When choosing pasta, you often make these mistakes: stay tuned forever


For Lithuanians, pasta is still associated with the Soviet approach to a product that instantly turns into porridge, says Paulius Jurkevičius, an expert in Italian gastronomic culture. Quality, soft yellow paste is believed to be the opposite, in fact. So how do you really choose a quality pasta?

The consumption of pasta or pasta in the world is constantly growing, almost doubling in the last twenty years. The situation is similar in Lithuania: pasta eaters are growing every year and their number has increased especially during the quarantine period. However, a rare Lithuanian is really capable of distinguishing quality pasta.

“Although Lithuanians love Italian cuisine, the essential indicators of the quality of the pasta (the origin of the raw material, the concentration of proteins, the secrets of production technology, such as the meaning of the bronze forms) are still Strange for many, but in reality, by choosing the right pasta, half the job is done – you won’t need sophisticated cooking techniques or greasy mountain cheese.

A perfect example of this is ‘spaghetti aglio e olio’, a dish prepared with a simple combination of garlic, hot peppers and pure olive oil. The secret of its flavor is high-quality pasta and sauce with only a few ingredients, which these pasta perfectly absorb, “says the expert.

But how do you distinguish the quality pasta that is still on the store shelf?

Myth # 1: equal – higher quality

Many Lithuanians believe that the highest quality pasta is soft pasta. However, according to P. Jurkevičius, this is one of the greatest myths, because in fact the opposite is true. The essential criterion is the bronze forms used in the production to “collect” the paste, which is still a secret to be discovered for the Lithuanians.

“The smooth, smooth and shiny paste is due to the fact that they are Teflon-shaped. They slide the “dough” of the pasta quickly, they are done a lot and in a short time. Everything else is a form of bronze used in the production of pasta, which makes the product rough.

As I lead the tastings, I give the following example: Would it be better to paint with oil paint on metal or paint on canvas? “The bronze paste like the canvas perfectly absorbs the sauce and its ingredients,” says the food journalist.

Quality pasta is also betrayed for its porosity. Vita Petravičiūtė, Malsena’s quality manager, adds that the paste made through bronze forms is matte, as if it were covered in flour, according to a press release.

“Bronze molds are used in the old traditional pasta production because it is a more expensive and time consuming method. The porosity and porosity of said paste, almost microscopic surface cracks, allows them to absorb water and sauce equally. Therefore, the first step in choosing pasta is to look for a label on the packaging that indicates that the pasta is made in bronze shapes, “says the specialist.

Myth # 2: yellow – higher quality

Gold and Bright Yellow – This is the type of pasta that many see on store shelves. However, this is a myth because the paste should actually be whitish. Bright yellow can mean they are “overcooked” and too dry.

“The bright yellow paste, sometimes even almost brown, must inform the consumer that the drying of the paste was carried out at an extremely high temperature for a very short time. Prolonged drying, which is more reminiscent of baking, burns proteins, vitamins and other health-promoting substances typical of durum wheat.

It is almost a semi-finished product, whose cooking time is very short, difficult to control and said pasta is cooked. The quality of the pasta is indicated by the slight slightly yellow color of the grain, “says P. Jurkevčius.

Myth # 3: The most important ingredient in pasta is flour.

While it may sound strange, quality pasta does not contain flour, instead they use semolina made from durum wheat. Grinding them and mixing them with water gives a dough, from which a paste is formed.

“In Italy in 1967 Law 580 has been issued, which establishes that the use of common wheat flour instead of durum wheat flour is an unfair practice. Therefore, the production of pasta, and especially dry pasta from of common wheat, it is considered illegal ”, says P. Jurkevičius.

Therefore, when choosing pasta, it is important to look for the inscription semolina, durum, durum or just durum (durum) on the packaging.

“Durum wheat flour has more protein and keeps its shape better during the cooking process. To maintain the protein structure and stiffness of the dough, durum wheat is coarsely ground. Taking a handful of plain flour in the palm of your hand and trying to rub it between your fingers, we can barely feel the texture, but the texture of durum or semolina is thick: this is the secret of its quality, “says V. Petravičiūtė.

Myth no 4: the nutrition of all pasta is the same

Today there is a myth that to eat healthy, pasta must be removed from your menu. However, according to P. Jurkevičius, good quality durum wheat pasta is rich in several important microelements for the body. They have a great effect on digestion, stimulate intestinal activity and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

“Slow, low-temperature drying of high-quality durum wheat raw material, non-boiling, bronze-shaped pasta with a high concentration of protein and fiber. This product meets the requirements of the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, when Health is sought, the most important criterion is to choose a quality pasta ”, says P. Jurkevičius.

Myth no 5: quality – only italian pasta

Although today the quality of pasta is mainly associated with Italy, the representative of Malsena says that quality pasta is not necessarily Italian, because the same quality requirements are important for all quality pasta. They can be identified by any pasta lover:

Quality pasta is the same size and texture, so it cooks evenly and no starchy films form in the prepared pasta.

They retain their shape, are strong and elastic. They should stay that way until the last bite. Even if you leave the pasta on a plate with the sauce, they should not lose their shape.

After boiling, the water remains clear enough (otherwise, the paste in the water “leaves” all the most important vitamins and useful substances).

Chewing pasta feels good, elastic consistency, during preparation you can easily prepare the desired al dente structure. Depends on good quality raw material and proper drying temperature.
