When Palanga is in the red zone: a request from the municipality to calculate statistics differently


The Department of Statistics explains that a positive result of a personal survey is attributed to the municipality that the evaluator indicates as his current address, so in fact there may be cases in which one or another municipality is attributed only to cases of temporary illness . residents.

The municipality of Palanga proposes that if the cases of COVID-19 of temporary residents in the city are included, the morbidity rate, which is calculated taking the cases of illness of 14 days per 100,000. The population should be fixed by the number of people in the complex at that time and not by the number of people declared there.

He explained why there are discrepancies in the statistics.

The Samogitian region continues to turn red on the COVID-19 map of Lithuania. In addition to the city of Klaipėda, the district of Šilutė and Rietavas, the municipalities of the city of Palanga and the district of Kretinga were also stained red on Thursday. They have a disease rate of 100,000 in the last two weeks. people, exceeded 100.

In Palanga, the incidence rate is currently 115.7 and the proportion of positive tests per week is 2.9 percent. According to vaccination rates, Palanga in Lithuania ranks 15th. 53.3 percent were vaccinated in this city. population.

Akvilė Kilijonienė, Director of the Municipal Administration, for the portal lrytas.lt He stated that the municipality had been explaining for several weeks why a series of new cases of coronavirus were attributed to Palanga, despite the fact that the city had only 3-4 inhabitants.

“For some time we have been explaining how the diseases that are collected in the statistics of the city of Palanga occur. Today we learn that out of eight new cases, which are indicated in the statistics as Palanga, only one is detected for Palanga. The other seven people diagnosed with COVID-19 are not from Palanga.

However, during the test at the mobile point, they indicated its real location: Palanga. Since there are currently about 100-200 thousand people in Palanga. Folks, if we included all the cases currently occurring in Palanga in the Palanga statistics, the situation would be completely inappropriate.

So we should divide the number by those 200 thousand. the epidemiological indicator of the people of the city at that time and Palanga would not be so bad ”, explained A. Kilijonienė.

The representative of the municipality pointed out that the detective of new cases continued from the National Public Health Center (NVSC) to the Ministry of Health (SAM), which recognized that the incidence rate did not reflect the real situation in Palanga.

“Our conversations extended to SAM, who, looking at the system, also claimed and confirmed that there is only one of the eight new cases in Palanga. SAM agreed with us that 100,000. The epidemiological indicator of the population does not reflect the real situation in the complex, because we all understand that at present Palanga is not only the residents of Palanga, it is the whole of Lithuania.

We are promised that this situation will change. At the end of today or tomorrow, we will tell ourselves how we intend to change that situation, ”said the director of the municipal administration.

A.Kilijonienė pointed out that Palanga’s disease statistics likely include not only vacationers and seasonal workers currently here, but also people in treatment or rehabilitation institutions.

“The news is that Palanga Resort is really safe. Of course, you don’t need to relax too much, you need to protect yourself, avoid large gatherings, wear protective gear. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated and get tested.

We are trying to reorganize the activities of the mobile point, taking into account the increase in demand ”, assured the representative of the municipality.

Statistics Department: the case is assigned where the person himself refers

Representatives of the Department of Statistics for the portal lrytas.lt He stated that a positive case of the disease belongs to the municipality indicated in the questionnaire by the person under test. If you have been coming to Palanga for some time, and if you test positive you are about to isolate yourself, the case of the disease is attributed to Palanga and not to the municipality of permanent residence of the person.

It is possible that the number of illnesses in Palanga is not increasing at the expense of the people of Palanga, because both rescuers and waiters come to work in Palanga, who indicate their place of residence in the spa at that time, because just in case of illness , In Kelmė or elsewhere.

It may be the case that the cases of disease are registered in the place where these people are at that time ”, explained the representatives of the Department of Statistics.

According to them, in the rare cases in which the person undergoing the test does not indicate any of their addresses in the questionnaire, they are automatically assigned to the municipality where the study is registered.

Representatives of the Department of Statistics recognized that the proposal of the Municipality of the City of Palanga to register the cases in the spa in proportion to the population of the city at that time, instead of the declared one, was quite logical, but difficult to implement .
