We have finally arrived: the first semi-final of “Eurovision” begins – it was opened by our hopes “The Roop” and his disco


The song contest in the second largest city in the Netherlands was canceled last year due to a pandemic. Fortunately, this year’s “Eurovision” once again delights both the contestants and the fans who are eagerly awaiting its performances.

However, due to COVID-19 safety requirements, the event is different this year. Instead of tens of thousands of spectators, the arena was only 20 percent packed. their seats. Even before the show started, it was announced that only up to 3,500 spectators would be able to watch the event in the arena, who would have to follow strict rules, such as having at least 24 hours notice. negative result of a coronavirus test, enter the arena only at the specified time, wear a protective mask, etc.

However, Eurovision, which began in Switzerland in 1956, draws large numbers of viewers from around the world to television screens and Internet broadcasts every year. It is said that the largest non-sporting event in the world is usually economically beneficial for the country, as tourists spend a lot of money here, but when everyone can see the spectacular show, the organizers have to deposit millions.

Like every year, this year’s Eurovision has its own motto. This time the song contest invites you to open – eng. To open. The organizers assured that with this motto they wanted to encourage spectators and participants to be open not only to music or to each other, but also to any situation in life.

This year’s Eurovision Song Contest, two semi-finals and one final, has been entrusted to four Dutch celebrities: YouTube star Nikkie de Jager (Nikkie Tutorials), presenter Chantal Janzen and artists Jan Smith and Edsilia Rombley.

We have finally arrived: the first semifinal of

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“We have been waiting for this moment for a long time and after a break of the year difficult to imagine, we are back. And this feeling is wonderful! ”- assured the program’s hosts.

A total of 16 countries appear in the first semi-finals: Lithuania, Slovenia, Russia, Sweden, Australia, North Macedonia, Ireland, Cyprus, Norway, Croatia, Belgium, Israel, Romania, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Malta. A total of 10 countries will win a ticket to the final on Tuesday night.

Voting in the song contest is carried out in the usual way: the winners will be chosen by the audience and a specially selected commission in each state, consisting of five representatives of the music business. Not only the participating countries, but also the Netherlands, Germany and Italy can vote in the first semi-final. The troika of representatives from these countries will be available for closer inspection after the end of the vote.

At the end of the night, summing up all the votes, the great intrigue of the semifinals will be clear: who will be the 10 countries that will reach the final. Several countries already have a safe place in it: Italy, Holland, Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

Eurovision: first semi-final

Eurovision: first semi-final

New this year is the interactive clap. In the official Eurovision app, you will find a “start cheering” feature that allows you to give a standing ovation: the more people click on the “clap”, the louder the clap that participants will hear at the end of their performance .

The broadcast began with 2019 winner Duncan Laurence performing the song “Fell Something.” Soon it was Lithuania’s turn.

Lithuania – The Roop, song “Discoteque”

This year, The Roop opened a song contest with the song “Discoteque” and was the first to enter the stage from the list of entrants. Fortunately, ours managed to ward off a rampant virus and actually physically appear in front of a million audiences Tuesday night. Some of the participants did not smile at such success and their performances appear in a pre-filmed recording.

The Roop said they wanted to focus on camera work, LED screens. In addition to the technical possibilities, viewers also saw some improved movements on stage.

“We don’t need fireworks. Our performance is elegant and conceptual, there is no need to sprinkle glitter or rose petals on it,” even before the performance. Delphi assured group leader Vaidotas Valiukevičius.

The enchanting energy of the stage delighted not only the group members, but their dancers as well. They all wore recognizable yellow suits. The background was dominated by black and purple. The LED displays briefly showed and disk ball, and the ground was “stained” with checkerboard motifs.

One of the innovations in the performance of Discoteque is the somewhat changed movement of V. Valiukevičius on stage. At one point, the leader of the band appeared to take the video camera in his hands, and as the image moved in the background, the dancers were also seen in the background. Such a short episode gave the impression of a home disco filmed over the phone.

The Lithuanians really managed to put together a disco on stage! Loud screams and applause were heard in the arena during and after the performance.

Slovenia – Ana Soklič, daina “Amen”

Ana Soklič started her musical career early; In her youth, she studied opera singing, improving with the renowned Slovenian musician Darja Švajger (twice representative of Slovenia at the Eurovision Song Contest) and the singing coach Natasha Nahtigal.

2018 Ana started collaborating with soul professional style Dileesa Archer in America. At the age of 18, she began writing songs herself. Now Anna’s music is a way of life.

The artist has participated in the Slovenian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest and performed 3 times at the Slovenian Song Festival, where in 2019 he won awards for best song performance and best song. He often performs his songs with symphony orchestras and also performs with various bands.

The singer says that not only herself but also her heart sings during the concert, because then she feels that the connection with the audience is the most real and intimate. It was also felt in his performance in the first semi-finals.

Rusija – Manizha, daina “Russian woman”

Singer Manizha caught his eye during the first seconds of the show. An unusual amount appears to have occurred in a short period of time. The performer surprised not only with manners, but also with the impressive size Russian doll “Matrioškos”.

Viewers are probably wondering how she, moving in such a heavy outfit, moves so easily on stage. The secret is simple: wheels attached to the trim. However, over the course of the show, Manizha decided to change her outfit and continued to wear it with a red jumpsuit.

The performer is famous for such an abundance of talents that it would be difficult to count them. The singer, songwriter, musician, lyricist, director and public figure has recently been named a Goodwill Refugee Ambassador to the United Nations. Participation in the Eurovision Song Contest will now be on your long list of achievements.

Sweden – Tusse, Song of Voices

Tousin Michael Chiza, better known on stage by the pseudonym Tusse, is a Swedish interpreter from the Congo. He became famous when he won the Idol talent show in 2019. And this year, Tusse is testing his Eurovision success for the first time in Rotterdam.

After the first rehearsal, the charismatic performer rejoiced in her performance: “I’m very happy, I feel wonderful. We tried to create the most impressive show possible, using both outfits and images. We are satisfied with the way it looks when combined. “

Tusse did not forget to thank not only his team but also the fans around the world. He conveyed his warmest wishes to his relatives living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“My biological father constantly sends me messages. He hopes to have the opportunity to vote for me and says that he is very proud of me,” the artist told reporters at the Eurovision opening ceremony.

Australia – Montaigne, Technicolor

After the Australian announcer decided it was best for the delegation not to risk it and fly to pandemic Europe this year, interpreter Montaigne (real name Jess Cerro) presented her performance from home. Unfortunately, due to the threat of the coronavirus, Australians have not had the opportunity to cross borders since March of last year.

The singer attended a press conference before the big online show. She made no secret of her resentment at not being able to participate in the Ahoy arena rehearsals alongside other participants, but she tried to stay positive.

“I am proud of how we managed to prepare. It seems we did not have time for anything, but we used our imagination and did everything perfectly. These two years have been very difficult for the Eurovision Song Contest. It is unfortunate that circumstances have ruined plans this way. However, I am still happy to have the opportunity to participate. I am proud of my team, who have worked so hard for this show, “said Montaigne.

Sydney artist and activist Montaigne made famous in Australia indie on the music scene. She has been recognized more than once in recent years: her work has received numerous awards, she has been announced as the most impressive newcomer to the stage, and she has been nominated for the title of best performer in 2016.

Montaigne’s debut album Glorious Heights, produced by Tony Buchen, rose to number 4. As Craig Mathieson of the Sydney Morning Herald put it, “Montaigne creates music with sensuality, baroque pomp and stormy stage energy.”

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