Where did the water announced by Uspaskich come from: did he seek to make his children profitable?


The news portal tv3.lt shares information collected by K. Štelmokaitė.

“After reviewing the post, I thought maybe something was wrong with Victor, because to sound so absurd, since he had received a ‘virus energy code’ from China, he had created a ‘removal program’ of viruses whose Central tool was some kind of water.Even from the 6 strains of the virus, the MEP and the leader of the party with 10 seats in the Lithuanian parliament too.

However, I rejected the insanity version because I remembered that it would not be the first time that Uspaskich had many benefits in manipulating the health issue. Health is probably the most important issue for people and Viktor has repeatedly managed to make it part of his political plan and publicity ”, writes K. Štelmokaitė on his Facebook account of the social network.

He recalled that during the last 2019 V. Uspaskich traveled to Lithuania during the European Parliament elections not to discuss the future of Europe, but to invite potential voters to treatment sessions. This time the “treatment sessions” paid off perfectly: V. Uspaskich was re-elected to the EP and only in his hair did the Labor Party not receive a second term.

“Or before 2016. Uspaskich MEP invited voters who had turned their backs on the Seimas elections to launch his new book on diseases and treatment seminars. Although the seminars were well attended and his strange ideas about spiritual centers in Lithuania and Kėdainiai were successfully described in the Republican press, voters did not “link” Uspaskich’s “healing” powers to the DP electoral list and did not they ran for the leader. By the way, the illusion that Uspaskich is also running for the Seimas (although it did not happen) was created in a very bold way and became a successful voter bait already in the 2020 election campaign, ”said the woman.

He called for a return to “structured mineral water”, which Uspaskich announced to his followers to sell for 1.5 euros a bottle.

“The smallest set of ‘health’ sets that are supposed to protect against COVID-19 – 24 bottles for 36 euros (type “three times cheaper than making COVID-19 test in a private clinic ”).

As I know some people who have already received this “magic” water from Victor, I asked that they send me pictures of the bottle. The Upas mineral water registered in them is drawn from a well in Rokiškis, and is produced by UAB Lamikara, also registered in Rokiškis. By the way, alongside Viktoras’ message about magic water, not only Labor Party politicians were mentioned as distributors, but also the email from the Lamikara company. mail for orders [email protected]

So let’s go to Rokiškis’ company “Lamikara”. I find that the old Rokiškis district works there. Mayor Antanas Vagonis has been widely promoting Upas mineral water (one without the long, the other with the long Ū) on his Facebook page since this fall, which is produced in Rokiškis from a long-standing mineral water well. since this fall. From various publications, as well as articles in the local press, it can be known that the idea of ​​starting a mineral water business in Rokiškis has existed for several decades. UAB Sartai was established in 2006, led by Pranas Blažys (last name heard), but the business did not get involved until then, the aforementioned Lamikara did not take over. Ice cream obviously broke into the small Lithuanian market this fall, along with the well-known names of mineral water came the “Upas” water drawn from the Upo well. It was practically unknown until last night …

By the way, if you order water through Labor Distributors, you will get it for three times the price. As mentioned, Viktor sells you half a liter for 1.5 euros, but in some Rokiškis stores you can buy it for only 0.36 euros. It is five times cheaper. Here, in my opinion, a stupid bonus. If you want to buy “magic water” at the price of Rokiškis instead of Vyktaras, go to Rokiškis after quarantine, where it is distributed in local stores, “the woman announced.

We now come to the fundamental question: why Uspaskich, famous for eating the virus, COVID-19 chose Upas water for prevention and treatment? What fascinated him so much that he wasn’t afraid of being called a charlatan even when it was announced?

I saw who the founders of UAB Lamikaros are, a seldom common fact when the names of three citizens living in Vilnius with Slavic surnames pagooglinus, you do not get any results. But that’s not the point here. Let’s move on, let’s see who the shareholders of UAB Lamikaros are right now. And according to the data of the Registry Center, the company Edvervita, registered in Kėdainiai, Didžioji str., Owns 90% of the shares of the company. Another 10% is owned by Dalia G. Residents of Kėdainiai know that Edvervita’s company is closely related to Viktor Uspaskich, the company’s board of directors is headed by Viktor’s partner and right-hand man, Juozas Gaidamavičius, who recently resigned from the active politics. Indrė Fiodorova, who, according to Viktoras’ announcement, is a “distributor” of water in Kėdainiai).

And so that everything is completely clear to everyone, we asked the Registry Center who the shareholders of Edvervita are: ogi, Julia and Eduard Uspaskichai, sons of Victor from his first marriage, registered in Belarus !!! Each of them owns 50% of the shares. So the quackery, or an extremely cynical business plan, is taking advantage of people’s fear of not contracting Covid-19.

My last question for this post is whether it is so bad for Viktor to take so much quackery in the middle of a pandemic, with people dying every day in the world and in Lithuania, and to sell the mineral water extracted by his children’s company to devoured And for the cosmic price even with mineral water? ”Asks K. Štelmokaitė.
