Where will we accommodate migrants? Residents react extremely angry to the government’s intentions.


“We want to live beautifully, we don’t need them here,” said a Klaipeda resident, whose home is suspected of harboring illegal immigrants.

The residents of this Klaipeda home were scared and outraged that Africans and Iraqis from Belarus could stay in the neighborhood.

“Let them take them back home, build their lives there. And here they have nothing to do. We continue to live in a house, ”said the woman.

The house has training facilities for employees of the maritime sector. Residents say they learned through their channels that the municipality is considering a possible location for the illegal residents. The residents of this and adjacent houses have collected signatures with which they do not agree.

“If you want to set up a shoe workshop at home, you have to ask people. And now no one listened, no one reports. Although the place was inspected, “said another neighbor of the house.

Klaipėda Municipality announces that all vacant premises of budget institutions are being considered as possible places for illegal residents. But no decisions have been made yet.

And illegal places need more and more places.

In a village in the Alytus district, another 50 illegal residents were taken to the old school on Thursday. This school is already full.

On Friday, the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) detained another 37 migrants from Belarus who crossed the border illegally. This year, a total of 1,546 illegal immigrants have been detained on the border with Belarus.

Former Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius launches into the fight against illegal immigration. It will ensure that the people of Iraq and Africa find out that it is not worth traveling to Europe through Lithuania. And that all those illegally detained and will be returned to the Homeland.

“Obviously, they did not leave their country with good intentions. And now it is clearly becoming a tool or instrument of the hybrid war against us, ”said L. Linkevičius at LNK.

The Lithuanian authorities state that they are aware that Belarusian officials also organize illegal transport to Lithuania. That for 15 thousand dollars, the Iraqis are taken to Minsk and taken to the border with Lithuania.

During interviews, foreigners said they hoped they would be enough to apply for asylum and settle in Europe. But so far Lithuania is rejecting all asylum applications after the procedures have been completed, and it is planned to accelerate them. The illegals will be deported from Lithuania to their homeland. The first deportations are already there.

“They must make it clear that they have been promised some freedom, an easy road to Europe, which is at least false,” said L. Linkevičius.

L. Linkevičius has not yet specified how the message will be spread to the people of Iraq and African countries, as well as to the governments of these countries.

“The diplomatic network is certainly not as extensive as in other countries. It is important to remember here that the EU has offices around the world. We must at least pretend to seize its opportunities as well,” said the former foreign minister.

Illegal housing is also causing discontent among some border mayors. The Lazdijai district municipality says it lacks information on plans from the Interior Ministry, which is coordinating the situation.

“We have no answers about who will be financed, how long the municipalities will be obliged to care. What is the additional course, how quantitatively each municipality will have to accept or will have to accept, “Luscia district mayor Ausma Miškinienė told LNK.

The Interior Ministry said it would not comment on the illegal issue on Thursday. And on Wednesday, the government decided that barbed wire barriers would appear on part of the border with Belarus.

According to the Minister of National Defense, Arvydas Anušauskas, the soldiers are already inspecting the border and the first wire firebreaks will appear this week.
