What do your car’s nominal numbers say about a driver or business?


Nameplates are distinguished by the fact that they are not made up of the usual three-letter, three-digit numbers. Your note is created by the customer himself. It is important that the nameplate has 1 to 6 characters, at least one of which must be a number.

Here you can also notice the creativity of the customers, when the most diverse combinations are discovered. For example, the number “1” is used as the letter “I,” the “2” is used as the syllable “DU,” and the number “3” is used as the letter “E,” and so on.

The nameplates have the company name and a coded business history.

Dog tags can be used as a unique advertising tool to make a car stand out and show which company it belongs to. According to entrepreneurs, advertising stickers on the car are not always the most striking solution.

Lonas is a family business. It employs parents and 4 children. In 2013, when the company’s activities coordinator, her mother, changed the car, she did not want to mark it with stickers, since at that time all the company’s vehicles were marked.

Registration Photo / Car's Nominal License Plate Numbers

Registration Photo / Nominal Car License Plate Numbers

So the woman decided to buy the numbers named LONAS5. The note contains not only the name of the company, but also the number that is important to it. 5 was chosen as a symbol of the 5 men in her life. Since such a decision did not go unnoticed by those around him, the idea arose to mark the cars of all relatives in this way. Today this is already a practical tradition, ”says Saulius Jakutis, Marketing Director at UAB Lonas.

The interviewee also notes that, as practice shows, hardly anyone remembers the company name on the side of the door, but here he not only notes and remembers the name numbers, but also tells his friends about it.

When you have to say what you are doing, it is not necessary

Another way to use nameplates is to code the activities of the company. Here, Gražvydas Vilčinskas, director of UAB Kavos bankas, claims that he has been working a lifetime of coffee-related jobs in one form or another, so the idea of ​​marking the car with the inscription C0FFEE was born naturally.

Registration Photo / Nominal Car License Plate Numbers

Registration Photo / Car’s Nominal License Plate Numbers

“Having these numbers, we notice that people pay a lot of attention to them, take photos nearby, try to catch a passing car and send it to their friends with the note“ maybe? As if you were inviting a cup of coffee. Since we will change the car itself, we plan to add advertising messages on the new one so that people can more clearly identify the company, and not just the services we provide, ”says G. Vilčinskas.

The interlocutor also recalled a recent story when an officer asked a driver, “Where are you going?”, During a quarantine stop at a police station. The driver replied that he was transporting coffee to customers. Well, the cop replied with a smile: “We know these numbers and we see them, so just show your work license and you can drive.”
