We have a new Seimas for four years: most of its members have sworn


The first session of the mandate was opened by the oldest elected member of the Seimas, Antanas Vinkus, 77. He will preside until the president of the Seimas is elected.

“We are beginning the work of the newly elected Seimas at a special time, due to the rapid spread of the pandemic, thousands of citizens cannot live their normal lives and must accept their new daily life. This poses special requirements and tasks for the work of the Seimas. new Seimas, ”said A. Vinkus.

President Gitanas Nausėda and the Archbishop of Vilnius, Metropolitan Gintaras Grušas, went to welcome the new parliamentarians.

The president of the Central Election Commission, Laura Matjošaitytė, announced the decision on the final results of the Seimas elections and read the list of elected members of the Seimas. After that, the swearing-in ceremony of the Seimas members began.

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PHOTO GALLERY. The new Seimas has started his work: politicians are also taking oaths in national clothes

The text of the oath of a member of the Seimas reads as follows:

“I, (name, surname), swear to be loyal to the Republic of Lithuania, I swear to respect and implement its Constitution and laws, protect the integrity of its lands, swear to strengthen the independence of Lithuania, serve the Homeland, democracy and the welfare of the Lithuanian people. God help me! “

The last sentence is not binding on parliamentarians, but the almost absolute majority follow the tradition and take the oath until the last word.

Liberals Eugenijus Gentvilas, Simonas Gentvilas, members of the Freedom Party Morgana Danielė, Monika Ošmianskienė, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius and Artūras Žukauskas did not swear in the name of God. The social democrat Algirdas Sys and the conservative Arūnas Valinskas also did not need God’s help.

The conservatives Gabrielius Landsbergis and Arvydas Anušauskas and the peasants Agnė Širinskienė and Zenonas Streikus began to pronounce the words of the oath without putting their hands on the Constitution, so, somewhat confused, they then took hands and repeated the text of the oath.

The new member of the Seimas, Liuda Pociūnienė, screamed as she read the words of the oath.

New members of the Seimas are sworn in: some of them do not participate in the ceremony

Veryga and Miliūtė came in national costumes.

The Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, and the peasant Rita Miliūt in appeared in national clothes in the new mandate of the Seimas.

“This is a costume from the Samogitian region. I have worn it more than once when there were solemn festive occasions. I am glad to be able to dress up sometimes and show where I come from,” said A. Veryga before the solemn ceremony.

The new Seimas met for its first session on Friday the 13th, but politicians believe it is certainly not a bad sign.

“Number 13 is a very good number. I am not superstitious, “added A. Veryga.

R. Miliūtė stated that today is an important occasion, so it is worth dressing in national clothes.

A. Veryga

Only by swearing allegiance to the Republic of Lithuania does the parliamentarian acquire the authority to work. The oath of office of the members of the Seimas is taken by the president of the Constitutional Court, Dainius Žalimas.

According to preliminary data, isolated or ill politicians will not be able to swear the COVID-19 on Friday: the social democrat Eugenijus Sabutis, the “social worker” Andrius Palionis, Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė elected with “peasants”, with conservatives – Justas Džiugelis and with the Party of Freedom – Evelina

Petras Gražulis

The sworn members of the Seimas for the period 2020-2024 will continue their work in the usual plenary hall. The Speaker of the Seimas and their alternates will be elected, and the composition of the Board and the Conference of Elders will be approved.

Under the agreement of the center-right coalition, the president of the Liberal Movement, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, will be appointed head of parliament. The president of the Seimas is elected by secret ballot by a simple majority of votes.

Conservatives appoint Jurgis Razma as vice president of the Seimas.

In total, the Lithuanian Christian Democrats of the National Union plan to have three deputies in parliament, one – the Freedom Party, two – the opposition. The Liberal Movement will be left without the vice president of the Seimas.

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party has appointed its leader Gintautas Paluckas as vice president of the Seimas. The peasants also promise to nominate their candidate.

81 former MPs were re-elected to the thirteenth Seimas and 60 new members were elected. The Seimas will be made up of 38 women and 103 men. Their average age is 49 years, 99 percent. future parliamentarians have higher education, mainly law and political science.

Representatives from ten parties will work in the new parliament, the largest member – 50 – will have members of the Christian Democratic faction of the National-Lithuanian Union.

When the new parliament takes office, the government of Prime Minister S. Skvernel will return its powers to the president. She should be appointed to a temporary post until a new center-right government is formed, led by Ingrida Šimonytė.
