Western Lithuania is a red zone again: risk in resorts is growing very fast


Raimundas Grigaliūnas, Head of the Klaipėda Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), stated on the radio news program “Aktualusis interviu” that morbidity is the highest in Western Lithuania for various reasons.

“One of them was that when the quarantine was stopped, people really relaxed. We see that in many events and other places they no longer want to wear masks, they do not keep their distances. Import cases also have an impact. A large number of studies also have an impact. If we compare Klaipeda, about 5,000 surveys are conducted per day. When we conduct research on even the lowest risk, people are directed to conduct research on COVID-19. During these investigations, it is also established that the investigations are positive, ”explained R. Grigaliūnas.

The head of the Klaipėda department of the NVSC stated that western Lithuania may also turn red due to tourist cities.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Because people come and relax, the research asks when and under what circumstances (he could have been infected, aut. P.), that’s why people say that, lo and behold, he went through 3 bars What exactly, I do not know. There are also some people who came to work. Perhaps their place of residence is quite different, but in summer they work temporarily. And when you return home, you contact your relatives, you can also carry that virus to your place of work, ”said R. Grigaliūnas, interlocutor of the program.

Akvilė Kilijonienė, director of the administration of the municipality of Palanga, stated that the new cases of coronavirus registered in Palanga do not necessarily register the diseases of the local population.

“According to the Department of Statistics, 8 new diseases were registered in Palanga. But according to the NVSC, at least one of those cases has been found to be duplicate, bringing the number on Thursday to 7. Other illnesses include citizens who are currently simply in Palanga – some of them are seasonal workers, others are on vacation. , and some are treated at the Palanga health institution ”, explained A. Kilijonienė.

He claimed that Palanga has a minority in the number mentioned.

“So, I would not like to assess that Palanga is in the red zone,” explained the interlocutor of the radio program Noticias.

A. Kilijonienė explained that in summer Palanga has several times more inhabitants than those declared in the city.

The NVSC representative stated that this fact mitigates the risk in Palanga.

The vaccination rate in western Lithuania is a bit sad. According to R. Grigaliūnas, this may be another reason for increased morbidity in this region.

The interlocutor of the show said that it is necessary to carefully assess the risks during the Festival of the Sea. And think not only about your own safety, but also about the safety of other people.

“We also have to trust the conscience of the people, but until now the legislation and the decisions of the Operations Manager allow non-commercial events. But, as always, common sense and awareness of your own health and that of others is also required. Another thing that is very important is how the organizers will see it: how it will be handled due to distances, masks, disinfection.

And because the events are organized in an open space as much as possible and they are not organized in a closed space at all, because it is really dangerous there. Everyone should have a common understanding of that situation. And each person should try not only to take care of himself, but also to think of others, ”said R. Grigaliūnas, a representative of NVSC, on the news radio show Aktualusis interiu.
