When the quarantine is exhausted, different scenarios are considered: one of them is extremely radical


Medal: Not letting anyone act will have unpredictable consequences

Vytautas Mitalas, a representative of the Freedom Party and vice president, says on the “Essentially” show that ways must be found to facilitate the quarantine safely. One of them is extremely intensive testing.

“In fact, the MOTHER Awards have exploded in many different colors. I personally did not see so many of those stars and sequences, I could not see behind the scenes, but a large part of the public saw them, and it seems to me that the main moral is the quarantine, its management is not just a question of government. It is a matter of both management and society, and when there are groups in society that organize an event with parties, the picture does not change. However, it seems to me that the key to advancing the answer to your question is finding tools that work as a result.

For example, the opening of several schools with intensive tests has shown that educational institutions can work with intensive tests, even in areas with a relatively high number of cases (now in Vilnius), they can function successfully if intensive tests of those are carried out. students. insured. “Says the interlocutor.

Vytautas Mitalas

Vytautas Mitalas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to him, it would be possible to move in a similar direction with regard to cultural events.

“As for the education sector, which hurts me, we could go one step further and multiply these successful practices by involving more educational institutions. It seems to me that this is a perfectly clear direction. Obviously, we will also have to move from education to the cultural sphere. After the quarantine, people want certain events, they want to be in touch with the culture, they want to go to gallery events, so there is a way to apply high intensity analog testing tools there and then somehow allow that individual events occur, “says V. Mitalas.

The interlocutor adds that too slow a release from restrictions, given people’s current moods and dispositions, can have unpredictable consequences.

“I believe that we must act with understanding, in consultation with the public, because there is no other way to overcome this great disaster than a pandemic simply by talking together. We see certain moods in society and I am terrible that squeezing the pot and letting anyone do it or doing it slowly, we have unpredictable consequences ”, says the politician.

Gentville: I can’t say that all quarantine decisions are correct

Eugenijus Gentvilas, the eldest of the Liberal Movement of the Seimas, also considers in the show that liberations are necessary, especially in the field of education and culture.

“During all crises and wars, trust between commanders and society is important. When there is trust, results can be achieved, but in all wars there are thieves or disobedient people who believe that commanders are making wrong decisions. I can’t. To say if all the quarantine decisions are correct, I don’t know if every year after that they will be able to say that everything was right or wrong.

Let us realize that this pandemic is not only a test for our generation, but also for a century, so it does not seem that we avoid mistakes. But don’t assume that no group in society knows something perfectly, that it knows more than the rest of humanity, that it has never encountered it before.

I liked the example of educational institutions from my colleague Mital, they received recommendations and instructions from public health professionals, epidemiologists on how to proceed to avoid painful consequences when they were released. I am interested that the MAMOS organizers have received consultations, recommendations and instructions from public health professionals. It is a voluntary and arbitrary meeting that presents a risk ”, says the politician.

Name two extremes

When asked if he did not believe that the current restrictions had been exhausted and that the government already needed to think about another decision, perhaps based on principles, on the quarantine, Gentvil assured that there was something to criticize about the decisions of the previous and current governments. .

“The quarantine dilemma exists and there are two extremes. One extreme is curfew in the strictest way, I cannot agree with it in any way, and the other is that we leave everything, who wants what, what it does, but I don’t agree with that either. In this case, the government and the experts have to make rational decisions, I want to repeat it, I don’t think all decisions are rational. Regarding the decisions of the previous government and the current ones, there is something to criticize, in my opinion some of the decisions taken are delayed.

Eugenijus Gentvilas

Eugenijus Gentvilas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

For example, the movement between metropolitan and ring municipalities, in the past it was possible to do so. Of course, this does not mean that he is criticizing the previous and current governments, because it is impossible to know what works optimally, not even epidemiologists can say that; the desire of politicians not to make mistakes is impossible, of course, it is possible to want it, but even so we will not avoid mistakes ”, considers E. Gentvilas.

Three hopes at the end of the tunnel

According to Mital, there are three hopes to focus on in terms of freer quarantine.

“This government has inherited a very difficult coronavirus situation and that situation will inevitably lead to radical quarantine management decisions. This has had an effect and the situation in Lithuania has started to improve, it has improved dramatically, but the whole long period, waiting for it to improve, is the main reason why society now feels the way it does. It is unlikely that the Government in this case will have a very large margin of maneuver to turn on those lights at the end of the tunnel.

I, like Eugenijus Gentvilas, cannot defend the idea that the quarantine should end today, because we have a good understanding of the difficult situation in individual municipalities, as well as the diffusion of varieties that have already returned many countries to a situation very very difficult. but turn on at least some of them.

Perhaps the vaccine passport is worth speaking louder, worth tidying up what the benefits could be for its holders, it could be one of those lights at the end of the tunnel. The second thing that I already mentioned is the liberalization of individual sectors, individual institutions with great tests, such as education, cultural opportunities, and the third light could be the idea that we are considering: a temporary reduced VAT could be introduced for those most affected. business ”, says V. Mitalas.

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