What You Need To Know To Build An Aviary, Fence, Or Other Simple Business Structure


Group I includes barriers 1 to 2 meters high and group II, 2 to 5 meters. The porosity of the parts of the latter barriers, that is to say, greater than 2 meters, must be at least 80%.

It is important to know that the construction permit document for the construction of a new simple structure of group I (barrier) is mandatory if the land falls in at least one of the following areas: cultural heritage site, site protection zone of the cultural heritage, cultural heritage site, resort, Curonian Spit, main the area of ​​the pipeline area classes located at a distance of 200 meters on each side of the main axis of the pipeline.

A building permit is required for the construction of a new simple Group II structure (barrier) if the land is located in at least one of the following areas: priority urban, conservation or protected area, cultural heritage site, site of cultural heritage, cultural heritage site, in the buffer zone for the protection of a heritage object, state park, state reserve, reserve or biosphere reserve (if construction is allowed in this territory according to the Protected Areas Law) , in the territory of the European ecological network “Natura 2000” (if not built on a farm), at a distance of 200 meters on each side of the main axis of the gas pipeline.

It should be remembered that if the barriers exceed the height or porosity parameters that determine the classification of this structure as a simple structure, a building permit is required in all cases (except for new structures built in areas destined for national defense).

Simplified construction projects for the construction of new simple structures are prepared when it is mandatory to obtain a building permit, as well as when the construction of structures in areas designated for national defense purposes does not require a permit. In other cases, a simplified construction project can be prepared at the request of the builder.

The written consent of the owners of the adjacent parcels is required for the construction of blind or non-porous barriers in an area where the porosity requirements of the barriers must be met. Without consent, such structures can be built at a distance of at least 1 meter from the boundary of the parcel or in such a way that the shadow of the barriers thrown perpendicular to the adjacent parcel (territory) is directed towards the south (between 90 degrees and 270 degrees degrees). If the shadow cast perpendicular to the adjacent parcel (territory) is perpendicular to the north, then the porosity of the barrier must be at least 50%. (between 330 degrees and 30 degrees in the north direction), in the east and west directions, not less than 25 percent. (between 30 degrees and 90 degrees eastbound; 270 degrees and 330 degrees west).

Barriers meeting the porosity requirements can be built on your land parcel within 1 meter of the parcel boundary (and on the parcel boundary) without the written consent of the adjoining parcel owner, but the structure of the building cannot exceed the limit of the plot.

It should be noted that the porosity area is calculated from the total area of ​​the barrier, including the area of ​​the posts and the part of the skirting board of the barrier, from where the shadow falls on the adjacent plot (territory).
