We are very surprised why we are waiting for us to be punished and banned: not only the Vilnius issue is on the table


“Today we will talk about the hottest municipalities. I am also thinking of the Vilnius municipality. We will also talk about the European Commission’s recommendations on dividing countries according to the traffic light principle according to risk, and how quickly we can adapt these recommendations, ”said A. Veryga.

The Minister clarified that it will be discussed in the municipalities if the municipalities respond adequately or if decisions are needed from the central government.

“We will receive the latest data this morning. We will observe the morbidity and spread of the disease in specific municipalities, and then we will decide if there are enough solutions or if more are needed,” said A. Veryga.

The Minister explained theoretically that the central government can make quarantine decisions if there is such a need not for one but for two or more municipalities.

“Even not sectoral, if it is more than one municipality, it is possible to announce quarantine in two municipalities, setting their conditions, even at the proposal of the ministry,” said A. Veryga.

The situation in the country is deteriorating

In an interview with Delfi on Monday morning, the situation in the country regarding the coronavirus was generally described as deteriorating.

“It just came to our attention then. Unfortunately, it is deteriorating not only in Lithuania, but also in many European countries. This is really worrying even as the season continues to get colder and colder, ”said A. Veryga.

The Minister agreed that both the public and the experts have very different expectations about the measures that are needed to handle this situation – some ask where the toughest measures are, others – just don’t expect them and fear them.

“Society has very different expectations. Even experts share very different recommendations: some are in favor of strict quarantine, others simply say that we must learn to live with it, to adapt. It is not easy to find the ‘golden mean’, because the implementation of measures and their effectiveness depend to a large extent on society, that is, on the people who must comply with them.

If the public is very hostile to the measures, the possibility of implementing them becomes very limited. Efforts are being made to adopt a more limited strategy. Measures should be applied where the virus spreads the most. In the case of small districts, this has so far paid off. Now Vilnius is a ‘hot spot’, and here it is no longer Raseiniai or Radviliškis, “said A. Veryga.

The minister said after reading the reports that the city had agreed with the entertainment venues that the rules would be followed with caution.

“It just came to our notice then. God forbid. But just before the interview with you, I heard a press review, and it seems that the case of the Swedes and other countries was analyzed in Business News, and it was emphasized constantly that the Swedes were less banned, the more they asked the public essentially the same thing as us.The Swedes followed those recommendations.

It seems we are waiting until the last minute for it to be banned still, and we are waiting for us to be punished, banned. Then we can complain that forbidden, not allowed. But if it is still possible, it is not said that it is prohibited, we will do it until the last minute so that we avoid any advice or recommendation ”, A. Veryga was surprised.

The minister did not rule out the possibility of returning to austerity measures.

“Definitely I would not want strict quarantine measures, but if the health system does not resist, and this can happen, they will have to be taken. There will simply be no other alternatives. People will still need to receive health services. The health system cannot be exhausted. So far, thank God, this is not the case, but we will see what it will be like in the future, ”said A. Veryga.

Denies tougher decisions saving the new government

Some other European countries are already taking stricter virus control measures. France has introduced a 9pm curfew for at least four weeks in regions where the coronavirus is most prevalent, including Paris. up to 6 hours. Those measures affect more than 20 million. people.

As summarized by the BBC, on Thursday Poland identified red zones where schools and gyms are located. Among those red zones was the country’s capital, Warsaw.

In the Campania region of southern Italy (as well as in his city of Naples), schools were closed for two weeks.

In Portugal, restrictions on meetings of five people are being considered as of Thursday. Only weddings and christenings are planned to allow up to fifty people to attend, but college parties, for example, are prohibited.

In the Russian capital Moscow, schools for ages 13 to 18 will be closed from Monday.

The Lithuanian Minister of Health said that not everything in our country is based solely on recommendations.

“There are measures that are even very obligatory: masks, requirements for the organization of events. Unlike, for example, the French, we had not lifted the emergency, (…) and we could apply this and that, and we do.

Municipalities also have enough room to adapt certain measures. It is not that we are absolutely relaxed. Although at the national level, as he says, it is also a question of political responsibility. The government decides at each meeting to assess what this would mean in economic terms, even if students were expelled en masse to distance education. We are all well aware that it would be a huge group of people who could no longer go to work. People stayed home because they had to take care of the children. That would be a huge burden on the country’s economy, “said A. Veryga.

The Minister noted that Lithuania has already been significantly affected.

“Lithuania has managed well, but it cannot continue indefinitely. These are difficult elections for all states. Everyone is waiting for the vaccine and that wait is very painful,” said A. Veryga.

The minister assured that psychologically he is not inclined to wait for the new government to make more difficult decisions.

“It just came to our notice then. The new government will have to wait a long time. The Seimas will be sworn in in mid-November, but the formation of a new government will take time. This government will continue to work in the first half of December. Certainly, this It is not an option for a new power. Those decisions will have to be made and this Government will take them, “said A. Veryga.

There is no optimistic knowledge about the vaccine yet.

According to the minister, so far there is no very optimistic knowledge of the researchers about the vaccine for COVID-19.

“We hear reports that even the most optimistic vaccines, with a responsible approach to their development, suspend clinical trials for a time until they learn of the side effects. We live with the same knowledge that we had maybe two months ago, ”said A. Veryga.

The minister said there were still optimistic promises that the vaccines could appear in December.

“It just came to our attention then. We can probably say if this will be the case only when December rolls around,” said A. Veryga.

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