WHO warned that the new coronavirus will never go away


As some countries around the world begin to facilitate quarantine measures and other restrictions imposed to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, WHO warned that the virus will never be completely eradicated.

The outbreak of the new coronavirus disease, which started in Wuhan, China, in December last year, has spread to most of the world. Since then, it has infected more than 4.3 million people worldwide. people, almost 300 thousand. People died.

“This virus could become another endemic virus in our communities and could never disappear,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, head of the WHO Emergency Health Program, at a virtual press conference in Geneva.

“HIV has not disappeared, but we have come to terms with the virus,” he said.

Ryan emphasized that even if a vaccine were developed, it would take a lot of effort to control the virus, citing other diseases like measles, which have not disappeared even though vaccines have been developed.

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