With more and more doubts about the vaccination procedure, Šimonyt que says it will “change more than once”


The prime minister said this in response to journalists’ questions about the situation when the Lithuanian judges received an explanation from the Ministry of Health that they could be vaccinated in order of priority, although they are not directly identified as a priority group in Minister Arūnas. Dulkis. order.

Judges, unlike the police, intelligence or border agents, are not explicitly named as a priority group in a ministerial order. However, the order maintains the provision that “other employees who perform vital functions of the State, other than general ones, in contact with other people, when the functions cannot be carried out remotely” may also be vaccinated as a priority.

The Council of Judges asked the Ministry of Health to clarify whether they could fall into this category, and on Tuesday received a positive response that judges, together with court clerks and court clerks, could be vaccinated as a priority.

The ministry has indicated that judges should contact the municipal vaccination coordinator for vaccines.

I. Šimonytė said at a press conference on Wednesday that he did not know the situation in detail, but said that the attitude towards professions that perform important functions will change more than once.

“In my opinion that wording will probably change more than once along the way, and I really don’t want to pit one profession against another, I think when we get to that point on the list our main problem will be to vaccinate quickly enough rather than explain who does a more important job for society. “- Said I. Šimonytė at the press conference.

At the same time, he expressed the opinion that vaccination of the elderly and people with various diseases is the most important thing in the near future.

“In the future, after vaccinating these groups, we will also need to change vaccination tactics a bit, to move to vaccination in large teams, companies where many people can be vaccinated at the same time. “I think the category that is now called people with important functions in society will change dramatically along the way as we get closer to it, or it will become less important at all, because the number of vaccines should be very high in that moment. time, “said the Prime Minister.

In accordance with the priority provided in Minister A. Dulkis’s order for educators, more than a thousand employees of Vytautas Magnus University were also vaccinated this week. The priority given to discussions about their vaccination has been caused by the fact that most of them work remotely.
