Where to go in Lithuania if you want to relax: from the Anger Room to the Deer Spa


“Health is a rapidly growing tourism direction. The use of health services has increased by 7% in the last two years. This year, one fifth of all local tourists chose this type of entertainment when traveling. Without However, we note that this area is more often associated with sanatoriums or SPA centers, although there are a variety of possibilities, from apitherapy to cold procedures, ”says Neringa Sutkaitytė, local tourism expert from Keliauk Lietuva.

Therefore, for those who want to relax and gain strength in non-traditional ways, “Travel in Lithuania” in a press release offers the possibility to visit museums and animal farms, as well as Lithuanian meadows.

1. Scented hammock therapy

Indrė Bungardaitė / 15 min photo / Museum of Ancient Beekeeping

Indrė Bungardaitė / 15 min photo / Museum of Ancient Beekeeping

Many have heard of aromatherapy: aromas have the ability to relax and calm. Many of the country’s spas and sanatoriums offer aromatherapy sessions with essential oils, aromatherapy massages, and other aromatic rituals. And if you visit the Ancient Beekeeping Museum in Stripeikiai (Ignalina district), here you will find the Attic Attic with a unique hammock aromatherapy!

The bee product odor relaxation program is offered in a special setting: on the floor of the house, swinging in hammocks, listening to the buzz of bees recording and breathing in the healing aromas of bee products (wax, tar, pollen, honey). Here the thoughts calm down, the exhausted body urgently relaxes.

Photo by Ričardas Anusauskas / Museum of Beekeeping

Photo by Ričardas Anusauskas / Museum of Beekeeping

This peace therapy is complemented by hammock therapy, as the rocking effect in the hammock relieves pain caused by movement and vestibular disorders, and the pleasant rocking is closer to the sensations of the baby in the womb and has a calming effect. More information here.

2. Herbal therapy

“Travel in Lithuania”

The term sophisticated phytotherapy does not describe more than the use of herbs for therapeutic purposes. After all, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the recognized health benefits of local herbs. In the history of mankind, vegetation has always been the basis of medical treatment. This practice is widespread and today, of course, it is combined with modern medicine. Lithuanians have long used many local herbs to treat various diseases.

A kind of beginner in the witchcraft meadows can introduce not only how to “spell” from herbs or herbs (used to flavor dishes), but also how to separate, collect and prepare them properly, as well as learn what Lithuanian coffee from carrots , deep seeds or hawthorn can taste. . More information here.

3. Tenderness therapy with rabbits

Photo by Marius Morkūnas / Rabbit

Photo by Marius Morkūnas / Rabbit

Rabbit therapy at the Siauliai alpaca farm d. it is one of the additional attractions for visitors. There is a place where cozy rabbits run on the territory of the mini zoo. You can not only look at them, but also pet and feed them. Fun is more popular with children because touching these fluffy little animals creates good emotions and is a really gentle therapy procedure. More information here.

4. Deer SPA


Photo “Travel in Lithuania” / Elk SPA

Next to Kernavė, an oasis of peace surrounded by forests, where deer reign. Deer Spa hosts offer to observe deer in two ways: from a distance or by participating in their feeding. In the first case, it is a slow process, meditation (the time is indefinite, even if it is all day), during which the quiet life of these animals is observed in the enclosure from a nearby meadow. It has a calming effect, and although there is no officially existing term for “deer therapy,” it is believed to have a similar effect to horse or dolphin therapy.

It is also possible to participate in the feeding of the deer together with the owner; Although deer are inherently shy, they eat carrots or bread from your hands. It gives a lot of positive emotions for both adults and children, it is a kind of happiness therapy. More information here.

5. Shrek effect therapy

Photo by Vaidotas Grigas / Sanatorium Versmė

Photo by Vaidotas Grigas / Sanatorium Versmė

Mud therapy (peloid therapy) is one of the most common and popular procedures in Lithuanian resorts. Here you can choose mineral water and mud baths, mud applications (wraps), dry hot mud bag applications or even the Shrek procedure. It is a mixture of mud, clay and mineral water that people have to lubricate themselves as they please. Therapeutic mud through the skin affects the central nervous system, and then the whole body: improves blood circulation, nutrition, strengthens immunity, inhibits inflammatory processes, normalizes the activity of the nervous system. More information here.

6. Cold sauna

It only takes a couple of minutes to try cold therapy, but this time you must remain bitten by your teeth in the literal sense of the word, in a chamber with 110-140 degrees cold! The so-called cryotherapy helps to recover from injuries, strengthens immunity, reduces anxiety, rejuvenates. Visiting an artificial cold sauna, the cryo-sauna is also recommended for those who are in bad sports shape and have cellulite; the body is said to shed 500 to 2,000 kilocalories in one procedure. More information here.

7. Anger therapy

Wrath room

Wrath room

“The Room of Wrath was filled with various tools: Mom’s frenzy, a bigfoot bastard, and Freddie Krueger’s chops.” In the anger room, it is possible to relax and unleash the accumulated anger not only by destroying, burning, stinging, hitting, breaking the given elements, but also by bringing the unpleasant ones themselves. This therapy is said to be perfect after quarantine or before Monday. More information here.

More therapeutic experiences, for a total of 13, can be found here.
