Will united women cause a revolution in Belarus?


Following the candidate’s arrest in May, popular blogger Sergei Tikhanovsky, his wife Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who was unexpectedly allowed to participate in the presidential election, registered his initiative group.

Speaking about “women’s solidarity,” Valery Cepkala’s wife, who was also banned from the election, Veronika Cepkalo, and campaign leader Viktor Babaryka, who was removed from the election, joined Marija Kolesnikova .

Scanpix / AP photo / Svetlana Tichanovskaya

Scanpix / AP photo / Svetlana Tichanovskaya

“Everyone knows how I opened up here, for the love of my husband,” newly registered candidate Tikhanovskaya said at a press conference.

The gender factor is not important.

Belarusian freelance journalist Francis Vyachorka believes that the gender factor should not deter conservative voters: it is the most conservative, “Soviet-minded” and therefore supports the country’s current leader, Aliaksandr Lukashenko.

“People are so angry with the current regime, with Lukashenko, for the lack of a proper policy for COVID-19, for his strange statements that they no longer care about (gender). Even the opposite. About the women’s coalition, in cultural protestFor all of Telegram’s creative initiatives, this campaign is so special and powerful, “he said. 15 minutes.

Thousands of people gathered for the Tikhaniovskaya rally on Sunday. According to the human rights organization Viasna, this number rose to 7,000, “Free Europe Radio” journalists numbered between 3 and 4,000. Participants.

According to F. Vičorka, people met S.Tichanovskaja together with V. Cepkalas and M.Kolesnikova as superstars at the rally.

The 37-year-old language teacher, S. Tikhanovskaya, claimed that she had no gift for public speaking, nor did she have political experience. However, according to F. Viacorka, people do not join the protests due to S. Tikhanovskaya’s political skills or charisma.

TASS photo / Alexander Lukashenko

TASS photo / Alexander Lukashenko

“People come to mortals not because of personalities, but because they no longer love Lukashenko. They are very eager for change. And Tikhanovskaya’s role is to be that person of transition. And she plays this role perfectly. It is very important not to allow that the government breaks it and scares it, “said the journalist.

The regime has already targeted the most sensitive place: children. On Monday, the Radio Free Europe candidate admitted that due to the threats, her 4- and 10-year-old children had been taken to an unidentified country in the European Union (EU), accompanied by a grandmother.

It was feared that Tihanovskaya’s arrest would deprive the children of their families.

Decentralized organized

Journalist Felix Light wrote on Twitter that V. Cepkalo, S.Tichanovskaya and M.Kolesnikova could attract a wide circle of voters.

“The Tikhanyovskaya base is probably the working class living in the province that once supported Lukashenko. But his two allies and the campaign team are wealthy people who have benefited from the Lukashenko government but have never learned to love him.” Light wrote.

V.Cepkalo – business development manager at the company “Microsoft”, which has a branch in Minsk, M.Kolesnikova – V.Babaryka campaign manager.

Tikhaniovskaya is in favor of the release of political prisoners, the organization of new and free elections and the holding of a referendum on the 1994 Constitution, which limited the powers of the president.

As president, she assured that she would focus on issues such as mass emigration, medical care, education, the revitalization of small towns and cities, and the slowdown in the spread of the coronavirus.

For his part, analyst Alexander Klaskovsky told The Moscow Times that Tikhanovskaya has no chance of winning the election, “he is absolutely not ready for the mission.”

Scanpix / AP photo / Svetlana Tichanovskaya

Scanpix / AP photo / Svetlana Tichanovskaya

“Furthermore, circumstances put a lot of pressure on her: her husband is basically a hostage of the regime in prison,” she said.

According to Vyachorka, in 2010, when there were also major protests in the country, the Belarusian opposition still had the infrastructure: offices, regional coordinators, the media was in a much better condition.

“After 2010, Lukashenko has created a sterile political space: there are no parties left,” said the journalist.

According to F. Viacorka, today the opposition is organized, but in a decentralized way. “People know the purpose. They decided: we should forget about the different opinions, we just need a change, ”he said.

The journalist highlighted the need to avoid possible repression against the protesters. “Because any new repression, new political prisoners, new brutal evictions on the streets will push us back and scare people.” 15 minutes F. Viačorka assured.

The presidency, not for women?

In late May, Lukashenko claimed that, unlike Lithuania, a woman could not hold the presidency in Belarus. According to him, Dalia Grybauskaitė “came, smiled, sat down and left.”

“Our constitution is not for women [prezidentei]. And our society is not yet mature enough to vote for a woman. Because according to the constitution, the president has strong power in our country, “said Lukashenko, quoted by the BelTA news agency.

An Amnesty International report on Friday accused Belarusian authorities of attacking women in politics on a “gender basis”.

“The Belarusian government is demonstrating hateful actions against women,” said Marie Struthers, director of the group for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

However, V. Cepkalas disagrees with A. Lukashenko’s point of view. “It just came to our attention then. We are equal to men and we believe we will win,” he said.
