What does it mean to have kidney inflammation in self-isolation: the bodies were afraid of doing “something wrong”, so the woman had to go to the crossroads | 15MAX


There is no possibility of reaching the polyclinic

“While many are currently complaining about access to health care, I have never had a problem myself before. Maybe he wasn’t in serious trouble. I especially liked it when there were remote consultations during the quarantine, which allows me to contact the family doctor conveniently and really very quickly; I always get this query when I need it suddenly, unplanned. Of course, I have to wait for a visit to specialists, but I usually go to them for non-urgent things ”, says the interlocutor.

He continues to tell his story as follows:

“For the past two weeks, I have had to isolate myself as if I had returned from abroad. The first week went smoothly and the second suddenly caused unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

The first day I thought I had eaten something not so good, although I did not keep track of what. The thermometer read 37.1-37.2, so I wasn’t too worried. On the second day, the situation did not improve, and at night the temperature rose above the 38-degree division, so in the morning I immediately called the polyclinic.

Then it all started.

The doctor advised me to go to the hospital myself, it was an emergency after all, though I doubted I really could.

When I didn’t get a call from my family doctor all day, I thought something was wrong here because the doctor is very responsible and calls quickly. So I called the clinic again. It turned out that in the morning the receptionist got lost in time; I was living a day earlier so I checked in for the next day. However, the human factor worked: the receptionist, who had heard all my problems again, tired of looking for a doctor who would agree to give me a consultation, at the end of the clinic’s working hours.

The doctor, hearing that I had a fever, said that they would not admit me to the outpatient clinic, so he prescribed a referral to the hospital reception. Because we both realized that no one would do my blood tests or remote ultrasounds.

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