We have entered a new phase: the vaccination centers are empty, some have had to return to the unvaccinated


The people gathered at the Vilnius vaccination center on Thursday, both with and without registration. Live queue: on the go, no need to stop.

Between pregnant women and children with parents.

“He wanted, he said he wanted. This is the son’s wish, it is our will,” said Martin, a fourteen-year-old father.

He came to be vaccinated without fear, he would receive the Pfizer / BionTech vaccine the way he wanted.

“I read that the vaccine is very effective. And only I can get vaccinated with it, “Martin told LNK.

“Soon (child, aut. P.) will turn 16 and many family members have been vaccinated,” said the mother of another teenager.

About a dozen people come for the AstraZeneca vaccine, but they have to turn around.

“We currently do not have an AstraZeneca vaccine here. As all the numbers have been calculated, the doses are intended for the booster vaccination,” said Martyna Stomaitė, coordinator of the LNK vaccination center.

“My father was skeptical about all vaccines because they developed so quickly, but he also got vaccinated,” said a Vilnius resident who came to get vaccinated.

The Kaunas vaccination center is also empty.

“Somehow I thought there would be more people. I was very surprised, ”said a Kaunas resident.

She was seconded by another woman, who expected to see a huge queue, but it was not.

“Perhaps most people have already been vaccinated,” he said.

We have entered a new phase: the vaccination centers are empty, some have had to return to the unvaccinated

Kaunas is not one of the largest cities in the country, but it leads in the number of people vaccinated. But now there are more vaccines ready than the people who come.

“Kaunas seems summery, empty. And here, as part of Kaunas, we are not many people, but in the morning there was a line of people. Practically the same with registration as without it. Now it goes a bit,” said Paulius Kibiša, director of the Kaunas Polyclinic.

And in Panevėžys, there were queues only from early in the morning, before work. Although the vaccination capacity has been increased, additional teams have been formed, but the people of Panevėžys lack the will: only more than 100 people were vaccinated at noon.

“We never think about getting vaccinated, but the saying that we can come without registering. That is what we decided to do with my husband, “said a resident of Panevėžys.

Another is also secondary to her: no need to plan, just come.

Another woman said outright that she couldn’t register for the vaccine and that she had the flu. And when he found out that the free vaccination decided to come, it all took 5 minutes.

And Klaipeda has the least vaccinated population of any major city. And people don’t get vaccinated. Some of those who took the opportunity to get vaccinated without being registered are seafarers.

“I came to see how you are, what international document is issued after the vaccine,” said a man.

Residents of the Klaipėda Vaccination Center were also looking for the AstraZeneca vaccine, but it was not there.

“Currently, we do not have all the vaccines,” said Gediminas Dragūnas, head of the LNK vaccination center.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys says the vaccine shortage is only temporary.

“It’s only a matter of days, new shipments are coming in again, and there will be again,” he said.

On the first day of vaccination without registration, tens of thousands of people were vaccinated.
