Wilbekin threw the basket only once, but Maccabi still beat Valencia


The victory in the Euroleague was achieved by Maccabi (11/15) from Tel Aviv, who is at home 82:72 (14:18, 19:17, 29:21, 20:16) defeated the Valencia basketball players (14/14).

During the first two halves, neither team was able to separate – Valencia was more often ahead, but the hosts of the field were always close – 33:35 in the middle of the match.

Already in the third quarter, Maccabi took the initiative and managed to get ahead and keep 3-5 points ahead, and the 11: 3 stage, after playing the last 2.5 minutes, allowed them to lead 62:56 before the decisive stage.

In the last quarter, the “yellows” took the decisive section – 6 unanswered points were enough, which gave them a double-digit advantage for the first time (71:61) and the “Valencia” failed to come out in the remaining 5 minutes.

The Maccabi leader sat on a bench at the end of the third quarter and did not return to the floor. Obviously Scottie Wilbekin has a health problem – he’s at 12.5 minutes. He ran out of points (0/1 triples), made 4 assists, made 2 errors and was left with only 1 point.

“Maccabi”: Tyler Dorsey 17 (3/7 triples, 23 points), Omri Casspi (5 points) and Chris Jones 14 each, Ante Žižičius 13 (16 minutes, 6 points, 21 points).), Draganas Benderis 8 (Rev. 5 ).

“Valencia”: Louis Labeyrie 18 (3/5 triples), Sam Van Rossom 14 (2/5 triples), Nikola Kaliničius 11, Bojanas Dubljevičius 9 (9th camera), Klemen Prepeličus 8.

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