With his new statements, Liver surprised even Veryga: it is not a religion where you can believe or not believe


Kepeni on Monday, through his Facebook account, urged workers under pressure to get vaccinated against the coronavirus to contact him.

“If you experience violence, pressure to get vaccinated, if you are threatened with a salary reduction or dismissal, write to me as a member of Seimas, vice president of the Human Rights Committee,” he wrote.

The deputy explained that he had written like this because he had already received calls from “both doctors and educators” who spoke about the problem.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Advertising is the best cure for all diseases. If we only feel that the Constitution is being violated, that people are being violated, we will talk about it. We will invite experts and specialists. And the next week there will be a round table with scientists on the matter. It is important that people know that the Constitution protects them. If someone violates, we make those problems public “, explained D. Kepenis, member of the faction of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania in the Seimas.

The deputy said he was not against vaccines.

“I think we will let people self-regulate and everything will be fine. Those who want to be vaccinated. And those who want to live a healthy life and have good natural immunity, do so,” said D. Kepenis.

Host a discussion on “natural immunity”

Next week, the parliamentarian will hold a remote debate on “natural immunity.” He explains that this is a continuation of his previous work on promoting a healthy lifestyle.

“My goal is to mobilize scientists, society, to take care of our natural immunity and prevent many diseases. If we do that, it will help even if I get sick. I see that people get sick very easily, even more easily than they used to. get the flu. I have a lot of those witnesses. My goal is to talk about natural immunity, to talk about the role of the state in helping people to have that immunity.

It turns out that vaccines alone can save against disease. Even those who get sick turn out to have antibodies that protect them too. Many healthy people told me: “Yes, I got sick from a fight, I have antibodies, who do I need to get vaccinated for now?” I ask them why they force everyone to get vaccinated in a row, without even considering the fact that there are people who have already had immunity. ”Said D. Kepenis.

According to him, “Klaipėda University, other Lithuanian scientists” whose field of interest is “natural immunity” will participate in this debate.

“There are few of them, almost all of them are dedicated only to immunity and specific vaccines, and no one takes a serious immunity, which protects not only from cure, but also from many diseases. Klaipeda University has shown initiative and we will support them. ”Said D. Kepenis.

Veryga: It is not clear who these scientists are and who is under pressure.

Former Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, a psychiatrist by training, was cautious about his colleague’s initiative to hold such a discussion.

“It just came to our attention then. If these are really scientists, then all is well. Immunity is not great news, it is certainly not an invention of the liver. This is serious business. People need to harden themselves and move. Everything is good for that. I don’t see any problem if vaccination with that immunity is not opposed, “said A. Veryga.

The interviewee was skeptical of such claims that a person acquires immunity not only after being vaccinated, but also after contracting the disease.

“Yes, you can get sick with many diseases and if you don’t die, you will gain immunity. But in this case, it is natural selection. Are we in favor of natural selection? People have gone so far with science, with medicine, that They have eliminated natural selection a bit, ”said A. Veryga.

At the same time, he recalled that if a sick person has antibodies, they are not vaccinated against the coronavirus.

“I understand Dainiai, he is a great person with a healthy lifestyle. He has dedicated a large part of his life to it and that does not exclude vaccination. When this is opposed, it doesn’t make sense. You don’t need to do that.

And anyway, that’s very good, Dainius is running, I meet him every morning in the Seimas bedroom, running, running, he is very athletic, very healthy. Everything is fine with him, but what about all the other people? Are we going to persuade them all to toughen up in two or three weeks? How to do it? “TO. Veryga considered it.

Veryga – a person is free to choose a profession.

At the same time, parliament said it did not fully understand who should protect these workers from pressure to get vaccinated.

“In Lithuania we do not use forced vaccination for adults or children. A person is free to decide if they want to be safe and protect others and work in a certain place. I mean the health workers here, and maybe we will find more from them.

There is no coercion, neither to be a doctor nor to work in a hospital: you cannot get vaccinated, sit in the fields, harden yourself, no one will have problems, there will be no coercion. But anyway, if you come to work where there are certain rules, it seems to me that those rights requirements of some kind have changed. It is a question of job security. If any of the doctors don’t believe in vaccines, I don’t know how they got their medical degree. You can believe or not believe in many things, but here it is not religion, ”said A. Veryga.

The MP was even more surprised by the appearance of scared educators. They are not even vaccinated yet. But for them, A. Veryga’s opinion is the same as for doctors.

“It is not necessary to work as a teacher, you can look for another job. What is the problem? It is possible to work remotely as a tutor if you don’t like being at school. What to say to those people? “TO. Veryga asked rhetorically.

Sejonienė: there is a problem with that Klaipeda University

Jurgita Sejonienė, a member of the Seimas of the Christian Democratic faction of the National Union and Lithuanians, has previously presented to the Ethics and Procedures Commission regarding the statements of D. Kepenis on the treatment of the coronavirus.

She is also skeptical about the current initiatives of this parliamentarian to organize a debate, as well as about the possible participants in that debate.

“There is a problem with that Klaipeda University. They also have good programs, but the lifestyle ‘church’ also thrives there. As I understand it, Kirkutis has gone there to teach. Bad,” reacted J. Sejonienė.

According to the MEP, if a debate is already taking place, unanimous scientists cannot be invited.

“They must be scientists from different points of view and schools,” said J. Sejonienė.

Ambergris – These two immunities should not be confused

In this discussion, Arvydas Ambrozaitis, an infectious disease specialist with many years of experience and professor at the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, emphasized for the first time that there are no mandatory vaccines in Lithuania. And, in general, there is no mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in any country of the European Union.

The second thing the scientist emphasized was that “specific and non-specific immunity or, as Kepenis puts it, general immunity should not be confused.”

“It just came to our knowledge then. There is an innate immune system. It can be improved by flying a plow, swimming in the cold water of the Baltic Sea, running. This is general immunity. It is very important. (…) But this is not immunity. specific.

We are talking about specific immunity. Sixty (and better yet, seventy) percent of the human population needs to acquire herd immunity in order to control this pandemic and have it end. Herd immunity can be acquired in two ways: by disease or by vaccination. (…) These antibodies are not formed when swimming in a plow, in the Baltic Sea, while practicing some sport ”, explained A. Ambrozaitis.

The specialist said that there is no resistance to such things – a person needs both general and specific immunity. That is why both a healthy lifestyle and vaccination are important.

“I am very sorry that a person, Dainius Kepenis, who has no medical training, who is a specialist in physical education, (…) goes to an area where he does not know and generates confusion. I believe that their actions should be seen as a threat to national security.

The World Health Organization has identified a lack of vaccination or a call for non-vaccination as a threat to national security. It causes confusion, mistrust. This is very useful for the special services of Russia, the Putin regime, who want to divide the European Union, cause confusion, “said A. Ambrozaitis.

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