What social guarantees can Lithuanians living in the UK use after Brexit? | Deal


Lithuanians, as well as citizens of other European Union countries living in the UK, will continue to receive health care and social security services:

  • Sickness benefits;
  • Maternity and paternity benefits;
  • Disability, old age, survivors pensions (widows and orphans);
  • Benefits for occupational accidents and diseases;
  • Death benefits;
  • Unemployed benefits;
  • Early retirement benefits.

Length of service in the EU Member States and the UK will be added to determine eligibility for social security benefits. The corresponding benefits will be paid where the person lives, that is, in Lithuania (or another EU country) or in the UK, with the exception of disability pensions and unemployment benefits.

There are also rules to guarantee that a person will be covered by social security in the place where they work, that is, they will not be doubly taxed by social security contributions. In addition, during the posting, workers will be able to maintain social security in the country where they come from if a Member State decides to apply the regulations in force in the European Union with the United Kingdom.

The provisions on social security coordination also cover tourists, students, pensioners, companies, but this does not apply to situations involving only one or more Member States or only the United Kingdom.

The agreement also does not cover special non-contributory economic benefits, social and medical assistance, war victim benefits, compensation for heating and hot water, long-term care benefits, social services and child benefits.
