Wear two masks at the same time – this recommendation also appeared in Lithuania – offers to change quarantine provisions


Foreign experts say it would be beneficial to start wearing two masks. It is suggested to wear a medical mask and still wear a cloth mask. CNN reports that a medical mask contains about 42 percent. 92.5% of the particles enter the environment and come from it, but after placing the material on the medical mask. particles.

The study caught the attention of foreign politicians. The new president of the United States, Joe Biden, has already been denounced in public several times with two masks.

(4 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. US President Joe Biden wears two masks

Lithuanian politicians encourage the wearing of two masks

The investigation did not go unnoticed in Lithuania either, it was shared by Rasa Budbergytė, a member of parliament and a member of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party faction. With the spread of new and more dangerous strains of coronavirus in the world, the politician also suggests that Lithuanians consider wearing two masks.

The politician says to realize that when you wear a medical mask, your sides remain cold and the mask itself does not fit you. Since cloth masks often fit the face better, but are not as effective as medical ones, R. Budbergytė suggests wearing both masks at the same time.

“People don’t like to wear respirators. In fact, FFP2 respirators must be worn. For example, at the Seimas, the experts told us very clearly when we were not working remotely that we had to sit in the Chamber with respirators, not even with medical equipment (masks – aut. last.) ”- says R. Budbergytė on tv3.lt.

Believe that masks are no longer necessary when there are no people

However, the politician suggests wearing two masks only indoors, among other people: “I really share the opinion that at this time it is possible to loosen the rules for wearing masks, to make them freer outdoors. I agree with the experts who say that if there are no people around you, there really is no need to walk with a mask.

There is no need to translate people because we are all tired of wearing masks outdoors. Because the nose escapes, the eyes tear, the glasses are sprayed. If you see that you are walking through the forest, there are no people, then why walk with that mask?

Budbergytė already wears two masks and urges others to do the same

The US media has seen for two times that not only the president of the country wears two masks, but also other politicians. R. Budbergytė says he would like similar actions from Lithuanian leaders. In his opinion, the country’s top officials could be an example to the public. The policy says that he has only worn a mask so far, but after reading about the investigation, he began to behave differently.

“I am very hopeful that our senior officials, our politicians, can set an example for the people. I really believe that there are highly respected personalities, both the president and the prime minister, and the president of the Seimas. The members of the Seimas could also demonstrate with his personal example how to be more careful in closed spaces ”, says R. Budbergytė.

Rasa Budbergytė

Chaplinsky: two masks protect better because they compress more firmly

Regarding the use of two masks, R. Budbergytė says that he had discussions with Professor Saulius Čaplinskas. The portal tv3.lt also contacted the professor, who explains that two masks really protect better.

According to the teacher, the masks are effective when used correctly. The mask should fit snugly and there should be no gaps on the sides or around the nose when donning.

The teacher suggests paying attention to the two masks that are suggested to be worn. Studies indicate that a medical mask should be worn first, and only then a cloth mask.

S. Čaplinskas says there are two reasons why he intends to be careful in this way. First, the medical mask protects against air droplets and aerosols, while the cloth mask presses better on the former.

Second, it is possible to choose an aesthetic image. It is possible to wear nice and pleasant masks, thus compensating for the fact that the fabric protects less.

The professor says that wearing a cloth mask on a medical device improves the effectiveness of the medical mask: “Wearing a medical mask in this way is practically equivalent to wearing a respirator.”

S. Čaplinskas cautions that this method helps to better protect only when a medical mask is applied for the first time to the face, and not the other way around.

“The medical mask consists of three layers. The inner layer is called hydrophilic, it absorbs drops, it should be close to the face. The white side has to be on the face because it is.

That colored side is hydrophobic. This means repelling the drops so that they bounce off the mask as much as possible.

The middle layer is filtering. Gives maximum efficiency. Side layers protect the middle filter layer. It goes without saying that no cotton mask has such properties, ”says S. Čaplinskas.

The requirement to wear masks outdoors is skeptical

The teacher also calls for masks to be protected between people and when interacting with them, and the requirement to wear masks outdoors is skeptical. Outdoors, the mask gets wet faster, reducing its effectiveness.

“It turns out that where it is not necessary in principle, because there are no conditions for you to be infected by passing to another person outside or similar, as if you were ruining that mask. When needed, it enters the room and its filtration properties are already reduced, it does not perform its function. Similarly, when the mask is worn for a long time, it flattens ”, comments S. Čaplinskas.

The teacher also reminds you which respiratory protective equipment is most effective to protect you. According to him, the safest thing is to wear a respirator. Without it, it is possible to wear a medical mask and put on a cloth. Also, in order of effectiveness, there would be a medical mask, followed by cloth masks, and then protective shields.

Saulius Čaplinskas (photo Photo Day)

The United States is considering submitting a recommendation

Anthony Faucis, spokesman for the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, an expert on infectious diseases, does not rule out the possibility that the use of two masks is recommended to all Americans. An expert from The Washington Post Live said the proposal was under consideration.

“It could be … I actually had conversations with my colleagues at the CDC. We discussed the center’s planning to conduct a study to find out if two masks are better than one. It seems this should make sense,” said the disease expert. transmissible.

Faucis says that as the pandemic continues, he realizes that more and more people are wearing two masks. He does the same. “It just came to our knowledge then. The mask is a physical barrier, so when you put on the second one, that barrier is reinforced. It is elemental that does not hurt, and it can even help,” said the expert.

Ingrida Šimonytė

The Lithuanian government is still undecided

After the deliberations on the use of masks appeared in public, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said on Wednesday that neither the government nor the experts have yet decided which way to go.

“I have no doubt that the group led by Professor Kalėdienė will present proposals to the expert council on what changes can be made and under what conditions regarding the use of masks. Here we are talking first of all about open spaces, certainly not about closed spaces, ”said I. Šimonytė.

If the Government is advised to adjust the use of masks, the changes will be considered.

“If we receive such a recommendation from the Board of Experts that the release could be in the previous scenario, not as it is now envisaged in the plan, the Government will certainly rely on what the experts will offer on this issue. We are definitely not going to criticize no one’s personal opinions and ideas. The Council of Experts will be the main one here, “said the Prime Minister.

Currently, masks are mandatory in all public places. All people over the age of 6 must wear masks. elderly.

The government’s quarantine release plan stipulates that wearing masks in open areas will no longer be mandatory once Scenario A is entered, that is, when the number of infections per 100,000. the population will be less than 25 cases in two weeks. Currently, the figure is 238.8.
