What awaits Lithuania – Respublika.lt


First, a pseudo-pandemic has taken over the world, including Lithuania. Only in many countries did the chaos of the pandemic occur naturally, and in Lithuania, no matter how much the duo Veryga and Skvernel would lose, there is no epidemic here, although take it and repeat it, in eight months of tragicomic circus and tension they did not understand the epidemic and the pandemic. criteria. Of course, it can be said: vulgar, unable to convincingly organize even psychosis.

Well, don’t pay what a provincial or multi-level psychiatrist wants. Hardly anyone believes in them, no matter how much the horror media spread the knowledge of terror. Centennial people have already been attributed to the victims of the “crown”, but still, in reality, neither those who believe in the dangers of that “crown” nor those who die, and few who prove.

Of course, there are five percent of easy zombie sleepwalkers who are already succumbing to the most unconvincing and illogical publicity, and that the Russians are about to strike, and that their special services somehow fail to poison all of them. Hollow and unnecessary lakes and passengers with chemical warfare poison. Boeingus is coming out of its throes, and the flu should be vaccinated against the papilloma virus and pneumococcus.

Second, completely meaningless loans have been obtained for tests, disinfectant liquids, still undeveloped vaccines, masks, body bags, inflatable hospitals and nurses, and otherwise for splashing and assimilation. Of course, those loans must be made to us, our children and grandchildren. And where else are the material losses that have been suffered for so many years as a result of massive corruption, in addition to spreading through the purchase of unnecessary nonsense, being turned into asphalt or scam, energy projects that obviously harm our country?

Third, a clown from Belarus, who declared himself the legitimate president, woke up in Lithuania and the Lithuanian politicians accepted this duck for more money. Here, it is more or less the same that someone Egidijus Dragūnas or Agnė Jagelavičiūt would cross the border into Lukashenko and declare himself president of Lithuania, and he would support him.

Thus, because of this artist’s support and incitement to rebellion in Belarus, the entire shipment, which from Belarus to nowhere to travel to Western Europe via the Klaipeda seaport, will likely sail through St. Petersburg in the near future and, according to Lukashenko, Lithuania will lose a third. your budget. The actual loss percentage is probably inflated, but we can certainly lose a lot.

Of course, the idea of ​​sea to sea is very romantic and shakes the soul of every true Lithuanian, but it is utopian, as is the project promoted by Kazimieras Pakštas in the interwar period to establish a Lithuanian reserve in Madagascar. Russia has already learned from the events in Ukraine and will no longer engage with the West, it will no longer destroy Belarus, because the promises of Western politicians after the Cyangoouskaya coup to maintain close relations between Russia and Belarus mean nothing.

In Russia, politics is based on a completely different principle: pacan skazal, pacan sdelal. However, even if Russia “for some reason” puts a cross on Belarus “and destroys it to the Western world, Poland and not Lithuania would enjoy the fruits and all the resulting benefits, for the most stupid reason: Lithuania simply has no physical resources. nor materials Expansion to other lands.

There is a shortage of people in our country, the villages and towns are empty, even during the supposed pandemic, not many people want to return from foreign slavery to the villages of their parents, much less the occupation of foreign territories, say, once ours. After all, this is not the same as conquering the toilet cleaning market in England. And it’s not hard to guess if Belarus’s velvet stage is accidentally burned, the next step for Poland to raise its head would be Wiln’s nose.

One of the obviously damaging examples listed for our country is a really strange conclusion: either our politicians are deliberately destroying the country’s economy and undermining the well-being of the people to hand over the entire country to the EU and Poland, and they are not accusing idiots they don’t understand. What are you doing. Somehow it comes out that way. Otherwise, unfold and very willingly do not go out.

The good news is unless we no longer see a beech, an orthodox image of a policeman on television screens. However, there is nothing to be happy about, because Lithuania does not have any independence under any government, but is governed directly from abroad. When the Seimas had the majority of the “peasants” in the Seimas, all necessary decisions were abandoned in the Seimas from Brussels and Warsaw, as the outgoing government stumbled upon the EU and Poland without any hesitation.

When the so-called conservatives came to power, America would become the center of attraction for the flex, because the new history of Lithuania testifies that as soon as the conservatives break into the watering hole, they immediately melt into the buttocks of soapless Atlantic dudes. . The question is what the United States will be like in the next four years. If there is an America ruled by Donald Trump, there is still a little room for a normal life. But if it is America ruled by Joe Biden, which has been plagued by Democrats and senile dementia, then, God forbid, poor Lithuanians.

If the poor of the Seimas and the Government, who are already extinguishing this term, have managed to scare even a small part of the Lithuanian people into walking with masked faces and trembling in the shadows, what to expect from the conservatives with thirty years of crushing and plunder of the state.

Not only will the entire country be borrowed, but the money will go immediately to those we borrow from (Lithuania will not reach those funds at all), unlike when the “peasants” borrowed, who had some brains to absorb at least the funds.

People will be hunted for every penny. If the wife cooks a light bulb for her husband, she may have to pay VAT for it, as such an act will be considered an employment relationship. If the grandparents take care of their grandchild for a day, it will also be a working relationship. You use your brother’s bike: make a lease and pay VAT.

Featherless homosexuals, transgenders, transformers, bloated scooters and countrymen who shave fish and wash toilets abroad (those who went to England or Norway to earn money for a small apartment or an art) everything they earn is spilled on drugs) , hoping that rainbow shooters will come to power in the land of amber and marijuana will be legalized tomorrow morning. In this way, Lithuania will become not only a land of Mary, but a natural paradise.

Unfortunately, the young green man will have to be disappointed. Promises to legalize marijuana are not a mistake by Shimashius and his two-pipe cheb. It was invented by mind-blowing technologists from companies like Cambridge Analytica, whose services are used by political parties in various countries seeking power, Sororists, and anyone who wants to organize a tulip, pink, or velvet revolution.

At the same time as we held the elections to the Seimas, Ukraine held municipal elections. There, Volodymyr Zelensky’s People’s Servant Party (a complete analogy to our old clown party and created from the example of the Lithuanian clown party) sought to attract as many voters as possible to the polls, while broadcasting polls on the legalization of marijuana. invertebrate plankton.

That’s right, no one will legalize marijuana here, because those who “blow the weed” take part of the profits from the pharmaceutical companies. And Lithuania, like many other independent countries, is heavily influenced by large pharmaceutical companies. He doesn’t think they’ll allow a handful of margins to legalize weed and give up the benefits of crushing the same unstable mental loci with psychotropic drugs.

You will have to keep riding skateboards, hunting pokemons, relaxing in saddlebags, weaving dreadlocks and playing on your mobile phone while intoxicated. If you want drugs, you will have to search illegally somewhere in the gypsy camps like before. If you want to legally, then, as usual, in psychiatric clinics. Of course, they will be able to eat raw, vegan, fried and otherwise stab at will, as well as spread heresies that cows pollute the atmosphere by polluting, thus contributing to the preservation of ecology.

It should come as no surprise that same-sex marriages are becoming commonplace, that gender reassignment is promoted in schools, and that parents who oppose child sexual surgery are removed from their offspring. The primary ones, since they now have to memorize the multiplication table and the alphabet, will be forced to learn the names of the 72 newly discovered genera. Religious holidays will be prevented, the police will block roads, as has been done during Easter and more recently, during the Afternoon, supposedly spreading infections during the holidays, and the mainstream media will push it to ban it altogether. .

Some 20,000 Muslim refugees from North Africa are likely to be brought to Lithuania with the ever-growing dreams of our underage girls, the participants of the spring spring dream “Black Lives Matter”, so that Lithuanian blood is diluted as needed once.

For those newcomers who, despite overwhelming love for blacks, will still give nothing, when lust intensifies, women will have to be raped only on the streets, as is now the norm in Western Europe, and Islamists more Radicals will behead men as they do these days in France.

The digital persecution of people will become the norm in the very near future, but it is not clear how it will be done, whether it be by installing special applications on smartphones, creating electronic cards to track or harboring the hatred that criminals are already acquiring. or installing. microchips under the skin, as has been done with dogs for many years.

Freedom of speech and free speech in the guise of a new normal will finally be crushed. The nation will be covered by collective schizophrenia. Those who keep common sense and do not succumb to universal psychosis will be called covidiotes, madmen, backward and other derogatory epithets and persecuted with double passion.

Another member of the planned coalition, the Liberal Party, who is running for the post of Minister of Environmental Protection, if allowed to go to the coveted watering hole, he will go over what is described in the Antanas Baranauskas “Anykščiai Bush”: ” Everything fell, only in the field were some strands of bare feet. “

The roof of this motley well of the coalition in the European Union should be Dalia Grybauskaitė. If the coalition lasts four years, as appropriate, then no image awaits our country. By the way, it should come as no surprise that Dalia Grybauskaitė herself can take over as Prime Minister instead of Ingrida Šimonytė. Well then not only will the Lithuanian business of the “oligarchs” be completely destroyed, but only the shadows of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania that once stumbled, the memories faded and the traps of Lithuania itself will remain.

I wish they were just ghostly illusions of a totally disappointed little man and paranoid delusions. Unfortunately, life’s experience shows that I rarely make mistakes when predicting the future.
