What didn’t the authorities like about the June uprising? – Respublika.lt


History must be preserved

Lithuanian motorcyclists have been participating in the commemoration of the June uprising since 2015. 2021 did not become an exception: more than fifty motorcyclists gathered to honor the fighters this year. Although there were many more willing people, according to Virginijus Aučyna, president of the Lithuanian Motorcycle Club (LMK).

“This day is before the holidays, but many still had to work, so only those who came were able to reconcile all the issues that came. I think there would be many more motorcyclists organizing the weekend, ”said the club president.

According to him, such interest of the motor society to commemorate the June uprising is determined by several factors.

“Probably not everyone knows that many motorcyclists who performed various logistics or communication tasks participated in the uprising, so by participating in this event, we first pay tribute to them,” revealed V. Aučyna, a lesser known historical fact. – In addition, it is very important to remember and nurture your story, highlight and honor its most important events. Attempts are now being made to erase or rewrite history, but that should not be the case. So I sincerely hope that, as in the past, the uprising itself, the current mention of it, is the message to the public that changes the opinion of those who doubt the history of the country or its heroes. “

Will we get another chance?

Speaking at the event and thanking the Supreme Court for Freedom, Brother Priest Paulius Vaineikis warned the OFM that this struggle is not over yet, because in recent years both in Lithuania and throughout Europe they not only erase the historical memory, but also they also encourage adultery and introduce anti-god ideology.

Recalling that Lithuania had been given the opportunity to restore its freedom a hundred years ago, to try to defend it 80 years ago, and to restore it again 30 years ago, he rhetorically asked the audience if our country would have another similar opportunity. Such doubts were caused to the clergyman by the recent policy of defamation, contempt and dirty memory of the leaders of the June Uprising by the Lithuanian government and loyalists.

He was also concerned that a slightly different uprising was now being heavily promoted, both in our country and around the world. An uprising against nature, family and divine order, the consequences of which would be very sad.

Conservative vases

The event, which took place in the Plaza de la Independencia in the capital, was attended by a large number of members of the Conservative Party, which is still in power, although representatives of other parties were not noticed.

Lithuanian military historian Valdas Rakutis, who spoke about the uprisings in the country, did not hide that current authorities tend to ignore the commemoration of the June uprising.

Vytautas Landsbergis, the only one who attended the event with protection, did not skimp on the criticism that opposed the uprising and its participants. Welcoming the fact that the June uprising was the first step towards regaining independence in the 20th century. At the end of the 19th century, he stressed that the fight against the enemies was not yet over and that a meeting in this square might be necessary to avoid the danger posed by Astravas.

Paulius Saudargas, vice president of the Seimas and the Conservative, also spoke of the enemy pouring poison into people’s ears and spreading negative propaganda. He stressed that today it is still “relevant to resist lies and slander” and stressed that Lithuania and its people will be respected only when they finally begin to respect themselves. Despite the statements, Fr Saudargas concluded his speech with a Russian motto: “Glory to the good guys!”

The conservatives’ statements would seem logical enough, if not a few essential “buts.” Gabrielius Landsbergis, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, equated the Law of March 11, which restored Lithuania’s independence, with the Association Law, which was unacceptable to the public but was intimidated by bulldozers Chief, Political Scientist, Doctor of Science Social Adas Jakubauskas.

And some more interesting nuances. Although many actions organized by the public took place near the Seimas this year, the participants of all of them had to maintain a distance of 75 meters and were monitored by numerous police functions. The commemoration of the June uprising took place just outside the windows of the Seimas and no police were seen there.

In addition, although at the beginning of the event it was recalled that the quarantine is still in force in Lithuania, so it is necessary to meet certain requirements, the conservatives who attended the event obviously ignored these requirements. Apparently, the general rules do not apply to those in power.

Who does the mayor of Vilnius work for?

On the eve of June 22, during a commemoration of the June Uprising, a commemorative plaque was presented to the public to Kazys Škirpa, the organizer of the pro-Fatherland youth gathering.

However, the board was not allowed to hang; Contrary to normal procedures, the police warned that in this case the force would intervene and finish the job. The organizers of the demonstration stated that they respected the police, obviously condemned the political decision to forcibly detain K. Škirpa’s honor and said that they were awaiting the issuance of a permit as soon as possible.

“Due to the extent of bureaucratic correspondence, the municipality was approached late, but the mayor of Vilnius, as it was ultimately his political decision, could and should have warned the police that such a meeting would be allowed in the future and not There is I need to stop honoring this hero. However, the capital city municipality did the exact opposite, possibly demanding that the police physically obstruct the plaque. After all, the normal and normal course of action in such a case would be to simply search possible violations and then assess the legality of the plate.

We consider that such pressure on the police, even if they do not recognize it, is an excess of power on the part of the mayor. However, on behalf of those gathered and signatories, we can say that we are waiting for the issuance of a permit as soon as possible and constructive cooperation so that the K.Škirpa commemorative plaque can decorate the Lithuanian capital as soon as possible.

Any attempt to find formal obstacles to the perpetuation of the first volunteer of the Lithuanian Armed Forces would demonstrate the only thing: the contempt of the mayor of Vilnius and his companions for the resistance and the struggles for freedom, “said political scientist Vytautas Sinica, who commissioned board. .
