What is behind the peace treaties in hospitals? The mouth is the only option for the doctors to shut up


Representatives of the Republican Hospital Šiauliai (RŠL), which has been under scrutiny in recent weeks, are reluctant to talk about the practice of peace accords, but they do not hide that they are using it.

Indrė Masiulienė, the head of the RŠL Legal Department, who was asked about the practice of peace accords during a press conference on Monday, was unwilling to speak and did not mention how often the medical institution uses this practice.

“All employment relationships contain confidential information and it is agreed not to disclose confidential information,” said I. Masiulienė.

RŠL spokesperson news portal Sonata Tenytė lrytas.lt He later reported that in recent years peace agreements have been concluded with 3 employees “for various reasons.”

Money or dignity?

Auristida Gerliakienė, President of the Board of the Lithuanian Medical Movement (LMS) of the portal lrytas.lt He said keep in mind that the management of medical institutions is only looking for ways to cover up systemic problems rather than take a solution. The peace treaties also become the last straw for the leadership that resigns.

“There are many methods and techniques for troubleshooting and they are very popular. The more I observe the situation in the health system, the more it surprises me that the managers, the administration recognize the situation as very difficult, but they continue to try to portray that everything is fine, that everything is enough, that the workloads are not too much. high, the salaries are great, the work the environment is incredible and the team is the best.

Such behavior, the concealment of the problem and the non-recognition of it, only deepens the existing problem ”, taught A. Gerliakienė.

It is true, he added that the signing of the labor peace treaty is placed voluntarily. “It just came to our attention then. The person to whom that contract is submitted and decides. It is not signed for nothing. The question is how much human dignity costs.

If it is more important for a person to take money than to defend their dignity, then, unfortunately, we have that system ”, said the head of the LMS.

Reacting too late

Jolanta Keburienė, president of the union of medical institutions Solidarumas, for the portal lrytas.lt He said that a peace treaty is usually signed when both parties in disagreement are only partially right, and those who disagree with it are not fully reconciled. As a result, it often does not completely solve your problems.

In his opinion, the goal of the management of medical institutions is not usually the desire to delve into the problem and eliminate it at its roots. The concern is to be covert without worrying that the problem will repeat itself.

“I think that everything that happens mainly in medical facilities is going to cover up and marinate the problem. I still do not know of cases of this type in which an attempt is made to solve the problem in real terms, ”said J. Keburienė.

He said that he was also skeptical about the actions of the central government, and the commission to initiate the change called by the Ministry of Health (SAM) did not arouse high hopes in the union representative.

“What is happening in the ministry is not a real solution, it is delaying the problem, marinating it and checking that we have taken action. These are certainly not effective measures. To be effective, suspected employees must be removed, ”said J. Keburienė.

According to her, a systematic monitoring of medical institutions should be carried out. Significant staff turnover in it should be a sign that the institution may not be managing it properly.

“Even then, a commission must be sent, an analysis must be conducted, and employees must be interviewed. The reasons for terminating such employment contracts must be examined in detail. If they are fired for the same reason, it is already a sign that something is wrong with the manager or head of department of the institution This is also the most primitive sign.

We don’t have this in principle, we don’t have that practice. Therefore, we only have chaotic stocks, ”said J. Keburienė.

The wheel repeats

A. Gerliakienė recalled that in 2019 many discussions arose about the working conditions of doctors and their harassment in public space. in autumn after the suicide of a doctor at the Vilnius Republic University Hospital. However, an LMS spokeswoman found that there were no significant changes in almost 2 years. And the pandemic aggravated the injuries of the doctors.

“Suicide cases have been repeated periodically. 2019 was a great tragedy that shocked the medical community. Since then no algorithm has been developed on how the ministry should behave. Almost 2 years have passed. Consequently, no conclusions were drawn. People got together, someone had a discussion at the ministry, someone spoke on television and that was it. Systemic changes are necessary, “said A.Gerliakienė.

She said that LMS members were not included in the Initiation of Change Group convened by SAM. It is true that it is allowed to delegate 2 members as observers, but he does not tire of explaining what rights the observer status will grant.

“I have not received a specific description of our rights. Position: specified. We will not have the right to disclose absolutely any information that we become aware of during group activities. Any of our rights, or at least we can express our opinions to this group of work, they are unknown. A very ambiguous feeling implies reading such a letter, “said A. Gerliakienė.

Start group change

On Thursday the Change Initiation Group formed by Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis was announced on the composition of the situation at Šiauliai Hospital. The day before, during the press conference, A. Dulkys confidently said that the work of this group would produce tangible results.

It is true that serious doubts were raised on Monday about the intended composition of this group. It was headed by SAM Deputy Minister Aurimas Pečkauskas. However, the RŠL doctors indicated that A. Pečkauskas was not the right person to fill this position.

It turned out that A. Pečkauskas, who was appointed to head the group of Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis, is related to A. Bumbliauskas, who holds a high position in the hospital, and the latter was the direct boss of Laura Šilinskytė, a suicidal doctor 36 years old.

“It is completely disturbing and frustrating that A. Pečkauskas, the head of the commission appointed by the SAM minister, is a close acquaintance of A. Bumbliauskas from the time of his studies and residence,” wrote in a medical address.

Following the emergence of this information, A. Pečkauskas was removed from the group.

Here is the complete composition of this group:

– Simona Bieliūnė – Advisor to the Minister of Health (group leader)

– Vesta Macė – Representative of the State Labor Inspectorate (Deputy Head of the Group)

– Justina Aleksaitė – Advisor to the Minister of Health

– Eglė Butkevičienė – Advisor to the Minister of Health

– Karilė Levickaitė – Director of the mental health perspective of public institutions

– Laura Masiulienė – Advisor to the SAM Department of Mental Health

– Jurgita Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė – Head of the Organizational Psychology Research Center, Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University
