With the number of coronaviruses rising, the answer is why flu vaccination is so important this year


This year, the vaccination was previously triggered by a coronavirus by teachers. Contrary to popular belief, the flu vaccine does not protect against the coronavirus, but the professor pointed out another special reason why vaccination is so important this year.

So far, the professor has not been able to specify what type of influenza, A or B, will circulate this year.

“I only know that there is a quadrivalent vaccine. This, of course, will be influenza type A and B. The first samples of the flu vaccine have already been shipped and distributed by private companies. The vaccine is already there and they have vaccinated me with it, ”said the portal. Delphi the teacher spoke.

A. Laiškonis did not dare to predict whether the flu will be more threatening this year. It is difficult to predict from the beginning which flu will circulate. And the flu vaccine is not 100% protected against this virus, because each person’s immune response is different. But it facilitates the course of the flu if a person contracts it and protects against possible complications.

“I don’t think the flu epidemic will be easier this year.” It will coincide with the coronavirus, so the flu, in my head, should definitely not be easier, because it will coincide with another airborne infection, “explained the interlocutor.

There is a myth in society that the coronavirus has a lower risk of being vaccinated against the flu. But the professor said it was not true: “There are two different viruses here. The flu vaccine does not really protect against the coronavirus. Of course, this is 100 percent. The pathogens of both diseases are different, each with its own vaccine.

Influenza does not belong to coronaviruses. The influenza virus belongs to the orthomyxoviruses, another group of viruses. So that they, the flu and the coronavirus, do not intersect and do not overlap. The chances of getting two airborne infections at the same time are very high. Even more so because one of them, the coronavirus, is asymptomatic. A person can be a carrier of this virus and not know it. If the flu gets to such a person, the flu virus will obviously be activated. You have to understand that the two diseases, when they occur, will really complicate each other, ”warned the professor.



For this reason, he himself decided to get a flu shot as soon as possible, without even waiting for a free vaccine to become available.

“Without the coronavirus, I would not have been vaccinated in advance. But now that I can contract the coronavirus, thank God I got the flu vaccine and I think that at least that will protect me from the collision of those two infections.

And anyway, I have always been vaccinated at the beginning of October, because the antibodies are better produced after a couple of months, when there is an increase in the incidence of the flu. He is with us in January-February. But I’m protecting myself before right now, I don’t expect that increase. God forbid, make antibodies until I get the coronavirus.

In my opinion, the earlier you get your flu shot this year, the better. Because you see what is happening with the coronavirus situation in Lithuania. You see, the number of infected people is increasing day by day, and at least once, our Public Health Center and Emergency Center have made a smart decision to limit mass events.

We see what is happening in Europe, what is happening in Asia. Israel has already announced the quarantine. In France, the morbidity rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 180 people. Hospitals are already overcrowded, the same is happening with Spain, the same is happening with other countries, ”said A. Laiškonis.

The first shipments of flu vaccine arrived in Lithuania on Monday. Up to a third of all vaccine doses purchased this season will be distributed this week, some 80,000 from the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund (PSDF). This year, as before, people in risk groups will be vaccinated with flu vaccines reimbursed by health insurance funds.

In preparation for the next flu season, the State Health Insurance Fund (VLK) bought just over 236,000. 40% of the doses of the quadrivalent influenza vaccine. more than last year. This required 2.3 million from the PSDF. euros. Last year, 168 thousand. influenza vaccines: the first purchase – 145 thousand. vaccines and even later additionally (as the need increases) – 24 thousand. vaccinations Last year, VLK bought 28 percent. more vaccines than in 2018.

With the number of coronaviruses rising, the answer is why flu vaccination is so important this year

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

As portal Delphi said Lina Reinartienė, head of Provision of Sanitary Institutions of VLK, this Monday 8,000 doses of additional bidding methods were purchased.

“Initially, less vaccine was planned, and only after treatment institutions requested more doses, were they able to quickly find and purchase the additional requested quantity,” said L. Reinartienė.

“As already announced, medical personnel will be vaccinated against influenza this season. Their vaccination is necessary, because when the epidemiological situation deteriorates both due to coronavirus and influenza, it is they who must provide assistance to patients,” he said. the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga.

And L. Reinartienė has pointed out that this vaccine is intended only for those insured with compulsory medical insurance (PSD) and who have the right to free vaccines (that is, people belonging to risk groups). In Lithuania, people over 65 years of age and people of any age with chronic diseases (for example, oncological, cardiovascular, respiratory, kidney, etc.), pregnant women, as well as people living in nursing and care institutions and medical institutions, get vaccinated against influenza for free. workers who are particularly at risk for the flu when dealing with sick people. For vaccinations, you must contact your family doctor at the treatment center where the person is enrolled.

As influenza vaccines are generally delivered in stages, this, according to the minister, allows medical institutions to rationally schedule vaccination schedules, and patients can choose the timing of the vaccination visit individually.

“We recommend that everyone consult their doctor individually about the right time to get vaccinated. Doctors advise older people to get vaccinated later because the immune system is able to maintain antibodies throughout the flu season,” said Minister.

Minister A. Veryga has previously expressed the fear that due to increased demand for vaccines this year it will run out.

L. Reinartienė responded: “We want to emphasize that every year we buy as many doses of influenza vaccine as the need indicates. Since the treatment facilities themselves indicate the need for the vaccine according to the number of people they serve, the vaccines should be sufficient to vaccinate all at risk.

However, people at risk should not worry that PSDF-funded flu vaccines are not enough to vaccinate them. If the vaccine purchased by VLK were out of stock at the treatment center where these patients were enrolled, it would be reimbursed additionally. For a single dose of influenza vaccine, the treatment facility will receive € 9.12 from the PSDF. So much this year, VLK is paying the provider for a dose of the flu vaccine. The decision was made to ensure that as many at-risk people as possible, who are entitled to free flu vaccination, can take advantage of this opportunity. “

It is very gratifying, first of all, that during such a difficult period not only for Lithuania, but also for all countries in the world, the specialists of the medical insurance funds managed to agree and negotiate the most favorable conditions for the vaccines to reach our medical institutions as soon as possible. This year it happened like never before, in mid-September. Second, although less vaccine was planned earlier and medical institutions only requested more doses later, they were able to quickly find and purchase the additional requested quantity, ”said Gintaras Kacevičius, director of VLK.

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