who is to blame that the football team had to isolate itself instead of the match with the Lithuanians


Instead of a calm and controlled match on Tuesday with Lithuania, nerves and questions not only for coach Luis Enrique, but also for the government, which did not give the green light to the athletes’ vaccines.

The first signs of anxiety came Sunday afternoon when the Spaniards canceled scheduled events with sponsors.

And in the afternoon at 10 p.m. The alarm clock sounded: it has been confirmed that the captain of the national team, Sergio Busquets, is infected with a coronavirus.

Buskets’ illness has not outraged the leaders of the Spanish Football Federation.

They have long asked the Minister of Health, Karolina Darias, to allow all members of the team to be vaccinated.

Although the Olympians, including the soccer team under 21 years of age, received such permission, the president of the Federation, Luis Rubiales, received a negative response despite the mediation, for example, of the Minister of Education and Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes.

It is now believed that a positive S. Busquet test will speed up Spain’s vaccination plan, although many European teams (France, Italy, Belgium and Poland) have already received their doses.

After the game canceled and the isolation in Spain, everything turned upside down.

The media have criticized politicians for refusing to vaccinate footballers, and coach Luis Enrique has been criticized for inviting too few players, only 24, although he could have had 26.

There were no player families on the training ground, but the media were able to talk to the players face-to-face.

On average 150 people attended press conferences.

The Spanish Federation urgently invited players who had already traveled to the national team to play for Lithuania, as the Spanish left the Euro and returned home earlier.
