Wealth of the new members of the Seimas: five millionaires, a dozen have no euro, some have a large amount of debt


Ramūnas Karbauskis, president of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, will remain the richest MP in the new Seimas, whose declared assets last year amounted to LTL 24.3 million. euros. Besides him, there will be 4 more official millionaires in the Seimas: Antanas Guoga (EUR 16.8 million), the self-proclaimed Valdemaras Valkiūnas (EUR 4.8 million), the leader of the Union of the Homeland – Lithuanian Christian Democrat Gabrielius Landsbergis ( EUR 1.5 million) and Representative of the Liberal Movement Kęstutis Glaveckas (1.47 million euros).

On average, a member of the Seimas has 478 thousand euros in assets, but this average is significantly distorted by the two richest future parliamentarians: R. Karbauskis and A. Guoga have more assets in two than all the others combined. Excluding these two rich men, the total average wealth of future Seimas members would decrease to 189 thousand. Euros.

The richest faction of the Seimas will continue to be the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS), the Labor Party (DP) will be in second position and the Homeland Union will be the Lithuanian Christian Democrat (TS-LKD). But zero in the accounts of some parliamentarians.

Who paid the least in taxes?

Three members of the future Seimas stated that they had not paid a single income tax in euros in Lithuania last year. They are Jonas Pinskus, elected together with the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP), Laima Liucija Andrikienė (TS-LKD) and Dalia Asanavičiūtė (TS-LKD). The last two MPs worked outside of Lithuania, as indicated in the statements.

And Jonas Pinskus also declared that he had not received a penny of income last year, the only one of the future MPs.

“There are no mistakes because I, as a world champion, receive a tax-free annuity, which is a tax-free income,” explained the future parliamentarian.

Jonas pinskus

Jonas pinskus

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

The conservative Audrius Petrošius paid 45 euros in taxes, pointing out that he received a very small amount of income: 3.8 thousand. by year. Last year he declared that he had worked as a director of the managed company UAB Vežesta, in the Klaipėda City Hall.

Ieva Kačinskaitė – Urbonienė, candidate of the Labor Party, contributed 130 euros to the state budget, declaring 8.9 thousand. income, of which – 5.6 thousand. euros from individual activities. Last year, he stated that he had been on paternity leave and was also working independently as a manager at MB Uostas.

Some farmers reported extremely high incomes but low effective income tax rates. This is due to the fact that the CEC return presents income, before allowed deductions.

For example, the conservative farmer Kazys Starkevičius received 645.7 thousand. of which paid 1.66 percent in taxes. However, more detailed data shows that agriculture was not profitable for the parliamentarian: he received 504 thousand from individual activities and the allowable deductions were much higher: 575 thousand. therefore, no tax had to be paid on these activities.

A member of the future Seimas paid an average of 20,7 thousand per year. However, after rejecting R. Karbauskis’s contribution (1.7 million euros), the average drops to 8.5 thousand euros. euros.

Three MPs have “negative” assets

Three members of the future Seimas indicated that they had fewer assets than creditors could claim from them. Here, the candidate of the Labor Party, Vytautas Gapšys, would “officially” be the poorest member of the future Seimas: his debts exceed the assets by 52 thousand euros. But he himself assures that the situation is better.

“I don’t know, I think the financial situation is not bad at all, only those asset statements are what you see. We have our own house in the family, it is registered in the wife’s name, so consequently the property would be the largest there. And what you see, less, is what you see because it is a loan. That loan has already been partially repaid and was taken out at the time the home was purchased. After all, it took repairs and all kinds of things, so you see that situation accordingly. But my income was higher than the average income of Lithuania before I joined the Seimas, I really can’t complain that I live very badly, ”says V. Gapšys.

Vytautas Gapšys

Vytautas Gapšys

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

V. Gapšys added that his wife, who was a home buyer, obtained a home loan and he took out a loan to improve their home.

The amount of income declared by V. Gapšis last year amounted to 33 thousand. EUR (around 2.75 thousand EUR per month), mainly from individual activities. V.Gapšys stated that he had paid 1,370 euros of GPM to the state, or 4 percent.

The second in terms of declared poverty is the social democrat Dovilė Šakalienė, who will work for the second term. His declared debt is 13 thousand. the amount of euros exceeds the asset. However, such a situation surprised the parliamentarian.

“Is my property less? Know that I am trying to understand how there is. My situation is the same as during the first quarter: we own a house, we rent it and we also buy another, we have a bank loan and we will pay it back maybe until 2035 ”, Mr. Šakalienė was surprised.

After verifying the figures, he estimated that the home loan was incorrectly indicated in the CEC data, it was not divided for both spouses, at that time the value of the home was divided in half.

“My financial situation at Seimas has neither improved nor deteriorated significantly. Before I came to Seimas, I was earning the same. In the last year, before participating in the Seimas elections, I earned more than I became a member of the Seimas. (…) I am not one of those people who, like some of my colleagues, took comfort that only after becoming members of the Seimas did they finally start earning a salary that allowed them to eat well. Then of course there is a little grain. But in the same way, I am not a millionaire who came to organize his business interests, “said D. Šakalienė and called herself an idealist who came to apply her skills and knowledge to solve the problems of the state.

Negative assets were also indicated by the conservative Andrius Kupčinskas, his debts were 2.8 thousand. euros higher than assets.

Who won the most?

When evaluating last year’s earnings, R. Karbauskis is only in a separate category: his income last year was 16.4 million. euros – almost double the rest of the future future Seimas combined.

Second, according to the income received before taxes, the aforementioned K. Starkevičius (646 thousand euros).

It is followed by Antanas Guoga, who obtained 611 thousand euros of income before taxes last year. More than half of this amount comes from individual activities.

Liberal Kęstutis Glaveckas declared 414 thousand last year. However, most of the income was generated by asset sales operations (310 thousand euros). The representative of LVŽS, Valius Ąžuolas, declared that he had earned 401 thousand. more than half of them were “eaten” by the allowable deductions for individual activities.

Valdemaras Valkiūnas, a self-proclaimed stock market politician, drew 350,000 last year. However, most of it corresponded to income from the sale of assets (248 thousand euros).

Valdemaras Valkiūnas

Valdemaras Valkiūnas

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The average parliamentarian, classified according to the income from work – the liberal Ričardas Juška, his income last year amounted to 49 thousand. euros.

Who has more money?

Ramūnas Karbauskis (839 thousand euros) will have the largest amount of funds in the new parliament. However, the Exchange politician, the self-proclaimed candidate Valdemaras Valkiūnas, who targeted 692 thousand euros in banks and cash, is not far behind.

“Sometimes, lend, to a company, or how to have a reservation. This is a reserve, ”says V. Valkiūnas, who heads the SIA Voldemars group in Latvia.

J. Pinskus – third, has 281.7 thousand. euro. Why consider cash?

“After staying like this, they move as they are, back there, as they are,” says J. Pinskus.

A future member of the Seimas has an average of 44.5 thousand euros in cash. And in the middle would be the conservative Audronius Ažubalis with 15 thousand euros.

Up to 12 members of the Seimas declared that they did not have a euro at the end of the year.

Who is the largest debtor and who is the creditor?

The largest debt in absolute terms belongs to the worker A. Guoga, who has not paid almost 800 thousand euros. Conservative K. Starkevičius with 338 thousand Dainius Kreivys, a party member, borrowed 286 thousand euros. euros.

However, some members of the Seimas behave in the opposite way, and they lend themselves to others. At the top of the list is A. Guoga again, distributed 281 thousand. loans in euros.

Antanas Guoga

Antanas Guoga

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

An important creditor is also the Social Democrat Rasa Budbergytė, who has contributed 174 thousand. loans worth EUR. The third is J. Pinskus with 145 thousand. euros.

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