When one dared to speak, others spoke about the reception department in Kėdainiai: it is terrible there


He didn’t want to give help

In one of the Facebook groups, Kėdainiai said that in February, his mother had an operation after an ischemic stroke. A few days ago, the woman suffered a seizure: her blood pressure rose, her hands trembled, she began to vomit and blue spots appeared on her hands.

“I said to my mother without expecting anything: let’s go to the reception department!” Wrote Jurgita, Sigita’s daughter, a woman who felt bad (the names of the women have changed, “Delfi” is known in the office editorial). After nine o’clock at night, they arrived at the Kėdainiai Hospital Emergency Department.

“I accompanied my mother to the door, they did not let me in, I went back to the car to wait for her. It took maybe less than 5 minutes when I saw my future mother, tears rolled down her cheeks ”, Jurgita related the unpleasant moment.

Feeling sick, Sigita echoed the words she heard in the admissions department of the on-call doctor and nurses: Supposedly she didn’t need urgent help, she said to go to a family doctor.

When she heard this from her mother, Jurgita went to the hospital herself, and the doctor came out and said, “Go to a family doctor. After all, this is not the first time this has been the case, ”Jurgita said in the conversation. We remind you that the woman sought help after 9 p.m. M., At that time, medical care in the Kėdainiai district is provided only by the hospital’s Emergency and Admission Department.

When one dared to speak, others spoke about the reception department in Kėdainiai: it is terrible there

© DELFI / Kiril Tchaikovsky

“Yes, this is not the first time, but the last time there was such an attack, you were given first aid immediately!” Kėdainiškės writes on the social network.

After hearing that offer again, the girl informed the doctor that she would go to Kaunas for help. However, the doctor he met at the hospital did not recommend doing so.

“I didn’t go to the discussion anymore, I got in the car. After driving almost a kilometer from the reception department of Kėdainiai, my mother started to feel sick again, her heart was pounding, her hands were shaking. She was probably also affected from excitement and tears, Jurgita wrote, “But we didn’t come back. We were close to Aunt’s house, I called her and told her to call an ambulance to my house because Mom was sick. Mom started vomiting again …

Soon after, an ambulance arrived and a paramedic arrived at the relative’s home, inspected Sigita, who was feeling unwell, measured her blood pressure, and said without regard: “We will take you to the reception department!”

“I will admit that after such an incident, I didn’t want to go back there at all, but seeing such a mother, there was no other way out.

When he returned to the hospital, a doctor came. Standing at the ambulance door, she saw her mother lying down and said, “Oh, here’s the same thing again …” Jurgita said.

– <...> Chewing on something and holding an empty bottle in hand, the nurse returns and says, “You don’t even give dinner.”

Jurgita had a short dialogue with the nurse:

“It is a job where you can eat at any time, and here you work with people who may need help at any time,” said Jurgita.

– Well, that’s what we need to eat, and now only the sick and the sick, nobody thinks of us. You see, it is written here that it is time for us to eat too, – Jurgita said to the nurse’s words.

“I fully understand the need! Everyone needs to eat, but the devil … After all, when we arrived an hour ago, the nurse was already going to eat … And she still says “I never have to eat” … I was speechless “, she remembers It spurred the incident.

Sigita was in a wheelchair to the admissions department.

The doctor on duty asked, “So what are we going to help her with?” The girl told the social network.

The paramedic replied, “It is at least a trickle.”

Jurgita said that hospital doctors took a woman for blood tests and injected her with a drip.

“I would like to thank the paramedic VV a lot because this man, immediately visible, is 100% dedicated to his work! The girl wrote.” But it is sad that there are medical professionals who, through their indifference, only contaminate the name of the doctor!”

Delfi contacted Stasys Skauminas, the director of the Kėdainiai Hospital. He said that a complaint has been received about the situation, the situation has been forwarded to the Medical Audit Commission. The complaint must be processed within 20 business days.

The head of the institution has not been able to comment so far, but stressed that, in any case, he responds to such complaints and seeks to resolve misunderstandings.

The amniotic fluid was depleted prematurely.

This is just a recently published story. There were over 200 comments on the post after this story, and the post received a lot of feedback. After talking to the participants of the incident recounted, Jurgita handed over the contacts of another woman, who also wanted to tell her story.

Simona (name changed, known to the editorial board – “Delfi”) said that in April she filed a request with the Department of Emergency Care and Admission of the Kėdainiai Hospital, only about the runoff of amniotic fluid during the 23rd week of pregnancy. Simona said that about half an hour later, while sitting in the waiting room, a doctor arrived.

“With such mockery, she asked, ‘What, are your waters running out?’ From the first minute, she began to woo me, “he recalls. Then the doctor told him that an ambulance had just brought in an old woman.

“I replied, ‘I’m still running out of water, I need to get to the midwifery department as soon as possible.’ And she says, ‘You didn’t see what she brought to her grandmother.’ I replied, ‘You see, 23 weeks and the waters are They are running out, I can lose a baby at any time, “said the victim in a brief conversation. After this conversation, the doctor left.

The woman cannot say after a while that he invited her to the doctor’s office. The woman was then in shock. The unpleasant communication continued in the doctor’s office, though until the woman claimed that she had spoken politely and wondered why the doctor was communicating this way.

As the victim told her, the doctor did not listen to her how the woman felt. Simona asked why the doctor was doing this, and she said there was nothing to worry about.

“I told him that this baby is very dear and welcome, and just for a few weeks, the waters are already running. My medical history says pregnancy is not easy, said a woman who lives in Kėdainiai. – The nurses who took my blood only shook their hands from the screams. So I couldn’t stand it and I raised my voice. “

Simona then told the doctors that they would not abandon the situation in that way and would inform the mayor of the district municipality about it. As the woman said, the doctor replied, “Tell the president.”

Simona also wrote on the social network about the incident previously and said that many people wrote her not only comments but also private messages. “Trust me how many people have written to me, and not just about the same doctor, but about others who work in the Emergency and Admissions Department,” Simona said.

According to the woman, until then, her pregnancy was described by doctors as complicated. Due to the bleeding, Simona even slept in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Kėdainiai Hospital.

“The behavior of the doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department was very pleasant. I can thank the doctors in this department, but not only in the Emergency and Admission Department, but also in my obstetrician-gynecologist, ”said the woman.

“It is scary there and it needs to be advertised not only in Kėdainiai, but earlier in all of Lithuania.”

The woman had told the mayor of Kėdainiai Municipality and local journalists about all this.

“The Kėdainiai journalists went to the hospital and the director told them that there was no complaint and that they had nothing to say.”) The woman said. – A small baby who clings to life every day and could end tragically. There are tears even when we talk about it today. “

According to the woman, the incidents at the Kėdainiai Hospital Emergency and Admission Department are not due to quarantine. As women judge by private posts and comments on social media, conflicts over emergency care between patients and doctors have been going on for several years.

Simona said the mayor of the Kėdainiai District Municipality had contacted the director of the hospital about such situations and promised that the employees would improve. “Local journalists went to the editor, a couple of months went by and it’s happening again,” said Simona, referring to the story of Sigita and Jurgita.

When one dared to speak, others spoke about the reception department in Kėdainiai: it is terrible there

© Mindaugas Ažušilis

There are few formal complaints

The State Accreditation Service for Medical Care Activities under the Ministry of Health (hereinafter, the Accreditation Service) reported that in 2019-2020. it did not carry out quality inspections of health care services at Kėdainiai Hospital.

The Accreditation Service also reports that in 2016-2017. Public institution The Kėdainiai Hospital conducted 5 unscheduled inspections of the availability and quality of personal health care services (2 on behalf of state institutions and 3 according to complaints received from patients) on possible personal health care services provided inadequately and a scheduled inspection, during which the provision of specific specialized personal health care services was evaluated. compliance with legal requirements.

Only 1 in 5 unscheduled inspections of the availability and quality of personal health care performed revealed violations of the requirements of the institution’s legal acts and internal documents related to personal health care services provided in the emergency department.

The Accreditation Service confirms that a frequent complaint from patients or their representatives mentions staff behavior that has left a negative impression and often disrespectful words spoken by doctors.

“However, the Accreditation Service is not competent to investigate complaints about unethical behavior of personal health professionals. The Lithuanian Bioethics Committee monitors the compliance of health professionals and institutions providing health care public and personal with bioethics requirements, therefore, complaints about possible unethical behavior of medical personnel are referred to said institution according to their competence, “said Nora Ribokienė, Director of the Accreditation Service.

If you have a complaint about lost medical services and are not satisfied with its quality, we recommend that you write a complaint to the administration of the health care institution or to the Accreditation Service.

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