus disease in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year has spread to most of the world. March 11 It was recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.

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