When a child would be vaccinated against the will of the parents: it presented a situation in which the opinion of the parents would not be paramount.


On Monday, the Ministry of Health announced that children between the ages of 12 and 15 will be vaccinated.

E. Žiobienė spoke on the show that it is still necessary to start with the education of parents on vaccination issues.

“I think the main thing is that it is a happy day – finally children can get vaccinated – from 12 to 15 years old. Still, parents are the main people in children’s lives and they assume responsibility, the right to treat, protect their children, take care of their health. Therefore, apparently, we cannot deny the rights and responsibilities of parents in all cases. It is obvious that parents must first be convinced, ”said E. Žiobienė, Ombudsman for the Protection of Children’s Rights, on the“ Info Day ”program.

He explained that the most important thing now, providing all the necessary information, is why children must be vaccinated for vaccines to be safe.

But what if the child wants to be vaccinated but the parents do not allow it? E. Žiobienė explained that the situation is very complicated.

“To this day, if we look at it from the perspective of the Injury and Patient Rights Act, there is a possibility for all children, even those under the age of 16, when their opinions differ from those of their parents, then it should be appreciated by doctors, “said the interlocutor of the program.

E. Žiobienė said that the news released by the Ministry of Health (SAM) on Monday about the vaccination of children without the consent of their parents was a bit intimidating.

“It’s scary in the sense that to say: come, girl, to the GP and he will let you get vaccinated immediately, she misses reality. Rather, we would talk about medical advice, assessment of conditions. And at the beginning, the persuasion of the parents. And only then will we vaccinate the child against the will of the parents. Because it is necessary to find consensus in all cases. Opposing parents to children, we will never have a good option, “he explained in Info Day.

Vaccination sequence

Vaccination sequence

E. Žiobienė assured in the program that he expects there will be very few cases of this type, when children are vaccinated against the coronavirus against the will of their parents.

The ombudsman for the protection of children’s rights said there is a lot of opposition in society.

“It is very difficult to evaluate and guess what the mood will be, how parents and children will see that vaccine. We see that there was a lot of negative attitude even in the tests. Vaccines, it seems, will also provoke mistrust, doubt. And the saddest thing is that we often tend to live at someone else’s expense. Let others get vaccinated, but I will not, there really is that resistance, ”said E. Žiobienė.

He stated that vaccines in Lithuania are only of a recommendation nature.

“We do not have exclusivity with this particular vaccine and others. In our country, the issue of vaccination is not regulated in such a realistic way. If you look at the judgment of the Court of Human Rights against the Czech Republic in April this year, 11 different EU countries were reviewed there, many constitutional cases were reviewed, it was clarified whether the vaccines were really compensated for the damage. Those problems in our state are at zero status. Basically, it has always been said that vaccines are only recommended ”, recalled the interlocutor.

“If we look at the percentage, then the doctors say that 95 percent (of society, aut. P.) need to be vaccinated to overcome the disease. We are talking about various diseases: measles, tuberculosis. We have not reached that percentage in the state for quite some time. Therefore, in principle, legislators have to take very seriously – how to regulate all diseases, especially contagious and very serious, “said the interlocutor of the program.

E. Žiobienė said that in France, for example, vaccinations are mandatory for 11 diseases.

“We can discuss in the state how to introduce it, that obligation,” said the Ombudsman for Children’s Rights.
