With the increase in COVID-19 cases in Latvia, a new plan of rules has been developed


The draft rules, which were discussed by the government at a special meeting on Friday, include amendments to the law on epidemiological safety measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection.

Catering establishments should post information about the permitted number of people who can be in the establishment at the same time in a visible place, at the entrance and at the box office.

Additionally, restrictions on crowds in public catering establishments have been extended until September 1.

Work on cultural, sports, entertainment, nightclub, catering, and places of worship should begin no earlier than 6 p.m. and finish no later than 24 hours.

Compliance with these requirements will be monitored by the police.

Latvian police, for their part, said in a separate report that they promise to tighten controls on those who must adhere to self-isolation. There are currently around 2,000 of those people.

There has been a significant increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in Latvia this week, with 38 new confirmed cases in the country in the past four days.

During the extraordinary government meeting, Health Minister Ilzė Vinkelė stated that in the absence of minor restrictions now, it may be necessary to speak about the complete quarantine in a couple of weeks.

“The whole world lives like this, and it will not be until the vaccine against COVID-19 is available: one step forward, one step back,” said the minister.

“If we need to return to strict restrictions, we will return,” added I. Vinkelė. “So it is important now to introduce very light restrictions and to observe.”

There has been a significant increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in Latvia this week, with 38 new confirmed cases in the country in the past four days.

Estonians mark the red line

Delfi has already announced that the Estonian Department of Health has decided how many cases of coronavirus infection should be a sign that it is time to further restrict public life in the country.

Eight cases of coronavirus taken daily were of concern to Estonians. However, how many cases of infection must be registered for the situation to amount to a second wave, said hesitantly Mari Anne Harma, acting director general of the Department of Health.

Only when the number of infected 100 thousand. the population will reach the threshold of 25, in other words, approximately 300 cases of COVID-19 will be registered in two weeks, the Estonian Department of Health will announce the introduction of new restrictions.

It should also be mentioned that several outbreaks of the virus must be identified.

If that happened, there would be no rush to immediately announce quarantine across the country: First, restrictions would be introduced in areas with the highest incidence of infection.

In Estonia, two new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection were confirmed last day, the Health Department reported Friday.

Of the 445 tests for coronavirus infection, two were positive. Both new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Tallinn.

The country’s hospitals are treating five patients with COVID-19, one of whom is connected to an artificial lung ventilator.

A total of 69 deaths from COVID-19 were confirmed in Estonia.

378 patients with COVID-19 were discharged from hospitals. A total of 1,894 people recovered.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country is 2,013, more than 111 thousand were performed. primary tests
