WHO has approved the use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines


“The WHO today included two AstraZeneca and Oxford [universiteto] versions of the COVID-19 vaccine to [skiepų, kuriuos leidžiama naudoti] in a state of emergency, by turning on the green light to supply these vaccines worldwide through COVAX, ”the WHO said in a statement referring to an international vaccine distribution mechanism to ensure the correct distribution of vaccines.

Permits were granted for vaccines produced by the Indian Serum Institute (SII) and South Korea.

“Countries that have not yet had access to vaccines will finally be able to begin vaccinating their healthcare workers and populations at risk, contributing to COVAX’s goal of a fair distribution of vaccines,” said Mariangela Simao, deputy director general of WHO for access to medicines.

“However, we must increase pressure to meet the needs of priority populations everywhere and promote access [prie preparatų] all over the world ”, he added. “To do that, we need two things: increase production capacity and provide developers with their vaccines early for WHO evaluation.”

Conditional authorization from the United Nations Health Program Monitoring Agency to allow distribution of these vaccines is based on available information on the quality, safety and efficacy of the products. It is a prerequisite for COVID-19 vaccines to be distributed through the COVAX mechanism.

The WHO approval allows countries to accelerate their pharmacovigilance procedures for the import and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

So far, the WHO has only granted such authorization for a coronavirus vaccine made by Pfizer and BioNTech.

AstraZeneca products manufactured in India and South Korea account for the majority of COVID-19 vaccine doses destined for the first phase of COVAX distribution.

The mailing list released on February 3 indicates how the first 337.2 million will be distributed. dose. Countries should receive the first shipments by the end of February.

Approximately 145 countries and territories participate in the COVAX program. The doses of vaccines distributed through this measure are expected to be sufficient to vaccinate by 3.3% by the middle of this year. of its entire population.
