When can we get a vaccine passport with a COVID-19 vaccine record?


A debate is still needed on the human rights aspect, which would not be allowed for a person not similarly vaccinated.

According to MEPs, the introduction of a universal vaccination passport would require the majority of the population to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

“This is not a question of these months or the next few years,” Rasa Juknevičien MEP said at a remote press conference on Friday. – It will not be possible to introduce a vaccination passport until it is necessarily universal (vaccination – Past ed.), But at least everyone who wants and most people will get vaccinated.

I have no idea how you can enter (vaccine passport – ed. Past), giving privileges to some people. The EU is struggling to imagine a comprehensive solution to this. “

VIDEO: Lithuanian MEPs on EU and EP position on approval, distribution and supply of COVID-19 vaccines

Photo by Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Rasa Juknevičienė

Photo by Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Rasa Juknevičienė

Liudas Mažylis, representative of the National Christian Democratic Union of Lithuania, also said that it would be possible to talk about the vaccination passport when the majority of the population is vaccinated, and “the unvaccinated will become a minority that will disturb a much calmer life. what, today”.

“The introduction of a vaccination passport would, in my opinion, be a logical solution to signal that a person is vaccinated, screened and does not endanger those around him,” he said, adding that it should still be considered as violating human privacy. . and other rights.

Estonia last year started testing an electronic vaccine passport, in which the information provided could be transmitted, for example, to the employer.

The World Health Organization does not propose to issue special certificates to those who have already had COVID-19, but you are considering creating an electronic vaccination passportwhich could be used while traveling.

Because applications that are used in various countries to track coronavirus infections abroad generally do not work.

The representative of the Liberal Movement, Petras Auštrevičius, expressed surprise that a similar electronic vaccine passport has not yet been created in Lithuania, which could replace the unpopular app.

“This is a step in the right direction and credibility,” he said, adding that the vaccination passport should not be national but of the entire EU.

Photo from 123rf.com/ Airplanes may not be required to be fully booked

Photo from 123rf.com/ Airplanes may not be required to be fully booked

A vaccination passport is not something new.

People who get vaccinated before traveling to certain countries receive little yellow booklets, the international vaccination passport.

Abroad, these brochures contain all the information about routine vaccinations that a baby, child or adult receives.

“It would be very ‘for’,” said R. Juknevičienė, adding that he already has a vaccination passport with many records.

As Minister of National Defense, she has visited Afghanistan repeatedly, which will not be possible without certain vaccines.

Before the visit of the EP commission to Ethiopia, vaccination against other diseases was necessary.

“It is normal for people to have a vaccination passport. I don’t see any discrimination if they have to present a vaccination passport to protect the health of others and board a plane. After all, when driving it is necessary to show a certificate that you know how to drive and that you do not endanger others, that you have the right car, “explained the politician.

EU countries do not agree on whether such a vaccination passport is required.

Southern countries dependent on tourism would be inclined to support it, as this would allow for the opening of borders and the resumption of travel.

However, there are concerns about protecting personal privacy.

Epidemiologists, for their part, warn that a person who has received confirmation that they have been vaccinated could spread the virus.
