When the Seimas decided to remove A. Jakubauskas, a rally was organized under the windows


“Opposition factions that have reached an agreement will not participate in the vote,” opposition leader Saulius Skvernelis told reporters at Seimas on Thursday.

The agreement has been signed by the peasant and worker groups. They have 42 representatives in Parliament.

According to the law, the director of LGGRTC is appointed and removed by the Seimas.

For A. Jakubauskas to be removed, at least 71 MPs must vote for him.

According to the opposition leader, the accusations against the head of the Genocide Center are null and void.

“The accusations against the manager are basically trivial. We certainly have more than one example where there are various conflicts between the employees and the employer, but there are completely different civilized (solution) ways to firing after a few months. What is essential is how the center continues to view its activities, ”said S. Skvernelis.

He stated that A. Jakubauskas was fit to run the Genocide Center.

According to the deputy, it is not the fate of the director that is really decided, but the institutions themselves.

“I think there is a turning point when it comes to the Genocide Center and its investigation. We have seen all kinds of examples, I really do not want to speculate and heat the passions of our individual historical personalities, the evaluation of the historical period, especially the post-war period, is just a turning point in which the center moves, “said the leader of the opposition.

On Thursday, MPs plan to vote on the removal of A. Jakubauskas, director of the Lithuanian Research Center on Genocide and Resistance.

Held a rally to support

On Thursday morning, around 50 people protested to the Seimas against the dismissal of A. Jakubauskas.

“Take your hands off the LGGRTC director, Adas Jakubauskas”, “The conspiracy attack against the LGGRTC is unfounded”, “Who benefits from dealing with the LGGRTC director? Maybe the Kremlin”: campaign participants argued posters of this type.

For the members of the Seimas to hear, the rallies occasionally made a noise reminiscent of the abundance of sirens coming through the loudspeakers.

“Hey, you’re there, people are turning to you,” said Astra Genovaitė Astrauskaitė, the teacher who led the protest, before the noise broke. Before that, he called the Seimas a prostitute.

The event, organized by the National Association and the Pro Patria youth meeting and the Coordinating Council of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), was attended by about 100 people.

On Thursday, the Seimas will decide by secret ballot on the dismissal of the head of the Genocide Center A. Jakubauskas. This will require at least 71 parliamentary votes.

One of the initiators of the rally, Vytautas Sinica, believes that the Genocide Center is currently under pressure to write negative conclusions about the participants in the resistance. However, according to the initiator of the meeting, A. Jakubauskas refused to succumb to such pressure from liberal politicians and therefore seeks to remove him from the position of head of the LGGRTC.

“This director has made it very clear that he will not give in to so much political pressure and he will not condemn the resistance. As a result, Jakubauskas is not suitable for them. At the same time, it is clear that if he needs to be removed, then any new director appointed by the ruling majority of this Seimas will be the one to give in to this pressure, “said V. Sinica at the rally.

It emphasizes that critics of A. Jakubauskas have not provided any concrete evidence that the director would force the Center’s researchers to write biased or biased research conclusions.

“Mingailė Jurkutė and various other historians repeated many times that Adas Jakubauskas wants to dictate to historians what and how to write, but they can never give a concrete example,” said V. Sinica.

The parliamentarians will decide on the dismissal of the director of the Genocide Center A. Jakubauskas

MPs plan to vote Thursday on the removal of Adas Jakubauskas, director of the Lithuanian Center for Studies on Genocide and Resistance (LGGRTC).

The Seimas Board proposes to remove the official appointed last year.

The working group formed by her affirmed that A. Jakubauskas does not manage to ensure the proper functioning of the institution, there is resistance and the situation publicly discussed in the center undermines the business reputation of the institution.

At the beginning of the year, 17 employees of the Genocide Center asked Seimas for the actions and tensions of the head in the institution.

A. Jakubauskas was also criticized for the decision to fire the historian Mingailė Jurkutė.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė stated that, following an interview with the director of the Genocide Center of Crimean Tatar television ATR, this official could hardly remain in charge of an institution of a member state of the European Union.

In an interview with Crimean Tatar television last week, A. Jakubauskas claimed that the LGGRTC under his leadership represented traditional views and was under pressure from “leftist” groups. He also said that he had the support of a “healthy Lithuanian society” and did not doubt that the Seimas would not have enough political will to remove him.

He later told the Lithuanian media that he regretted the remarks and said that he had said so due to fatigue.

Some organizations, signatories, participants in the resistance to the Soviet occupation regime urge not to rush to remove the head of the center.

On Thursday, pickets will be held to support A. Jakubauskas near Seimas, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Telšiai, Utena, Mažeikiai.

According to the law, the director of LGGRTC is appointed and removed by the Seimas.

A. Jakubauskas was appointed director of the center last summer. This center investigates all manifestations of genocide and crimes against humanity and the persecution of the Lithuanian population during the years of occupation, as well as the armed and unarmed resistance to the occupations, initiates the legal evaluation of the organizers and perpetrators of the genocide, and commemorates freedom fighters and genocide. victims.
