While some celebrate the end of the quarantine, holidays on the Greek island are already being destroyed by new restrictions: even a curfew is announced


The Greek island of Mykonos will remain silent due to the fancy parties, much loved by Hollywood stars and the wealthy of the world, until the coronavirus outbreak is brought under control. The authorities banned concerts in restaurants, bars and clubs.

The curfew is also announced on the island. Now it is only possible to travel from 1 to. M. A 6 a. M. To go to the hospital or to work.

The mayor of the island, which attracts more than a million tourists every summer, said the instructions from the central government were not fair. However, it is on this island, according to the Ministry of Health, where the growing number of coronavirus cases is worrying.

The reason for the outbreak is a variety of tourists and a delta variety who have secretly escaped from quarantine to the beach.

One in ten people living on the island is infected with the coronavirus.

Many of those who heard the news rushed off the island by ferry.

The curfew and other bans are scheduled for July 26. However, without a case reduction, the rules will remain in effect.

UK celebrates for fear of shutting down again

And here the UK is celebrating the end of the quarantine. It has been decided to discontinue it despite disease statistics, which again show a new wave of disease, but mortality from the disease in the UK remains low.

The first to lift the quarantine, and the new rules will take effect at midnight, undoubtedly benefited British nightclubs. The British haven’t been able to have this much fun for almost a year and a half, and since last spring.

So the hips fill up right away because there is no need to keep distances and wear protective masks.

“I mean energy, how to release all this stress. We have been working from home for so long, so it will be really great, ”said Davina, a visitor to the club.

Local authorities, on the other hand, urge common sense and take no unnecessary risks. Even masks that are optional are still recommended for use in more crowded areas, especially indoors.

But clubbers hardly heard such warnings.

“I’m really relieved that the situation is getting back to normal, but a little worried,” said Katie, who goes to the club. Dylan, who agreed with him, said he didn’t think it was a reality. But he agreed that he is already worried about a possible new closure.

It’s the unbridled fun that the country’s government fears a bit, as morbidity statistics show a new wave of rapidly growing pandemics.

About 50,000 are registered again in the British Isles. diseases per day. Just like during the UK’s biggest Christmas wave. On the other hand, the same statistics show that mortality remains very low and grows very slowly. Although 4 weeks have passed since this new wave.

UK authorities say the quarantine could have been lifted and declared a symbolic day of freedom. Because after vaccinating the majority of the country’s population, the complications caused by the virus are no longer so dangerous. Prime Minister Boris Johnson sadly did not enjoy Freedom Day because his health minister fell ill and the prime minister had to isolate himself.

Therefore, the Prime Minister could only congratulate everyone on the lifting of the quarantine and urge caution.

“And most importantly, please, please, please, when asked for a second vaccination, come and do it,” he urged.

British doctors and the country’s government predict that the number of cases could rise further. However, it is expected that there will not be many deaths, since the youngest and most resistant people are now sick, as well as those who have been vaccinated, which makes it easier for them to spread the coronavirus.
