What will Lithuania look like in the coming years: the parties are putting proposals for strategic changes on the table


Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the chair of the Liberal Movement, announced on Facebook this morning that she had sent the Liberal Movement’s proposals for the coalition agreement to the coalition partners.

One of the most concrete proposals of the Liberal Movement is in the area of ​​finance. According to the party president, they believe that within 4 years, the rulers should reduce the GPM (personal income tax) to 15 percent.

“An alternative to possible losses are pollution prices, other green taxes, shade reduction, municipal bonds, new jobs in the circular economy, etc.” wrote V. Čmilytė Nielsen.

TS-LKD promises to work towards a revision of the DNA Plan for the Economy of the Future.

“We will endeavor so that the investments allocated to Lithuania are used to give the highest return and create high added value for the future of Lithuania,” says the party.

In the field of economics, the Partido de la Libertad makes the following proposals: a) Prepare a 3% allocation plan. GDP for future science and research; b) 0 percent. a tax on reinvested earnings from 2021, so businesses can successfully expand; c) the objective of not increasing taxes on personal income; (d) A favorable environment for employment and business development: reform of supervisors by reducing bureaucracy and excessive regulation of companies.

Liberals will seek to address the problem of same-sex couples

Like the Freedom Party, the Liberal Movement is talking about legitimizing same-sex couples in its proposals.

“We are the promoters of the Association Law (2017), we must put it back on the agenda and accept it,” wrote V. Čmilytė-Nielsen. The Freedom Party has set itself the goal of solving this problem within 100 days.

However, on the issue of human rights, the Liberal Movement emphasizes the need to provide women with more opportunities to combine motherhood with career, to make decisions about their reproductive health.

Liberals are also in favor of returning to the law on the writing of surnames in Latin letters, which has completed work on the possibility of running for the Seimas from the age of 21. And let’s get back to the citizenship preservation initiative.

The Freedom Party also mentions the commitment to prepare and organize a referendum on multiple citizenship (paying due attention to publicity and agitation from all coalition partners) and to legalize the writing of personal names on the main page of the documents in all the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Among the urgent changes, the party cites the decriminalization of the possession of psychoactive substances without the purpose of proliferation. He wants to achieve that in a hundred days.

TS-LKD advocates respect for the constitutional rights of the media to receive and impart information.

“A strong and independent media is important for the quality of democracy, as it allows us to collect and disseminate information, open as much state data as possible and not persecute journalists or tarnish their reputation for criticizing the government,” he said the party in a statement.

There is general consensus on the need to reach a consensus on education

There is a general consensus among politicians on the need to sign a national agreement on education.

TS-LKD is committed to linking you to ensure equal opportunities for all Lithuanian children to seek the best education, regardless of their social or life situation.

The Liberal Movement proposes to increase funding per student, student, regardless of the type of educational institution, because today too much money is deposited for education in other “lines” without reaching those who are at the heart of education: children and children. young boys.

The Freedom Party talks about the substantial renewal of the content of general education (TI – third language, etc.) and the reform of the training and development of teachers starting next school year, early education and general high quality for all Lithuanian children by strengthening the network of quality educational institutions.

In the field of health, it is about access to services

In the health sector, the Liberal Movement prioritizes primary health care and changes in drug reimbursement regimes, as well as the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

TS-LKD prioritizes guaranteeing the quality and accessibility of health services.

“We will create a convenient, accessible, and high-quality crisis-proof healthcare system that serves the entire country,” they said in a press release issued after the presidium.
TS-LKD also focuses on managing COVID-19 situations.

“We will try to protect people’s health first, maintain the rhythm of life commensurate with the situation, pay more attention to the participation of experts in decision-making and management,” the party said in a statement.

In terms of the environment and energy, the Liberal Movement advocates not only adhering to the EC Green Course, but also setting ambitious goals “that will help care for our nature while preserving forests and reorienting the economy towards cleanliness. “.

TS-LKD talks about the absolute blockade of the Astrava nuclear power plant and ensuring a smooth synchronization with continental Europe.

In the field of foreign affairs and defense, the search for democratic values

In the field of foreign relations and defense, according to the Liberal Movement, there are no sudden changes. Constant pursuit of the objectives of the EU and NATO in strengthening the Eastern Partnership.

TS-LKD stated that its position of principle in both domestic and foreign policy is that Lithuania protects democratic values, freedom of expression and the principle of the rule of law.

“We will actively oppose any violation of human rights and democratic freedoms and defend freedom fighters all over the world, from Belarus to Taiwan. We will ensure the continuity of transatlantic foreign policy relations and implement the National Defense Agreement. “.

It is about decentralizing public administration

The Liberal Movement advocates the decentralization of state governance and the return of functions (land, employment, social affairs, cultural heritage, etc.) to self-government.

“We will also strive to guarantee the digitization and development of electronic democracy by guaranteeing online voting as early as 2023. in municipal elections, participation of the population in public administration issues by electronic means, opening of public data,” wrote V Čmilytė-Nielsen.

TS-LKD advocates for an efficient and high-quality public administration transformation.

“We will create opportunities to attract as many specialists of the highest competence as possible to the public sector, reduce duplication of functions, digitize public services and remove bureaucratic restrictions,” the party said.

One of the priorities of the Liberal Movement in the field of culture is to reduce barriers to creative society by analyzing administrative and bureaucratic obstacles to culture, to fight for a favorable fiscal and administrative environment for creative activities in line with global practice.

The coalition is made up of three parties

After the Seimas elections that ended on Sunday, the TS-LKD, the Liberal Movement and the Union for Freedom announced a future center-right coalition. In the new parliament, these parties should have at least 74 votes out of 141.

At this stage, the parties are submitting their proposals, but it is not yet clear who will include them in the joint document.

Prime Minister candidate Ingrida Šimonytė stated that before the new Seimas was sworn in, the names of almost all ministerial candidates could be named.

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