When horrible diseases strike, eyes turn to scientists: Lithuanian biotechnologist explained how people will be treated in the future


It is in these fields where, by combining two areas that are crucial for modern society, science and engineering, they can find medicines and develop solutions for various incurable, even extremely serious diseases. Everyone felt the importance of this area during the pandemic – faster and easier Covid-19 testing methods, disinfectants and protective measures and of course vaccines – all over the world were waiting for these important decisions from biotechnologists and bioengineers.

According to Darius Mažeika, senior head of manufacturing operations at Thermo Fisher Scientific, coronavirus vaccines developed so quickly, something that is not like a fantasy. “It may seem like a long time to people, but realizing how many different experiments and studies have to be done, from development to clinical trials, is an extremely short time. It must be taken into account that at the same time it is necessary to develop production technologies and guarantee the production of safe medicines, ”he says.

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what to expect from them in the future.

– What opportunities does biotechnology open up for people, how important are they in today’s world?

– Modern biotechnology has become an important part of our lives, especially in the field of health. Genetic engineering tools have enabled researchers to develop new treatments and testing methods, such as CRISPR, genetic testing, gene and cell therapy for cancer treatment, and more. Biotechnology is no less important in the agricultural, food and chemical industries.

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what can be expected from them in the future.  Wikipedia / Personal archive photo

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what can be expected from them in the future. Wikipedia / Personal archive photo

– What is happening now in the field of biotechnology? Perhaps it is being investigated, solutions are being proposed that we would not have even thought about a few years ago?

– Various biotechnological inventions are published daily, but for me personally the most exciting technologies and advancements are currently occurring in the fields of gene and cell therapy and RNA therapy. I believe this is one of the key technologies for treating cancer or rare genetic diseases and preventing future pandemics. In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the first cell therapy drug for childhood leukemia, and there are now more than 20 approved drugs, gene and cell-based therapies, and hundreds more clinical trials in progress. progress in several stages.

I had not been interested in mRNA technology before, but I know that mRNA research has been going on for several years and vaccines and drugs have been developed that have not yet reached consumers. That work and knowledge led to the development of the Covid-19 vaccine in record time. I look forward to new technologies and advances in both areas.

– What do you think is the role of modern technologies in biotechnology?

– Technology, in terms of devices, research and production technologies, must go hand in hand or even faster. Only new advanced technologies allow faster detection of diseases, detection of genetic damage, research at the molecular level, help in the production of medicines, application of therapies, etc.

For example, at least five new cell- and gene-based therapies or drugs are expected to be approved each year. These are personalized treatments, so the research and treatment methods are different for each patient. The entire treatment process is lengthy, so companies and hospitals are already facing a lack of capacity.

These are complex and expensive technologies, so very few patients can be cured so far. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies, including Thermo Fisher Scientific, are working hard to develop new technologies that will not only expand capacity, reduce the cost of treatment, but also automate and shorten processes.

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what can be expected from them in the future.  Wikipedia / Personal archive photo

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what to expect from them in the future. Wikipedia / Personal archive photo

– At Thermo Fisher Scientific, you are a senior manager of production operations. How is your work?

– My work consists of many interviews and discussions with colleagues from different departments – production, research center, quality assurance, etc., as well as a lot of decision making and a lot of communication with the international team and clients.

Last year, we paid special attention to the production of products for COVID-19 testing; the production of these critical products had to be increased many times in record time. A few years ago, we completed a project in which we developed the capabilities and technologies to produce products that are used to treat diseases such as leukemia. These are just some of the projects that we work on every day and that are of great importance to society as a whole.

– What brought you to the field of biotechnology?

– I am very interested in the field of biotechnology, I have been working in it for more than 15 years. While studying at school, I initially considered medical studies, but when I heard about Bioengineering in the upper classes at Vilnius Tech Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, I realized that my path is in this field. When I think about it now, I think I was driven in that direction by an inner desire to help people.

At first glance, this field may seem quite limited, but when you get to know it more closely, you will find that many different disciplines and fields of science come together here. It is an area that evolves, changes, grows constantly and has a great impact on how we live today and what tomorrow will be like. These are probably the main reasons why this area is so interesting to me. And being where she likes it, there is not much more and you can wish for a career, it seems that it comes together on its own.

I started my career as a laboratory assistant in the Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Training Laboratory of the Vilnius Tech Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, and after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree, I continued my Master’s and PhD studies while working at Thermo Fisher Scientific in Vilnius. . During 15 years in this company, I worked in positions related to production all the time and had to contribute to the improvement, development and implementation of technologies in production. Together with the team, I am now responsible for products used in research, cell and gene therapy, sample preparation, drug and vaccine development.

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what can be expected from them in the future.  Wikipedia / Personal archive photo

D. Mažeika, a graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech), talks about the importance of biotechnologies in the modern world and what to expect from them in the future. Wikipedia / Personal archive photo

– What do you think can be expected in the field of biotechnology in the near future?

– What science and industry have done in recent years, including the development of vaccines, and the growing interest in new technologies, I think the pressure on technological development will only increase. And we will see the biggest impact in personalized medicine. It is difficult to predict which specific drugs will come to us in the near future, but I am sure we should see new therapies for various forms of cancer and rare genetic diseases.

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