Wells are running low, some water is not suitable for drinking


According to Danguolė Avižiuvienė, Director of the Kėdainiai District Municipality Public Health Office, observations in recent years have shown that up to 70 percent of the well water quality of the Kėdainiai District does not meet hygiene standards. ; a large part of the well water is not suitable for consumption. .

The most important thing is to know where the well is filled.

According to D. Avižiuvienė, one of the most important things a resident should know when using well water is where the well is filled, because the quality of the water depends on it.

“By monitoring the state of well water in Kėdainiai district for many years and the previous period, it was actually established that 70 percent of well water does not meet the requirements of hygiene standards. Microbiological contamination or chemical contamination with nitrites is recorded.

It is important to know where the well water comes from, whether it comes from deep sources or whether it is surface water.

If it is surface water, it fills up after the rain; It seems to a person that there is water in the well, that’s fine, but in that case, it is likely that everything in the soil: fertilizers, organic substances and minerals or other pollutants go directly to the well.

The well can also be filled from a stream or deep underground source. The quality of the water depends on it.

Another important thing is the depth of the well, whether it is maintained, cleaned, covered or there are no sources of contamination around.

There have been cases where there were so many nitrites and nitrates in the well water that the water was like a liquid fertilizer, suitable for fertilizing plants. Plants irrigated with this water flourish and flourish very well, but the use of this water for drinking or food production is strictly prohibited ”, says D. Avižiuvienė.

By monitoring the state of well water in Kėdainiai district for many years and the previous period, it was certainly established that 70 percent of well water does not meet the requirements of hygiene standards.

Surveys are done, they can be paid

The specialist reported that residents who wish to test the quality of well water should contact an accredited or certified laboratory that has the right to perform these tests. Surveys can be paid for.

“There are wells whose water is equal to the purity of spring water. It is even difficult to say why such great differences: the water is very clean in one place and very polluted in another. It is very individual and if people use well water , they should investigate their quality individually.

People who want to study well water quality can contact the National Public Health Laboratory.

Until the quarantine period, the laboratory organized campaigns to mark World Water Day, when water samples from wells wanted to come and be collected. And he conducted such research for free. However, the last few years have been different and, to my knowledge, these studies have not been done.

Of course, if a person is suspicious and wants to test the water, he should contact the National Public Health Laboratory – Kaunas, Panevėžys, Šiauliai or another city where it is more convenient for him. That would be a paid survey.

Research on the ammonium group (nitrites, nitrates, ammonium) should be done first and then it should be clear whether the water is safe to drink. And if it is contaminated, the test results could be used to determine whether it is old ammonia contamination or recent contamination.

Microbiological contamination is very important when using raw, unboiled water. If the microbial contamination exceeds the standards, there is a risk of certain intestinal infections, depending on the contamination that has entered the well.

It is also very important what inventory is used, if the buckets are clean, how people behave, if the animals receive water from the well or not.

There are many different hygienic requirements to keep a well clean and safe. In the past, sanitary zones were established so that contamination was not possible, so that the well water was clean for a long time, ”says D. Avižiuvienė.

One of the most important things a resident should know when using well water is where the well is filled, as the quality of the water depends on it.

Recommend well water monitoring

D. Avižiuvienė recommends all residents to have the opportunity to monitor well water, which would determine the quality of the water.

“If possible, I would highly recommend monitoring the well water, as the well water level fluctuates a lot throughout the year.

As far as I know, the wells are now being emptied and people are actually drawing cloudy water.

This water is not recommended for use and must be supplied with normal fresh drinking water that meets all the requirements for drinking water ”, reported the specialist.
