What if the COVID-19 test taken abroad on the last days of the holidays is positive?


What new rules apply?

All travelers and tourists arriving in Lithuania on international routes, scheduled, special and charter flights on all modes of transport must submit a negative coronavirus test as of March 10.

The test should be done no earlier than 72 hours. period before arriving in Lithuania. The serological result of antibody tests on arrival in Lithuania is not recognized. Travelers must provide documentary evidence that a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test or an antigen test that is negative has been performed.

There are several exceptions for those who do not need the test, for example, people under the age of 16.

To ensure that all passengers pass the test, carriers and tour operators will need to ensure that passengers are not allowed to board a plane, ferry or bus without proper documentation.

There are also several exceptions for those who do not need the exam, for example people under the age of 16 and those who come to Lithuania to take the exam will already be able to do so. Read more here: A new strict regime for travelers comes into force: what you need to know and the exceptions that apply

The government ensures that the new regime is proportionate and reasonable to protect against COVID-19 mutations.

“Let’s face it, those restrictions are meant to reduce mobility and mobility. If people make the decision to go somewhere and then want to return, they have to accept all the consequences, risks, additional tests and possibly a relapse,” he said. at a press conference on Wednesday. said the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkys.

More importantly, why do you still need to isolate yourself?

While the new regime may make travel a nuisance, tour operators see it as an unavoidable reality.

“The requirement for a proof of vacation creates additional costs for travelers, but from a responsible travel perspective, it ensures that all returnees on the same plane are healthy and do not infect other passengers traveling with them.” 15 minutes Dovilė Zapkutė, Communications Manager for Novaturas, commented on the changed conditions.

Photo by Novaturas / Dovilė Zapkutė

Photo by Novaturas / Dovilė Zapkutė

More doubts, he said, arise from another statement. Under current procedure, even a negative COVID-19 test does not exempt you from the need for self-isolation. Those with a negative test response must still isolate for 10 days. When returning from some countries, this period can be shortened to 7 days with an additional trial.

“Novaturas” does not change the travel direction plans due to changes in requirements for travelers, but D. Zapkutió admitted that the number of questions from customers has increased.

“There were all kinds of reactions, I would say; most of the questions and confusion were caused by this requirement for tourists already on vacation, who found out that they had to take an additional virus test during the holidays.” Our representatives abroad help vacationers to solve all these problems.

We also received a series of questions from customers about whether this resolution changes the current conditions of self-isolation, what are the prices of tests in vacation countries, how quickly responses are received, “said the representative of the company.

Trials will cost, but getting them shouldn’t be difficult

The fact that the test needs to be done while you are still in the host country will also increase travel costs and take away some of the time that could be spent resting. However, finding a place to test shouldn’t be difficult these days. Even more so in tourist destinations.

“The good news is that the tourism sector is adapting very quickly to the new requirements, it is becoming easier to carry out tests in host countries: tests are carried out by accredited laboratories, hospitals, airports, Zapkutė.

Photo by Scanpix / SIPA / Egypt 2020-2021 in winter

Photo by Scanpix / SIPA / Egypt 2020-2021 in winter

Tourists’ partners and representatives in foreign countries also help tourists with these problems. According to the communication manager of Novaturo, they provide information on where travelers can take tests, help with check in, advise on how to get to the right place, if the test can be done at the hotel where travelers are staying, help to organize the whole process.

What if the test is positive?

The holidays are coming to an end, you have taken a test run, you packed your suitcase for the flight back to Lithuania and then … you get the answer that you have been confirmed with COVID-19 infection. You will no longer be allowed to board the plane, you must immediately isolate yourself in the host country. How much – depends on the rules of each state, but usually it will be at least 7 days. What to do?

The advice of Minister A.Dulkis was simply to recover abroad and then return to Lithuania. “It would be a problem for a patient to get on a plane,” he said. What would be the solution? “Persirgti”, – said the minister directly on Wednesday.

The calmest will be those who have taken out the corresponding insurance policy before the trip. “We emphasize to all our travelers that the tranquility of the trip depends on the preparation for it, the clarification of the information and the acquisition of adequate insurance”, emphasized D. Zapkutė. “Each traveler must take care of the insurance independently, and we recommend both Lithuanian and foreign insurance partners who insure themselves against the consequences of COVID-19.”

The calmest will be those who have taken out the corresponding insurance policy before the trip.

What if you don’t have insurance? The cost will depend on the country in which you received that positive response from COVID-19. A Novaturo representative shared information on conditions in the most popular vacation destinations:

  • Egypt the government undertakes to cover the cost of accommodation and meals for tourists during quarantine and, if necessary, treatment in public hospitals. People traveling together are tested for COVID-19 for free and in case of a negative test, they can continue their vacation or go to Lithuania. For those who are going to Egypt, we strongly recommend that they also purchase medical expenses insurance, which also covers the costs of treating dangerous illnesses, including those caused by SARS viruses.
Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Egypt 2020-2021 in winter

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Egypt 2020-2021 in winter

  • Go to Tenerifę We strongly recommend that you purchase health insurance that also covers the treatment of dangerous illnesses, including those caused by SARS viruses. The Government of the Canary Islands serves tourists who do not have COVID-19 insurance, reimburses the costs of their treatment and accommodation (for a maximum of 15 people) of sick relatives and travelers.
123rf.com nuotr./Tenerifė

123rf.com nuotr./Tenerifė

  • Go to Turkey We strongly recommend that you purchase COVID insurance offered by the Turkish government to cover medical and accommodation costs incurred due to COVID-19. It is recommended to purchase the following types of insurance: 1. Tourist Protection and Support Insurance This insurance covers the costs of hospital treatment of the insured. 2. Accommodation support insurance. This insurance covers the costs of extending the insured’s accommodation up to EUR 100 per day, max. 15 days (total 1500 EUR).
Photo from 123rf.com/Vacation in Turkey

Photo from 123rf.com/Vacation in Turkey

  • Travelling to Maldives We recommend that you purchase medical insurance in advance to cover the costs of COVID-19, as you will no longer be able to obtain this insurance when you arrive in the Maldives.
123RF.com nuotr./Maldyvai

123RF.com nuotr./Maldyvai

For vacation planners In the United Arab Emirates You must have health insurance that covers expenses related to COVID-19. This insurance can be requested no later than 7 days before the start of the trip.

Photo from 123rf.com/Dubai Beaches, United Arab Emirates

Photo from 123rf.com/Dubai Beaches, United Arab Emirates

The good news is that after recovering from COVID-19, tour operators will help take care of the return of their customers to Lithuania. It is true that this can also cost more.

“We take responsibility for our travelers and are committed to finding a suitable and acceptable way for them to return from their vacation. If possible, we will offer to exchange the return ticket on the nearest flights with vacant seats at no charge or with a surcharge, depending on the circumstances.

In the event that it is not possible to offer return charter flights in Novaturo, we will look for alternatives for customers to return on regular flights at the lowest possible cost and under more convenient conditions ”, explained D. Zapkutė.

For travelers who have bought only air tickets or are traveling on regular flights of the tour operator, the general conditions for exchanging the ticket to return to Lithuania on a different date than the planned one will apply.
