Who should get vaccinated first: a retiree or a politician?


Margaret Keenan, a 90-year-old British woman, received her first Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday, and the UK was the first country to launch a fully tested vaccine.

A New York nurse became the first person in the United States to be vaccinated against COVID-19 on Monday. Sandra Lindsay, who cares for critically ill patients at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJMC), was vaccinated live on television.

But in Israel, where the first doses of the same vaccine arrived on Wednesday, Prime Minister Netanyahu, 71, will be the first to be vaccinated. You have already stated that you want to become a “personal example.”

By age, Keenan and Netanyahu are two decades apart, that just means two really different risk groups. But, according to The Washington Post, it is also important that the head of the Israeli government is perhaps the most famous man in the country, and his daily life is privileged.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Benjaminas Netanyahu

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Benjaminas Netanyahu

Meanwhile, no one was unaware of Keenan until Tuesday. Until her retirement, she worked as a salesperson in a jewelry store. The circumstances are really different, what do they testify to?

Who has priority?

There will definitely be fewer vaccines than needed for at least some time, so there is mounting pressure on how to distribute them.

According to some experts and decision makers, the most important thing is to save as many lives as possible, which is why people at risk, like Keenan, need to be vaccinated urgently.

But others believe the focus should be on spreading the virus and vaccinating those who work on the front lines, such as doctors or couriers who deliver packages.

Where to find places here for the rich and powerful? Armand Arton, founder of the wealthy consultancy Arton Capital, told The Washington Post that some wealthy people will go to great lengths to get vaccinated and live better and freer lives.

Some believe the focus should be on spreading the virus and vaccinating those who work on the front lines, such as doctors or couriers delivering packages.

“Basically every market has a black element,” Arton said.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Vakcina nuo COVID-19

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Vakcina nuo COVID-19

Fear of vaccines that I don’t understand

However, Netanyahu’s promise to get vaccinated against the coronavirus isn’t just a wish not to wait in line, says Arthur Caplan, a professor of bioethics at New York University.

According to him, the ambition of the Israeli prime minister is completely understandable and even welcome. It is said that the leaders of all countries of a similar age should have publicly followed the example of B. Netanyahu.

“They should say that they are 71 years old and that is why they want to be vaccinated, because they are politicians. I would like this to be understood by representatives of the entire political spectrum, ”says A. Caplan.

In this way, politicians would also be an example to the general public. Although COVID-19 has already killed more than 1.5 million people around the world. the people, the call antivakseriai use social media and raise unfounded questions about vaccines.

AFP / Scanpix Photo / USA Has reached coronavirus vaccines

AFP / Scanpix Photo / USA Has reached coronavirus vaccines

There are those who believe that mass vaccination is a conspiracy of Bill Gates. But there are also many people who have become attached to a new vaccine that they don’t understand: A survey commissioned by the AP last week showed that only about half of Americans have a connection to the vaccine. A quarter said they would stop the vaccine.

Short-term side effects, the existence of which, by the way, has never been hidden by the medical community, can be terrifying.

There are also many people who have joined the new vaccine and don’t understand: A survey commissioned by the AP last week showed that only about half of Americans have a connection to the vaccine.

Caplan also noted that the UK government ordered hospitals on Wednesday not to vaccinate people who have a severe allergic reaction.

Must lead by example

Netanyahu’s promise was unevenly accepted by Israeli society. However, some experts consider this move to be positive, as vaccines are generally viewed with skepticism in Israel.

The country’s leader is not the first in the world to be vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine. The ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, was vaccinated with a Chinese vaccine in November.

Others, true, doubt it. For example, Russian President Vladimir Putin has not vaccinated the Kremlin-backed Sputnik V vaccine, only his daughter.

And the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, said recently that he would be publicly vaccinated, as were former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Joe Bidenas

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Joe Bidenas

According to Caplan, other politicians, at least in the United States, may behave differently, so governments should turn to celebrities and opinion leaders on social media. These people could also get vaccinated in public and set an example.

“Let’s choose a day, like sometime in January, and declare it National Vaccination Day. Let’s talk about the status of our vaccines as seriously as possible, shake off rumors and lies, “said A. Caplan.

That wouldn’t be new: in 1956, Elvis Presley called for a polio vaccination. It is true that now it would be prudent to seek stars to vaccinate and as soon as possible, due to age. Let’s say the UK is made up of 94-year-old David Attenborough and 86-year-old actress Judi Dench.
