What drugs have the greatest effect on the liver? Or maybe the fears are exaggerated? | Lifetime


It is important to protect yourself from harmful effects.

Doctor in Kaunas Clinics of the Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, gastroenterologist prof. Laimas Jonaitis says that many factors can have a detrimental effect on the liver, from diet and harmful habits to environmental pollution and the use of certain medications. However, according to the professor, the liver is a strong and regenerative organ, which in many cases ensures the efficient elimination of harmful substances from the body.

“There are opinions that, with a healthy life and avoiding the harmful effects of the environment, only 10-20% would be enough for the human body. existing liver capacity. Furthermore, liver function is not significantly affected by aging, which we cannot say, for example, about the cardiovascular system, which faces increasingly serious challenges as a person ages.

It is true that older people face liver problems more often, but this is mainly due not to the aging of the organ itself, but to long-term harmful effects, for example, the prolonged “experience” of alcohol consumption or a poor diet. healthy in the long run, “says Prof. L. Jonaitis.

Therefore, according to the doctor, to protect the liver, it is first of all important not to damage it. No prophylactic medicine will help if the liver continues to experience serious damaging effects.

“Basically, there is not much evidence that the liver can be protected with certain prophylactics, drugs or cleansers. Medications may be needed after liver disease develops, but as long as they are healthy, it is important to be careful that they persist. It should be remembered that the greater the harmful effects on the liver, the greater the risk of damage to this organ ”, emphasizes prof. L. Jonaitis.

Following myths can be dangerous

Often times, the use of multiple medications is one of the factors that can complicate liver function. Does this mean that they must be abandoned to protect the liver? Prof. According to L. Jonaitis, it is definitely not dangerous, but it is very dangerous to stop taking certain medications.

Basically, there is not much evidence that the liver can be protected with certain prophylactics, medications, or cleansers.

Taking some medications, especially long-term ones, can have a negative effect on the liver. However, this certainly does not mean that they should be abandoned. The effects of different medications on the liver also vary and are also highly dependent on the purpose and how the medications are used. When prescribing drugs to patients, doctors must weigh their benefits and possible harms, ”says prof. L. Jonaitis.

However, according to the doctor, the myths about liver damage from some groups of drugs float completely undeservedly. For example, the statins that regulate blood cholesterol levels and are essential for many patients with cardiovascular disease are statins with negative effects on the liver, prof. According to L. Jonaitis, they are often linked without any basis.

“It is even difficult to say where this myth came from, but the scientific basis for it is small. There is only one other case in the scientific and medical literature in which statin use has been associated with obvious and dangerous effects on the liver. In fact, many other readily available over-the-counter medications that the general public use on a daily basis are rated much higher than statins for their effects on the liver. As a result, it is strange and disturbing to hear that people with heart disease stop taking taking statins due to suspected liver damage. For them, these drugs can be vital and prevent serious health complications “, says Prof L. Jonaitis.

Photo from Fotolia / Various vegetables are especially good for the liver.

Photo from Fotolia / Various vegetables are especially good for the liver.

Effects on the liver are not necessarily to blame

The doctor emphasizes that when people hear about diagnosed liver changes, they often immediately associate it with the use of certain medications, but very often the injuries are caused by other factors.

“For example, when it comes to the same statins, keep in mind that they are often given to people who are already overweight, have hypertension, are gradually developing type 2 diabetes, and their liver is often fatty as a result. In other words, these patients already have certain risk factors that can damage the liver. The use of statins in this case does not have a significant effect ”, says prof. L. Jonaitis.

According to the doctor, each case of the disease is individual, and sometimes with the use of one or another drug, the condition of the liver must be monitored more closely. However, drugs that are important to large numbers of patients, such as statins, are unjustifiably associated with adverse effects on the liver, according to prof. L. Jonaitis, you would be wrong and irresponsible.

“If we were to select the drugs that have the greatest effect on the liver, we could mention several antifungal and hormonal drugs, as well as some non-steroidal drugs for the treatment of inflammation. Vigilance should also be exercised with certain drugs that affect the nervous system, antidepressants and medications that affect the immune system.

However, in each case, physicians assess the need for medication and potential risks, and adjust treatment according to the body’s response to the medication, if necessary. For one person, the same drugs may not have side effects and for others, they may not be suitable at all. Therefore, the most important thing is to have professionals and not to referee ”, assures prof. L. Jonaitis.

How to recognize liver disease?

According to the doctor, the liver is a vital organ that must be protected and treated in a timely manner. Diagnosis of liver disease is not necessarily straightforward because they generally do not have specific symptoms in the early stages.

“Residents often turn to doctors when they experience right-sided pain, which they associate with the liver. However, the liver is essentially a painless organ, so until the disease has progressed (without severe liver enlargement, no signs of tumors, stone disease, or obvious problems with the bile duct system) the person has no liver pain.

Usually the first signs of liver problems are general fatigue, constant feeling of weakness, lack of appetite. However, these symptoms can be caused by a wide variety of reasons and people do not necessarily seek medical attention for them. As a result, liver diseases are often diagnosed at an advanced stage, when it can be difficult to cure them, ”says prof. L. Jonaitis.

With any health problem, prof. L. Jonaitis advises seeing a doctor immediately. With the proper tests, dangerous liver disease can be diagnosed in a timely manner and serious complications can be avoided.

“The most important thing is not to diagnose and treat diseases yourself. Liver pain is not necessarily the culprit for side pain or fatigue. Even if certain changes are detected in the liver, drastic action and refusal to take prescription drugs by doctors should not be appropriate either. In most cases, the use of drugs and the guarantee of adequate liver function are fully compatible “, says prof. L. Jonaitis.
